Section II : Analysis of Programs by Strategic Outcome - RPP 2015-16


The planning highlights outlined in Section II provide the details of previously identified plans under the organizational priorities at Section I along with other key initiatives, where they support the respective Program’s core business as articulated in their description.


There are two Programs associated with this Strategic Outcome:

  • Program 1.0: Defence Combat and Support Operations
  • Program 2.0: Defence Services and Contributions to Government

These Programs were designed to encompass the full spectrum of operations and services delivered by Defence, some of which by their nature are very unpredictable. For those Programs, there will be no or little programmed spending until trend data is available. In addition, Programs focused on rare and exceptional occurrences will also have no forecast spending.

Program 1.0: Defence Combat and Support Operations

The Defence Combat and Support Operations Program delivers military power in combat, security, stability and surveillance operations in response to armed threats, or potential armed aggression, for the purpose of protecting Canadian sovereignty, upholding the values of Canadians, and defending the interests of the Government of Canada. Results are achieved through this Program by the application of Defence capabilities in domestic, continental and international domains, either independently or in combination with allies, where the primary focus is to inflict military effects against threats. The term Defence capability is a collective term that refers to the ability of a military force to achieve a desired effect against a threat during the execution of a Defence operation (or the delivery of a Defence service) by executing tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The military forces delivered by Defence are composed of force elements which are organizational entities that are in-turn composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence (DND). Force elements integrate people, with specialized information, materiel (e.g., equipment, platforms, weapon systems) and in some cases real property, so that capabilities can be applied against threats. Force elements have different sizes and compositions according to the capabilities they must apply during an operation. This Program is underpinned by the National Defence Act, defence policy, international treaties and agreements, membership in international organizations, and direction received by the Government of Canada. Sub-programs beneath this Program target a range of threats across a variety of operational contexts via different delivery mechanisms in different geographic regions.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,294,500,580 1,294,500,580 1,318,814,331 1,341,768,128

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 5,947 5,947 5,947
Civilian 624 624 624
TOTAL 6,571 6,571 6,571

Source: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Canadian Defence and Security capabilities continuously protects the sovereignty of Canada, the values of Canadians and the interests of the Government of Canada against risks imposed by armed threats % of Defence Combat and Support Operations that have successfully achieved their operational objectives 90 – 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will call upon relevant forces to provide the required response, as directed by the Government of Canada, to armed threats against Canada should they arise.

For information on cost estimates for CAF operations, please see the Cost Estimates for CAF Continental Operations 20and Cost Estimates for CAF International Operations 21 web pages.

Please see the Defence website for more information on Defence Operations 22.

Sub-Program 1.1: Domestic and Continental Defence Operations

Domestic and Continental Defence Operations aim to deliver military power within Canada and across North America in response to armed threats, or the potential for armed aggression, in order to protect Canadian sovereignty, uphold the values of Canadians, and defend the interests of the Government of Canada. Results are achieved through the employment of force elements, either independently or in concert with continental partners, that apply requisite military capabilities in the conduct of routine and contingency operations. Routine operations typically occur on an ongoing basis, whereas contingency operations may be planned for but occur only in response to a particular event or upon specific request from the Government of Canada. Therefore not all of the sub-sub-programs under this Program may contain significant operations every fiscal year. However, regardless of when and if they occur, the operations within this Program typically aim to maintain and/or restore domestic and continental security through the detection and monitoring of threats and, when necessary, deliver military intervention. This Program is bound by several federal laws, regulations, policies, international conventions and bi-national agreements such as the North American Aerospace Defence agreement that facilitates co-ordination and shared responsibilities for the defence of the North American continent.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
245,548,780 247,730,921 250,200,956

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,213 2,213 2,213
Civilian 2 2 2
TOTAL 2,215 2,215 2,215

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Risks imposed by armed threats against the sovereignty of Canada, the values of Canadians, and the interests of the Canadian Government are reduced % of Domestic and Continental Defence operations that have successfully achieved their operational objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will continue to conduct daily domestic and continental operations, including through existing Canada-United States agreements, in order to deliver military power within Canada and across North America, thereby protecting and defending Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.1.1: Operations to Defend Canada Against Armed Threats

Operations to Defend Canada Against Armed Threats aim to defend Canada against armed threats and provide military power when necessary anywhere in Canada for the purpose of averting major crises where armed aggressors threaten Canadians, Canadian sovereignty, or the interests of the Canadian Government. Results are achieved through the deployment of immediate response force elements and, when required, the mobilization, employment and sustainment of larger follow-on force elements in accordance with the mandated role of National Defence. This Program directly supports Canada and Canadians.

Budgetary Financial Resources

Since operations in this Program are rare and unexpected, no expenditures are forecasted.

Human Resources

Personnel are drawn from Ready Forces as required to provide Defence services under this Program.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The Canadian territory is secure and protected from crises and risks associated with direct affronts by armed threats % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at defending Canada against armed threats 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards defending Canada against armed threats 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Planned activities within the Operations to Defend Canada Against Armed Threats Program are detailed under each of the applicable sub-sub-programs.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.1.2: Ongoing Defence, Security and Sovereignty of Canada Operations

Ongoing Defence, Security and Sovereignty of Canada Operations aim to ensure constant monitoring and conspicuous presence of military forces in Canadian territory, including the Arctic, through the application of military power. When necessary, this Program also delivers localized responses against detected aggressors that threaten the security of Canadians, the sovereignty of Canada, or the interests of the Canadian Government. Typical results are achieved through the employment of force elements with the requisite Defence capabilities to conduct surveillance operations; maritime, land, and air patrols; and operations to assert Canada’s sovereignty. Results are typically achieved through this Program by focused execution of: national intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations; presence operations; and intercept operations.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
117,204,540 117,764,076 118,436,310

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,147 1,147 1,147
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 1,147 1,147 1,147

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Canada’s territory is secure and protected through presence, surveillance and localized responses % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at monitoring and conspicuous presence of military forces in Canadian territory 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards monitoring and conspicuous presence of military forces in Canadian territory 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Exercise Arctic sovereignty

  • Continue to implement the Plan for the North to conduct joint CAF operations and activities in the Arctic;
  • Focus on the integration of international partners in a number of operations and activities in the North along with international engagement during the Arctic Security Forces Roundtable; and
  • Conduct numerous activities in the North 23 to increase presence in the Arctic and to maintain Canada’s sovereignty. Key examples include: OP NANOOK, OP NEVUS, OP NUNALIVUT, OP NUNAKPUT and OP QIMMIQ.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will ensure immediate response forces deliver localized response, and enhance or reinforce monitoring and surveillance functions.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.1.3: Ongoing Defence Operations through NORAD

Ongoing Defence Operations through NORAD seek to provide for the defence of North America in combination with the United States through the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in accordance with the North American Aerospace Defence agreement. This agreement provides co-ordinated bi-national delivery of both aerospace and maritime warning capabilities as well as related control capabilities to the Governments of Canada and the United States in order to protect against threats that may impact the North American continent. The aerospace warning and control capabilities applied through this Program typically detect, identify, monitor, track, deter, intercept, divert and neutralize manned or unmanned air-breathing vehicles that threaten air sovereignty. They also detect and monitor airborne and maritime vessels that are suspected of illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking/illegal immigrants, and relay information to civilian law enforcement agencies. The maritime warning capabilities applied through this Program provide shared awareness and a mutual understanding of activity within maritime approaches, marine areas, and inland waterways that are in the jurisdictions of Canada and the United States. This Program is conducted within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and therefore is also a key aspect of trans-Atlantic security and defence.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
86,303,411 87,455,621 88,732,319

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 666 666 666
Civilian 1 1 1
TOTAL 667 667 667

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
NORAD Defence capabilities reduce the risk of threats to Canada's security and sovereignty % of established NORAD positions that have been filled 90 - 100% March 2016
Success rate of CF-18 sorties for the purpose of monitoring, controlling and prosecuting all unwanted and unauthorized air activity in approaches to, and within, North America airspace 100% March 2016
Assessment of Command and Control ability to lead, manage, monitor, plan, support and control assets and forces to ensure effective and efficient operations

3, based on a 1-3
scale where:
3 = Green
2 = Yellow
1 = Red

March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to employ forces to support the NORAD mission of aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the defence of North America and North American airspace and maritime approaches.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.1.4: Ongoing Continental Defence Operations in Cooperation with the United States

Ongoing Continental Defence Operations in Cooperation with the United States aim to protect Canada and North America in accordance with agreements with the United States, and Central and South American nations where applicable, that are outside the purview of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Results are achieved through the employment of forces with the requisite military capabilities to conduct daily continental operations where threats along air, land and sea approaches to Canadian territory are detected, identified, monitored, tracked, deterred, intercepted, diverted and neutralized, as required. This Program includes participation in the US-led Joint Interagency Task Force (South) as well as the employment of military capabilities in support to the United States in accordance with requirements and emergency/contingency plans established though bi-lateral agreements. Results may sometimes also be achieved through application of military capabilities in co-ordination with South American and Caribbean nations.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
42,040,828 42,511,224 43,032,328

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 401 401 401
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 401 401 401

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence capabilities applied in cooperation with continental partners reduce the risks to Canada and uphold the interests of the Canadian government % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at protecting Canada and North America in accordance with agreements with the United States, and Central and South American nations where applicable 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards protecting Canada and North America 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Continue to employ forces to conduct continental operations, including through Canada-United States agreements to monitor, track and intercept along air, land and sea approaches to Canadian territory; and
  • Continue to support the Government of Canada’s Americas Strategy, by conducting OP CARIBBE so as to participate in the multinational campaign against illicit trafficking by transnational organized crime in the Caribbean basin and the Eastern Pacific Ocean. As part of OP CARIBBE, Canada will continue to contribute CAF ships and aircraft to OP MARTILLO, a joint interagency Task Force-South effort by the nations of the Western Hemisphere and Europe to prevent illicit trafficking in the Caribbean Basin, the Eastern Pacific Ocean, and the littoral waters of Central America.

Sub-Program 1.2: International Combat Operations

International Combat Operations aim to achieve timely strategic effects in support of Canada’s national interests and in accordance with Canadian values, as directed by the Government of Canada through the delivery of military power outside of the domestic or continental setting, typically in response to armed aggression or the potential for armed aggression. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities, in concert with national and international partners, within the context of military operations across the globe. Typically the military operations under this Program are conducted to enhance global peace and security, counter international terrorism, assist failing states, or defuse intra- and interstate conflicts that may threaten Canada’s national security interests. These operations are usually delivered in the context of: a United Nations (UN) resolution; Canada’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); or other international agreements. Some of the operations conducted under this Program are considered routine while other operations occur on a contingency basis. Routine operations occur on an ongoing basis whereas contingency operations may be planned for but occur only in response to a particular event or upon specific request from the Government of Canada. Therefore not all of the sub-programs under this Program may contain significant operations every fiscal year. This Program is bound by several federal laws, regulations, policies, and international conventions, agreements and laws, like the Law of Armed Conflicts, that pertain to the conduct military forces in armed conflict.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
276,191,127 278,268,272 279,731,623

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,132 1,132 1,132
Civilian 7 7 7
TOTAL 1,139 1,139 1,139

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Defence capabilities against armed threats outside of North America advance the interests of the Canadian Government % of International Combat Operations that successfully achieve their operational objectives against risks from armed threats 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will meet personnel requirements to support United Nations, NATO, and independent missions. Examples of such missions are highlighted on the operations map 24 available on the Defence website.

For more information on international operations 25, please see the Defence website.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.2.1: International Operations over Extended Periods

International Operations over Extended Periods aim to meet expectations agreed upon by the Canadian Government and foreign partners, which include allied nations, alliance organizations and the United Nations. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities by force elements outside of the domestic or continental setting. The force elements that achieve this Program’s results are organized into portfolios according to the environments in which they operate – the most fundamental of which are the maritime, land and aerospace environments. There are also force elements that operate across these domains which include joint, common and special force elements. The operations conducted under this Program occur over extended periods during which time certain force elements from across the portfolio are tailored, delivered and sustained within a forum that typically also includes force elements provided by international partners. Examples of past operations conducted as part of this Program are those conducted in Afghanistan and Bosnia.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
87,654,853 88,704,087 89,868,401

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 763 763 763
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 763 763 763

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Defence capabilities against armed threats outside of North America over extended periods advance the interests of the Canadian Government % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of international military operations over extended periods aimed at meeting expectations agreed upon by the Canadian Government and foreign partners 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards meeting expectations agreed upon by the Canadian Government and foreign partners 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to participate in the following ongoing operations, including (but not limited to):

  • OP ARTEMIS 26 - Canadian Armed Forces’ participation in maritime security and counter-terrorism operations in the Arabian Sea;
  • OP CALUMET 27 - Canada’s participation in the Multinational Force and Observers, an independent peacekeeping operation in the Sinai Peninsula and headquartered in Rome;
  • OP CROCODILE 28 - Canada’s military contribution to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and
  • OP SOPRANO 29 - Canada’s participation in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.2.2: International Crisis and Surge Response Operations

International Crisis and Surge Response Operations aim to respond to immediate international crises with the potential for armed conflict through the delivery of Defence capabilities. As with the International Operations over Extended Periods Program, Defence capabilities are applied outside of the continent by this Program through the employment of force elements, as appropriate, from the maritime, land and aerospace environments and the joint, common and special force domains. However, the operations undertaken under this Program are expected to be of much shorter duration and often require what is called a surge response. These operations are typically undertaken at the request of the Canadian Government to meet particular expectations which are usually connected to the support of foreign partners which includes allied nations, alliance organizations and the United Nations. The recent operation in Libya is an example of an operation conducted as part of this Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
7,315,461 7,500,123 7,704,847

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 46 46 46
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 46 46 46

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
The application of Defence capabilities against armed threats outside of North America in crisis and surge operations advance the interests of the Canadian Government % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at responding to immediate international crises with the potential for armed conflict 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards responding to immediate international crises with the potential for armed conflict 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will:

  • Deploy forces in support of International Crisis and Surge Response Operations as required and directed by the Government of Canada; and
  • Take part in OP REASSURANCE 30 – deployment of CAF to Central and Eastern Europe as part of NATO assurance measures (subject to extension/renewal of current mission mandate).

Sub-Sub-Program 1.2.3: Ongoing Defence Operations through Standing NATO Commitments

Ongoing Defence Operations through Standing NATO Commitments aim to provide for the ongoing defence of Canada and protect the interests of the Government of Canada through routine participation as an active member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Results are achieved by representing Canadian interests in: defence policies and plans; military standards and doctrine, and best practices; fostering defence diplomacy and international defence relations; and providing Defence capabilities for ongoing operations. Specifically, Canadian interests in defence policy and planning matters are delivered through the Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO and through representation on the NATO Headquarters International Military Staff which facilitates the framing of NATO defence issues in ways commensurate with Canadian interests. Canada’s representation on various NATO organizations also provides an avenue for development of defence policy advice within Canada as well as the progression of defence relations and opportunities to leverage capability development initiatives. A key aspect of this Program is the delivery of Canadian force elements to ongoing NATO operations and to NATO’s response force (NRF) which provides rapid military response to emerging crisis as part of the NATO crisis response system. However, this Program does not include participation in extended or crisis response operations that are instead captured under the International Operations Over Extended Periods Program or the International Crisis and Surge Response Operations Program. This Program operates within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
181,220,813 182,064,061 182,158,375

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 323 323 323
Civilian 7 7 7
TOTAL 330 330 330

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be Achieved
International cooperation and active participation in the NATO community improve global peace and security % of ongoing services provided through NATO where Canadian contributions are on track to successfully achieve objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Provide accurate and timely strategic advice pertaining to the relevant defence and security posture regarding NATO operations, organization and other activities;
  • Execute participation in assigned NATO organizations, including related memoranda of understanding, multilateral defence and security arrangements, treaties, programs, and be responsive to other emerging crisis requirements dependant on the global security climate; and
  • Continue to be a strong member of NATO by committing to specific billets and operations upon analysis. However, every actual and future commitment will be carefully analyzed and align with Government of Canada guidance.

Sub-Program 1.3: Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement

The Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Program ensures that programs delivering Defence Combat and Support Operations and delivering Defence Services and Contributions to Government have: clearly aligned operational objectives; a well-defined national command and communications structure; a balanced portfolio of resources and information; and access to the operational support capabilities, so that operations can be accomplished with an acceptable degree of risk. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities that enable the delivery of strategic control, national command, diplomatic support, and provide operational support which includes the delivery of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
772,760,673 792,815,137 811,835,549

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,602 2,602 2,602
Civilian 616 616 616
TOTAL 3,218 3,218 3,218

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Risks to the sustainment of force elements and optimal application of Defence capabilities are mitigated % score on the Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Evaluation Index 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to enhance capabilities within the key joint enablers of Joint Command and Control, Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Operational Support through the following initiatives:

  • Progress the project to modernize the CAF Joint Signals Regiment;
  • Develop force generation/force employment models for a deployable Joint Task Force Headquarters and a Joint Task Force Support Component; and
  • Continue to enhance deployable high readiness capabilities for assigned force posture and readiness roles.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.3.1: Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations

Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations seek to ensure there is congruency between operational objectives and higher-level strategic goals associated with the defence of Canada, the protection of Canadian sovereignty, and the interests of the Canadian Government by providing overarching control functions to military operations. Results are achieved by providing the rules and constraints that control each operation; coordinating the provision and allocation of resources; engaging with operational-level partners and other stakeholders to ensure unity of action; and ensuring that structures and processes are in place to manage risk. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program to deliver military efforts.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
130,777,058 131,972,144 132,525,047

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 796 796 796
Civilian 111 111 111
TOTAL 907 907 907

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Command and control capability sufficient to achieve the strategic goals, outcomes and objectives is maintained and executed as required to conduct Defence Combat and Support Operations and deliver Defence services % score on the Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Exercise Arctic sovereignty

  • Continue to implement the Northern Employment and Support Plan as it relates to the domestic operations planned and executed to support and prioritize where necessary force development requirements and pursue operations’ integration;
  • Continue to implement the Plan for the North in order to better synchronize the activities of the CAF and collaboration with other government department agencies and international community; and
  • Engage with northern and international partners during Operation NANOOK to demonstrate Arctic sovereignty, enhance safety and security, and facilitate the development of interoperability between partners.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Ensure plans are in place to force generate immediate response forces, at various states of readiness, to respond to crises anywhere in Canada. If required, Defence can augment these response forces through the general mobilization of the CAF to defend Canada;
  • Review existing missions and operations with a view to improve the use of resources while sustaining operational effectiveness, force protection, morale and welfare;
  • Continue to refine expeditionary command and control models based on contingency plan Jupiter with focus on development of the Joint Task Force Support Component (JTFSC) and Joint Task Force Headquarters (JTF HQ);
  • Continue to refine domestic and continental command and control models with focus on development of the JTFSC and JTF HQ through the continued exploration of defence of Canada scenarios within the continental context under Exercise DETERMINED DRAGON; and
  • Continue to evolve the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) in accordance with CDS direction and guidance.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.3.2: Ongoing Defence Intelligence Operations

Ongoing Defence Intelligence Operations aim to increase security and situational awareness essential to Force protection. Results are achieved through surveys and analysis of the many dimensions of the current security environment. It identifies critical patterns, synthesizes trends, and from this information establishes potential impacts, risks and opportunities to inform the execution of ongoing and contingency operations conducted under the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. It also informs the delivery, or potential delivery, of Defence capabilities in the future. Results are achieved through the collection, storage, protection, collation, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information. These activities are enabled, in part, by collaboration and liaison with national and international partners. Besides supporting each military operation directly, the products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Overarching Control of Domestic and International Operations Program and the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Control Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. This Program is primarily focused on National Defence but also supports Federal Departments/Agencies and international partners.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
192,318,946 194,855,318 195,173,088

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,234 1,234 1,234
Civilian 343 343 343
TOTAL 1,577 1,577 1,577

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be

Defence Intelligence clients, both civilian and military achieve information superiority

Answer rate of RFIs received from DND/CAF clients through formal/validated requests in support of operational planning and/or decision-making 95% March 2016
% of milestones for Defence Collection and Assessment Plans that are met 70% March 2016
% of intelligence products posted on classified systems within required timelines 85% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will provide responsive, reliable and fully-integrated intelligence capabilities, services and products to support and inform decisions and actions relating to lawfully authorized military operations and activities assigned to Defence, as well as any intelligence activities carried out by Defence in support of the Government of Canada’s broader responsibilities with respect to national defence, national security or foreign affairs.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.3.3: Operational Support Services

Operational Support Services aim to provide operational support services for the conduct of military operations. Results are achieved through the deployment and sustainment of forces to distant areas in response to domestic, continental and international operations. Operational support is provided to deployed force elements within a theatre of operations. This Program delivers Defence services such as Surveillance from Space and the provision of Cyber defence. Included in the Support Services is the establishment of Lines of Communications for facilitating coordination of procurement and delivery of a wide variety of materiel, personnel and information services that directly support the deployment and sustainment of military forces and the maintenance of Defence capabilities during military operations. Operational Support Services directly supports Defence.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
88,123,246 90,288,976 90,133,669

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 286 286 286
Civilian 120 120 120
TOTAL 406 406 406

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence operational support services are delivered to project and sustain military forces globally % of the time Operational Readiness was declared as planned by deployed Commanders 90 - 100% March 2016
% time that the sustainment footprint – comprising camps, logistics and administrative services, Health Services, personnel support services, communications services, contracts, multinational and host nation support arrangements are established in theatres of operation in accordance with operational timelines 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to operationally engage partners and allies in conjunction with parameters set out in Force Posture and Readiness to situate the development of the next Operational Support Hub.

For more information on support to operations 31, please see the Defence website.

Sub-Sub-Program 1.3.4: Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement

The Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement Program aims to achieve greater interoperability and enhanced delivery of Defence capabilities during on-going, contingency and potential operations in the future in order to support the defence of Canada and Canadian Interests. Results are achieved through the establishment of new bi-national and multinational relations and the strengthening of existing key defence partnerships. This is accomplished through assistance to foreign partners in the form of military training, participation in international fora, the establishment of formal arrangements, the sharing of expertise and operational cooperation. The Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement Program also delivers support to Federal Departments and Agencies, foreign governments, international organizations and alliances.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
361,541,423 375,698,699 394,003,745

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 286 286 286
Civilian 41 41 41
TOTAL 327 327 327

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence maintains itself as a reliable partner with allies and like-minded countries in enhancing international peace and security % of allies and like-minded countries that report favourably towards Canada's Defence Engagement initiatives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Continue to develop departmental policy and provide oversight of global engagement activities to ensure Defence activities and operations continue to adapt to global events and remain in line with government direction, and to strengthen defence and military relationships, through continued coordination and engagement with host nations, allies, and key partners;
  • Build the capacity of partner militaries through language training, professional development courses, command and staff instruction, and peace support operations training sponsored by the Military Training and Cooperation Program;
  • Facilitate the implementation of decisions taken by Heads of State and Government at the NATO 2014 Summit in Wales, such as NATO assurance and adaptation measures, and the Partnership Interoperability Initiative to enhance our ability to tackle security challenges together; and
  • Continue to work with like-minded partners in the context of the Proliferation Security Initiative to strengthen the international community’s resolve and capability to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, including by hosting the annual meeting of the Initiative’s Operational Experts Group in 2015.

Program 2.0: Defence Services and Contributions to Government

The Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program aims to support the delivery of Canadian Government safety and security initiatives and encourage recognition and pride in Canada and the Canadian military. This is accomplished through the provision of unique Defence services in support of other elements of Government or the Canadian public. To encourage and share pride and awareness of Canada’s military heritage, contributions, and leadership, Defence provides unique services and opportunities for outreach, awareness, preservation and development. Defence unique services also include operations conducted to ensure or enhance the security, safety, stability and/or well-being of Canadians, or international populations in peril, in accordance with Canadian values and the interests of the Canadian Government, in situations where there may be a need to defend against armed threats but where this is not the primary focus. The operations are delivered through the employment of force elements to achieve a desired effect within specific contexts through execution of tasks according to understood concepts, doctrine and standards. The force elements delivered by Defence are organizational entities which are composed of members of the Canadian Armed Forces and in some cases personnel from the Department of National Defence. Force elements have different sizes and compositions according to the capabilities they must apply during an operation. Defence remains consistently ready to employ force elements under this Program however significant operations do not always occur every fiscal year.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
382,286,293 382,286,293 389,063,763 395,704,958

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,362 1,362 1,362
Civilian 305 305 305
TOTAL 1,667 1,667 1,667

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Defence capabilities and services reduces the risk to the safety, security and prosperity of Canada, and to the stability of foreign populations % of Defence Service Operations and Defence Services that successfully met their objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Planned activities within the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program are detailed under each of the applicable sub-programs and sub-sub-programs.

Sub-Program 2.1: Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations

Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations aim to assist populations in distress in order to establish, re-establish or enhance the human safety and well-being through the use of military operations. Results are achieved through this Program by the employment of force elements with the requisite capabilities to minimize suffering, assist in recovery operations, facilitate synergies with other responding bodies, and conduct related support functions during natural disaster events, non-combat evacuation events, humanitarian emergencies, and other perilous situations as directed by the Government of Canada. Operations in this Program are bound by a number of federal and provincial laws, regulations, orders-in-council, federal policies, and international agreements.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
17,211,347 17,221,226 17,224,288

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 185 185 185
Civilian 1 1 1
TOTAL 186 186 186

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Defence capabilities mitigates the risks and conditions imposed by disasters and humanitarian incidents that impose suffering for Canadians and foreign populations % of Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations that successfully met their objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will remain ready to deploy in support of Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations as required and directed by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.1.1: Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations

Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations aim to reduce suffering and to improve the well-being of members of the civil society living in North America. Results are achieved through the delivery of force elements with the capabilities to conduct domestic disaster relief operations. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities through modular and scalable responses to mitigate a wide range of crises, associated with disasters. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Response activities may include Defence services such as strategic air and sealift, aviation support, medical aid, logistic and engineering support, or provision of security assistance. Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, other levels of government and continental partners.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
6,988,091 6,988,198 6,988,200

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 66 66 66
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 66 66 66

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence supported organizations that are leading interventions to save lives or alleviate human suffering following a natural or man-made disaster in Canada or North America % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at reducing suffering and improving the well-being of members of the civil society living in North America 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards reducing suffering and improving the well-being of members of the civil society living in North America 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will remain ready to deploy in support of Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations as required and tasked by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.1.2: International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations

International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations aim to reduce suffering and to improve the well-being of members of the international civil society. Results are achieved through the delivery of force elements internationally with the capabilities to conduct disaster and humanitarian response operations in support of Government of Canada goals. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities through modular and scalable responses tailored to address identified gaps in civilian humanitarian capacity. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Response activities may include Defence services such as strategic air and sealift, aviation support, medical aid, logistic and engineering support, or provision of security assistance. International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and international partners.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,161,428 1,161,733 1,162,051

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 11 11 11
Civilian 1 1 1
TOTAL 12 12 12

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence supported nations outside Canada or North America to save lives, alleviate human suffering or mitigate property damage to critical infrastructure following a natural or human-made disaster % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at reducing suffering and improving the well-being of members of the international civil society 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards reducing suffering and improving the well-being of members of the international civil society 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will remain ready to deploy in support of International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations as required and tasked by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.1.3: Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations

Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations aim to contribute to the security of Canadian citizens abroad. Results are achieved through the delivery of force elements with the requisite capabilities to conduct operations where the primary focus is the evacuation of Canadian Entitled Personnel or other non-combatants from hostile or potentially hostile environments. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and Canadian citizens.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
9,061,828 9,071,295 9,074,037

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 108 108 108
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 108 108 108

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Canadian Armed Forces successfully evacuated Canadian Entitled Personnel or other non-combatants from an affected region such as a security crisis or natural disaster area % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at contributing to the security of Canadian citizens abroad 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at contributing to the security of Canadian citizens abroad 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will remain ready to deploy in support of Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations as required and tasked by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Program 2.2: Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security

Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security seeks to support Canadian Safety and Security initiatives across Canada through the delivery of force elements with the requisite capabilities to conduct military operations. Results are achieved by responding to a wide variety of threats to the safety and security of Canadians as part of a larger government-wide effort or a focused intervention. Examples of responses include providing, support to major Canadian events, anti-terrorism and terrorism event response, Search and Rescue operations, operations performed in direct support of other Government Departments and Agencies, as well as, related partnership programs such as the National Search and Rescue Program and the Canadian Safety and Security Program. Significant operations may not occur in all subordinate Program areas every fiscal year as Defence only performs support operations when tasked by the Government of Canada.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
74,338,007 75,237,760 76,074,126

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 597 597 597
Civilian 61 61 61
TOTAL 658 658 658

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The application of Defence capabilities enhances the capacity, increases the abilities, and reduces risks to the successful fulfillment of the mandates of other elements of government % of Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security that successfully met their objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will remain ready to deploy in support of Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security as required and directed by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.1: Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations

Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations aim to contribute to the protection of Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests from terrorist activity. Results are achieved through the conduct of counter terrorism operations both domestically and internationally. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities to support the Government of Canada and is an integral part of Canada’s Counter-terrorism Strategy. This Program ensures that Canada, through Defence, has the capability to prevent, pre-empt, disrupt, and, if not successful, prepare for and execute any deployment of Defence capability in response to terrorist activity at home or abroad. The breadth of Defence activities includes international areas of operation through various international and global engagements and domestic support to law enforcement. Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies.

Budgetary Financial Resources

Details regarding financial resources assigned to this Program are classified.

Human Resources

Details regarding human resources assigned to this Program are classified.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Canada, Canadian interests and the safety and security of Canadians at home and abroad are protected from terrorist threats and activities % of Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management operations that successfully met their objectives 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Threats faced by Canadians, domestically and internationally, have increased over the last few years. So too has the need for the Government of Canada to have the widest spectrum of possible options available to them to prevent, deter, prepare for, and if necessary, respond to any terrorist activity at home or abroad.

Program results are enabled through Special Operations readiness, sustainment and capability development.

Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieve and performs its assigned tasks are classified.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.2: Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations

Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations aim to contribute to the Defence of Canada and the security of Canadian citizens through the provision of security and related support for major events. Results are achieved through the maintenance of situational awareness and provision of naval, air, and land Defence capabilities. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and other levels of Government.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
134,072 134,074 134,074

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2 2 2
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 2 2 2

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group
Note: Personnel are drawn from Ready Forces as required to provide Defence services under this Program.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence supported civilian authorities and other Government departments to ensure safety, security and defence of the nation and civilians during a major domestic event % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at contributing to the Defence of Canada and the security of Canadian citizens through the provision of security and related support for major events 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards contributing to the Defence of Canada and the security of Canadian citizens through the provision of security and related support for major events 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces will remain ready to deploy in support of the Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations Program as required and tasked by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.3: National Search and Rescue Program

The National Search and Rescue Program aims at continuously improving search and rescue services. Results are achieved by promoting collaboration and cooperation among federal, provincial and territorial organizations, and other stakeholders that provide search and rescue services, in order to achieve seamless search and rescue (SAR) services across Canada. This Program encompasses the services provided by the National Search and Rescue Secretariat. The role of the secretariat is to integrate the efforts of SAR partners. The National Search and Rescue Program services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, level of Governments, other partners from industry, academia, the volunteer community and not-for-profit organizations.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
10,147,030 10,176,661 9,999,107

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1 1 1
Civilian 21 21 21
TOTAL 22 22 22

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
SAR partners deliver seamless search and rescue services in Canada % of National Search and Rescue Program partners participating in National Search and Rescue Secretariat programs 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, National Search and Rescue Secretariat will:

  • Further leverage outreach and develop/implement specific prevention program activities within current resource allocations; and
  • Continue to implement data sharing agreements and connector work visits across the country based on the availability of organizational databases.

For more information, please see the National Search and Rescue Secretariat website 32.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.4: Search and Rescue Operations

Search and Rescue Operations seek to provide assistance and safety to persons in distress. Results are achieved by delivering force elements with the requisite capabilities to provide aeronautical and maritime search and rescue (SAR) response operations within the Canadian Federal Area of Responsibility. This Program delivers the aeronautical and maritime SAR system which presently includes the several Joint Rescue Coordination Centres and other SAR facilities in conjunction with the Canadian Coast Guard. Search and Rescue Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, other levels of Government and the General Public.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
61,832,816 62,430,384 63,108,852

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 575 575 575
Civilian 4 4 4
TOTAL 579 579 579

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Successful delivery of Search and Rescue (SAR) capabilities within Canadian federal area responsibility was achieved % of coordinated maritime, aeronautical and joint response to SAR incidents that are deemed effective 90 - 100% March 2016
% of mandated SAR operations that are successfully executed 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to focus on the CAF’s contribution to integrated, coordinated aeronautical and maritime search and rescue response across Canada. The CAF will force generate and maintain Search and Rescue response capabilities that are able to reach those in distress anywhere in Canada on a 24 hours a day/7days per week basis.

For more information on Defence Search and Rescue operations 33, please see the Defence website.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.5: Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies

Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies aims to support the missions of other Government Departments and Agencies with a law enforcement mandate. Results are achieved through the maintenance of situational awareness and provision of naval, air, and land Defence capabilities in support of other Departments and Agencies as well as provincial governments and other levels of government. Support operations include activities such as counteracting illegal immigration, weapon and explosive trafficking, counter drug operations, the control of drift netting and other forms of illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. This Program also includes Aid of the Civil Power Operations which responds to any situation where there is a disturbance of the peace that is beyond the capacity of the civil authorities to mitigate. Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, provincial governments and other levels of government.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,526,810 1,526,833 1,526,833

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 18 18 18
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 18 18 18

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence supported civilian authorities and other Government departments to ensure safety, security and defence of the nation and civilians during intervention of illegal activities % of Operational Objectives, expressed as Commander's Intent, achieved by the conduct of military operations aimed at supporting the missions of other Government Departments and Agencies with a law enforcement mandate 90 - 100% March 2016
% of achieved Stated Operational Effects directed towards supporting the missions of other Government Departments and Agencies with a law enforcement mandate 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Continue to participate in the following ongoing operations, including (but not limited to):
    • OP DRIFTNET 34 - Canada's participation in multinational efforts to control drift netting and other forms of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the North Pacific Ocean, conducted in support of Fisheries and Oceans Canada;
    • OP SABOT 35 - Support to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police marijuana-eradication program; and
    • OP PALACI 36 - Participation in the Parks Canada program to prevent avalanches from blocking land routes in Rogers Pass.
  • Remain ready to provide Aid to the Civil Power and Authority and support and assistance to law enforcement agencies as required and directed by the Government of Canada.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.2.6: Canadian Safety and Security Program

The Canadian Safety and Security Program aims to enhance Canadian public safety and security. Results are achieved through the delivery of scientific research, technology, analysis and systems in the context of a partnership program instituted by the Federal Government. This Program provides for the identification of capability gaps and the development of potential solutions in order to enhance the collective capabilities of the Canadian Government and its partners to be resilient against global and domestic public safety and security threats. Gaps are identified through risk and vulnerability assessments in consultation with communities of practice, central agencies and entities that develop policy, deliver safety and security operations, and synthesize intelligence. The Canadian Safety and Security Program services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
697,279 969,808 1,305,260

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1 1 1
Civilian 36 36 36
TOTAL 37 37 37

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Emergency management, counter terrorism and law enforcement safety and security procedures, policies, strategies and action plans are evidence-based and risk-informed % score on the Exploitation of Advice and Knowledge Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016
Risk and capability based technology investments that are tested and operationalized support Canadian public safety and national security practitioners % score on the Exploitation and Transition of Technology Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016
Canadian Public Safety and Security Practitioners and their institutions are equipped to engage in critical - physical and cyber - infrastructure and border related decision-making processes % score on the Exploitation of Advice and Knowledge Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Seek science and technology solutions for high priority risks to Canadian public safety through research and development in: secure borders; surveillance, intelligence and interdiction; critical infrastructure resilience; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive threats; emergency management and first responder capabilities; and
  • Support the implementation of a whole of society approach to resiliency in partnership with Public Safety Canada and other Canadian Safety and Security Program stakeholders.

Sub-Program 2.3: Military Heritage and Outreach

The Military Heritage and Outreach Program aims to instil in the Canadian public a sense of pride by sharing Canada’s military history and traditions, showcasing Canadian military expertise and values, and developing leadership and good citizenship in Canada’s youth. Results are accomplished through the delivery of military awareness events, historical preservation and communication services, and youth training opportunities. This Program also contributes to a cohesive culture within the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence and helps to build and promote the Canadian identity. The Military Heritage and Outreach Program is directed to the Canadian Armed Forces, the Canadian public and the international community.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
290,736,940 296,604,777 302,406,544

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 580 580 580
Civilian 243 243 243
TOTAL 823 823 823

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Canadians are aware and can be proud of their military heritage and achievements % of favourable perception in Canadian Armed Forces public impression questions index 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to:

  • Ensure dignity for Canada’s unaccounted-for military fatalities in the recovery, storage, identification and internment of human remains with appropriate ceremony and for providing closure for their families;
  • Maintain the Canadian Military History Gateway, an online service providing access to websites and digitized resources about Canada's military history in order to provide the public with free access to the collective military history resources of Canadian museums, libraries, archives and other heritage organizations, through a single, dynamic and intuitive gateway;
  • Provide a means by which the Canadian public may inquire regarding Canadian Military History and Heritage, with the expectation that most replies will be completed within two to thirty working days;
  • Inform and engage Canadians on defence issues to develop knowledge and understanding of, and give visibility to, DND/CAF; and
  • Encourage maximum participation by CAF members in the National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program to increase public awareness and underscore the importance of honouring our Veterans, past and present.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.3.1: Military History, Heritage and Awareness

The Military History, Heritage and Awareness Program aims to increase awareness of the Canadian military history, heritage, roles, and contributions to Canada and Canadian identity. In addition, this Program serves to encourage interest in the Canadian military profession. Results are achieved through public information by preserving, interpreting, communicating, and showcasing Canada’s military history, traditions, roles, contributions, professionalism, expertise, and values in a wide variety of venues. The Military History, Heritage and Awareness Program services are provided directly to the Canadian public and military personnel.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
67,096,550 67,882,396 68,634,392

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 428 428 428
Civilian 88 88 88
TOTAL 516 516 516

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Canadians and the global community are provided with the opportunity to continue appreciating the achievements of the Canadian military Average audience size of direct outreach event 500 000 audience members (rolling 3 year average) March 2016
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Canada are well respected by the global community as a capable and competent military The number of international and national invitations received by the CAF for participation in Military Skills Competition 9 invitations March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Support Government efforts for commemoration of important anniversaries

  • Continue to commemorate significant events in Canada’s history in times of conflict, including the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day and Liberation of the Netherlands, and the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

Sub-Sub-Program 2.3.2: Youth Program

The Youth Program aims to enhance understanding of the Canadian Armed Forces and create an interest in the sea, land and air activities (both military and civilian) while preparing youth for their transition into adulthood through the development of attributes of leadership and community-minded citizenship, encouraging physical fitness, and promoting the traditional cultures and lifestyles reflective of the remote and isolated communities of Canada where some of the youth reside. The Youth Program is provided directly to Canadian youth and represents the largest federally-sponsored youth program in Canada. The Youth Program also has a direct impact on Canadian society as a whole, providing value in having well-rounded and experienced young citizens who are ready to assume their places as tomorrow's leaders and decision-makers. Cadet Instructors Cadre Officers, Military personnel and the Canadian Rangers are the main sources of instructors involved in providing training to the Youth Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
223,640,390 228,722,381 233,772,152

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 152 152 152
Civilian 155 155 155
TOTAL 307 307 307

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Populations of Canadian youth have the personal attributes to become responsible members of their communities as they transition into adulthood Average duration of membership in the program 3 years March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to strengthening the Defence Team

  • Under Defence Renewal, renew the Cadets 37and Junior Canadian Rangers 38programs so as to deliver relevant, effective and efficient world-class youth development programs in which youth gain the personal attributes to become responsible members of their communities as they learn, develop and transition into adulthood. By 2017-18, Defence will seek to establish 70,000 Cadets and 153 Junior Canadian Ranger Patrols.


There are three Programs associated with this Strategic Outcome:

  • Program 3.0: Defence Ready Force Element Production
  • Program 4.0: Defence Capability Element Production
  • Program 5.0: Defence Capability Development and Research

Program 3.0: Defence Ready Force Element Production

The Defence Ready Force Element Production Program produces and renews force elements on a continual basis for use in Defence Combat and Support Operations, as well as for the delivery of Defence Services and Contributions to Government, in order to increase the likelihood of success and decrease risk of failure in the defence of Canada and promotion of Canadian interests. Results are delivered by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property), and integrating them through various training and certification programs so that they have the requisite amount of readiness in order to fulfill predefined roles within the operations for which they are destined. The term readiness refers to the volume, endurance, responsiveness and capability attributes of force elements that are not employed. These attributes are used to determine the degree of risk that would be associated with assigning them to fulfill perspective role(s) within on-going or contingency operations. The force elements produced by the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace, and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. Across these portfolios, force elements are produced to meet readiness targets. These readiness targets ensure that production can be sustained over short- and medium-term time horizons and that the number of force elements available for employment in on-going and contingency operations is in accordance with acceptable levels of operational risk.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3,102,147,905 3,102,147,905 3,136,189,956 3,096,539,994

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 26,400 26,400 26,400
Civilian 2,116 2,116 2,116
TOTAL 28,516 28,516 28,516

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
There exists a sufficient and balanced portfolio of operationally ready force elements that can participate in Defence Operations and deliver Defence services % of time the roles required by Force Posture and Readiness are filled appropriately 90 - 100% March 2016
% of all force elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 50 - 64% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • Execute applicable tasks identified in the annual Chief of Defence Staff Directive for Canadian Armed Forces Force Posture and Readiness to ensure resources are aligned and available to support determined readiness levels.

Sub-Program 3.1: Force Elements Readiness Sustainment

The Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of force elements that have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace, and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. In each portfolio there are subsets of force elements that are in one of three states: assigned to roles that required them to be ready to respond to contingency operations; delivering Defence operations and services; or in a reduced state of readiness. This Program focuses on force elements in the first of these states. In some cases the existence of ready force elements can act as a deterrent against threats. Results are achieved through the provision of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production services which ensure that force elements capabilities that have been assigned to roles in contingency operations do not degrade and that these force elements remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. When contingency operations occur, and the force elements that reside within this Program are activated, their military capabilities are delivered via the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Force elements participating in this Program may be returned to Force Elements Integration Training Program for short periods. They may also be moved to the Force Elements Production Program once they have exceeded the amount of time for which they have been assigned to a contingency role.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
857,493,065 863,481,597 869,866,317

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 9,166 9,166 9,166
Civilian 30 30 30
TOTAL 9,196 9,196 9,196

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force Elements assigned readiness roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time the Defence force elements remain ready in accordance with Force Posture and Readiness requirements 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Planned activities within the Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Program are detailed under each of the applicable sub-sub-programs.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.1: Maritime Roles – Readiness Sustainment

The Maritime Roles Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of ships, submarines, and other force elements that operate in the maritime environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force element in the maritime environment portfolio will decline over time. Those maritime units assigned roles such as “Ready Duty Ship” or “Composite Task Group” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of maritime capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
242,416,494 243,099,654 243,827,420

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,895 2,895 2,895
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 2,895 2,895 2,895

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements assigned maritime roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready maritime force elements 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Royal Canadian Navy will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • Continue to generate and sustain highly effective maritime force elements in accordance with the 10-Year Fleet Plan that are capable of synchronizing effects across the full spectrum of operations at various locations to respond to domestic and international contingencies in accordance with force posture and readiness assigned tasks.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.2: Land Roles – Readiness Sustainment

The Land Roles Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the achieved readiness level of land environment force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the land environment portfolio will decline over time. Those land units assigned roles such as “Joint Task Force Western Domestic Support” or “Non-combatant Evacuation Operations Land Component” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved through the provision of continuation training and maintenance of vehicles and materiel to posture these forces on specific notice to move timing which ensures that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive when called upon. When these force elements are activated, additional training may be required prior to being employed. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of land capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
439,608,073 440,486,419 441,235,448

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 5,227 5,227 5,227
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 5,227 5,227 5,227

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements assigned land roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready land force elements 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, the Canadian Army will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • Continue to sustain high readiness forces to respond to standing domestic and international contingencies in accordance with Canada First Defence Strategy imperatives.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will ensure that all divisions will maintain Arctic operations, parachute, and airmobile capabilities. Further, individual divisions will be assigned speciality area designations in the conduct of desert, mountain, jungle, and littoral operations.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.3: Aerospace Roles – Readiness Sustainment

The Aerospace Roles Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of fighters, helicopters and other force elements that operate in the aerospace environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the aerospace environment portfolio will decline over time. Those aerospace units assigned roles such as “Air space control” or “Strategic Airlift” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided by this Program through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of aerospace capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
161,801,456 166,191,764 171,059,189

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 912 912 912
Civilian 30 30 30
TOTAL 942 942 942

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements assigned aerospace roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time aerospace force elements remain ready 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, the Royal Canadian Air Force will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • Preserve a force generation base consisting of dedicated force generation yearly flying rates and an appropriate amount of joint force generation hours in order to maintain sufficient readiness to fulfill the Chief of the Defence Staff Force Posture and Readiness mandate; and
  • Establish Royal Canadian Air Force readiness levels and a framework based on the Chief of the Defence Staff Force Posture and Readiness.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4: Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment

The Special Operations Roles Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the assigned readiness state of force elements that conduct special operations and have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations on specific notice to move. Those special operations forces assigned roles such as “Immediate Response Task Force” or “Task Force Arrowhead” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved by this Program through a cyclical process that includes the provision of periodic training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources

For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Human Resources

For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements assigned special operations force roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready special operations force elements 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.

Readiness and force generation results are achieved through Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment and 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production. Generally this is accomplished through a process that includes the provision of training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. Sub-sub-programs 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment and 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production are the areas whereby Special Operations sustainment activities are captured.

For additional information, please see the Defence Special Operations Forces 39 web page.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.1.5: Joint and Common Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment

The Joint and Common Roles Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of joint and common force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. Those joint and common forces elements assigned roles such as “Air Field Medical Station” or “Operational Liaison and Recce Team” (OLRT) requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
13,667,041 13,703,760 13,744,260

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 137 137 137
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 137 137 137

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements assigned joint and common roles remain continuously ready to apply Defence capabilities during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of time Force Posture and Readiness roles are filled by ready joint and common force elements 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • Establish and maintain deployable joint command and control as well as operational support force elements at a readiness state commensurate with force posture and readiness roles.

Sub-Program 3.2: Force Elements Integration Training

The Force Elements Integration Training Program produces force elements with enhanced levels of interoperability with other force elements so that they can operate together, to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation. The force elements received by this Program are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these domains and force elements that provide common support functions. Results are achieved through the execution of training events in which force elements within the same portfolio exercise together for the explicit purpose of enhancing interoperability. Results are also achieved through training events where the explicit focus is interoperability between force elements in different portfolios. These are considered joint training events. International (combined) training events focus on the interoperability of force elements produced in Canada with those of allied nations. After partaking in this Program, force elements typically attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during a defence operation and therefore this Program enables them to enhance their state of readiness. If the level of readiness attained through this Program is sufficient, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services already in progress. They may also be delivered back to the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
488,216,655 496,394,473 439,015,097

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 4,081 4,081 4,081
Civilian 9 9 9
TOTAL 4,090 4,090 4,090

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation during operations against threats or to deliver Defence services % of force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will conduct key joint training activities including Command and Control of Expeditionary Forces (Exercise JOINTEX/TRIDENT JUNCTURE), Command and Control of Domestic Forces within a continental framework (Exercise DETERMINED DRAGON), and Arctic Safety, Security and Defence of Canada (Operation NANOOK).

For more information, see the Canadian Armed Forces Exercises 40 webpage.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.1: Maritime Environment – Integration Training

The Maritime Environment Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the maritime portfolio so that they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation at reduced risk and with better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like “TGEX”. Naval task groups are common outputs of this Program; however, not every training event will produce a larger force element like a task group. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the maritime portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Maritime Roles Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of maritime force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
6,355,801 6,355,900 6,355,903

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 54 54 54
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 54 54 54

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A subset of maritime force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation % of maritime force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Royal Canadian Navy will conduct two task group exercises aimed at maintaining integration training.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.2: Land Environment – Integration Training

The Land Environment Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between land force elements appointed in the Army Managed Readiness Plan to achieve their assigned readiness level. Results are achieved through the execution of training events such as Exercise “MAPLE RESOLVE” and validation activities. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the land portfolio are capable of delivering a broader range of military effects during operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Land Roles Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of land force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
305,178,724 305,991,188 306,876,205

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 3,543 3,543 3,543
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 3,543 3,543 3,543

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A subset of land force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation % of land force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Army will:

  • Prepare select Canadian Army elements to form the force generation foundation for high readiness Force Posture and Readiness tasks by working in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation; and
  • Ensure that all Canadian Army Regular Force units undergo annual combat team field training exercises in accordance with standards established by the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre. Elements assigned to prepare for high readiness tasks or to maintain a high level of readiness are required to undergo more rigorous combat team training.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.3: Aerospace Environment – Integration Training

The Aerospace Environment Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the aerospace portfolio so they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation with reduced risks and better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of named training events such as Exercise “MAPLE FLAG”. Air Expeditionary Task Forces are common outputs of this Program however not every named training event will produce a larger force element like a task force. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the aerospace portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Aerospace Roles Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of aerospace force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
39,398,410 40,477,682 41,674,195

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 220 220 220
Civilian 5 5 5
TOTAL 225 225 225

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A subset of aerospace force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation % of the aerospace force elements that have completed the required integration training 85-100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Royal Canadian Air Force will continue to progress its expeditionary capability, advance the Air Force Expeditionary Capability capital project and enshrine Expeditionary Air Operation in Royal Canadian Air Force doctrine.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.4: Special Operations – Integration Training

The Special Operations Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between special operations force elements to achieve their assigned roles and readiness levels. Results are achieved through the execution of collective training events like “DEVIL’S ARROW” and activities focussed on interoperability and capacity building. These activities for Special Operations force elements establish relationships that further synchronize efforts across the military spectrum and multiple agencies, reducing risks and increasing chances of success. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Special Operations Roles Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of special operations force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources

For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Human Resources

For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A subset of special operations force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation % of special operations force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Special Operations and its effects are achieved across Defence’s Program Alignment Architecture. The details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.5: Joint – Integration Training

The Joint Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between joint force elements across different environment portfolios so that collective objectives of a larger joint formation can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like “JOINTEX” that increase joint readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Joint and Common Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of joint force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
95,767,574 100,813,866 39,979,533

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 69 69 69
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 69 69 69

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A subset of joint force elements have the ability to work in coordination with one another to achieve greater synergy and realize the enhanced capabilities of a larger collective formation % of joint force elements that have completed integration training to meet force posture and readiness requirements 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will achieve joint integration training objectives for Joint Mission Essential Tasks during designated operations, such as Operation NANOOK, to mitigate threats or deliver defence services and through the participation in scheduled exercises and training activities.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.2.6: International and Domestic– Interoperability Training

The International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements from multiple nations or domestic organizations so that the collective objectives of these cooperative ventures can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of international or domestic training events. Recent examples include exercises “RIMPAC, JOINT WARRIOR and TRIDENT FURY”. After partaking in this Program force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Force Element Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
41,516,147 42,755,837 44,129,261

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 197 197 197
Civilian 4 4 4
TOTAL 201 201 201

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A sufficient subset of force elements have the enhanced ability to operate as part of a multi-national force during operations that militate against threats or deliver Defence services % of the force elements that have completed the required interoperability training 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Prioritize all Royal Canadian Air Force interoperability training activities to ensure that all mandatory training is funded;
  • Enhance its ability to operate as part of a multi-national force during operations to mitigate threats or deliver Defence services and through the participation in scheduled exercises and training activities;
  • Deploy designated maritime force elements to exercises such as TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15 and TRIDENT FURY 15 to increase the level of interoperability between NATO, Partnership for Peace and other designated nations;
  • Continue to provide forces to international exercises such as JOINT WARRIOR and RIMPAC; and
  • Continue to receive international partner participation in continental exercises such as MAPLE RESOLVE and RAFALE BLANCHE.

Sub-Program 3.3: Force Elements Production

The Force Elements Production Program aims to produce individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as a cohesive unit, as per their design specification. The force elements produced by the Canadian Armed Forces are organized into portfolios according to the land, aerospace and maritime environments in which they operate. There are also portfolios for force elements that operate jointly across these environments and force elements that provide common support functions. This Program delivers results by assembling force elements from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and integrating them through various training and certification programs. Within this Program individual force elements attain a certain degree of readiness. If a sufficient level of readiness is attained, then individual force elements may be assigned to fulfill a contingency role or they may be directly employed to deliver Defence operations or Defence services that are already in progress. However, this program does not necessarily provide individual force elements with the ability to operate effectively as part of a larger integrated formation. If the force elements produced by this Program require advanced levels of interoperability, then they may be assigned to take part in the Force Element Integration Training Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,324,608,968 1,340,414,444 1,347,800,555

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 10,366 10,366 10,366
Civilian 1,050 1,050 1,050
TOTAL 11,416 11,416 11,416

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A balanced portfolio of force elements that are continually produced to apply specific Defence capabilities as independent entities, to fulfill readiness roles, and to be employed against threats in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % of weighted force elements from all portfolios that have completed the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will ensure equipment readiness by fostering an equipment-focused culture in order to preserve Canada First Defence Strategy imperatives.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.1: Maritime Environment – Force Element Production

The Maritime Environment Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the maritime portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through a tiered readiness process where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program individual maritime force elements acquire a range of abilities to deliver military effects in operational contexts according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Maritime Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, the Maritime Environment Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic – Interoperability Training Program. Based on the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment in Defence operations, force elements may be transferred directly from this Program. However when higher levels of interoperability are required, force elements are first transferred to the Maritime Environment Integration Training Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
49,666,866 49,922,586 50,205,431

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 346 346 346
Civilian 244 244 244
TOTAL 590 590 590

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of individual maritime force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services % of maritime force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

In support of this Program, the Royal Canadian Navy will ensure that:

  • By the end of fiscal year 2015-16, the first four Halifax Class Modernization ships will successfully achieve the planned readiness level; and
  • By the end of fiscal year 2015-16, the first post-Victoria class submarine in-service support contract submarine will successfully achieve the planned readiness level while maintaining a bi-coastal operational capability.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.2: Land Environment – Force Element Production

The Land Environment Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the land portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured processes using the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program force elements in the land portfolio acquire abilities to deliver baseline military effects within operational contexts according to baseline training standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Land Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, the Land Environment Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. In some cases these forces achieve sufficient training objectives to be assigned directly to Defence operations. But, in most cases, these force elements proceed to the Land Environment - Integration Training Program and when necessary to the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
762,019,064 768,967,372 776,514,577

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 6,651 6,651 6,651
Civilian 584 584 584
TOTAL 7,235 7,235 7,235

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of individual land force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services % of land force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Canadian Army will create key joint enablers with the intent of institutionalizing capabilities such as Counter Improvised Explosive Device, Joint Targeting, and Influence Activities that proved successful during recent operations.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.3: Aerospace Environment – Force Element Production

The Aerospace Environment Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the aerospace portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured managed readiness processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various foundation training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program aerospace force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, the Aerospace Environment Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. In many cases, the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by aerospace force elements through this Program. In other cases, force elements must transition to the Aerospace Environment Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
136,855,678 140,174,301 143,853,348

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 843 843 843
Civilian 47 47 47
TOTAL 890 890 890

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of individual aerospace force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services % of aerospace force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

In support of this Program, the Royal Canadian Air Force will prioritize foundation training activities to ensure that all mandatory training is funded.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4: Special Operations – Force Element Production

The Special Operations Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the special operations portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive organization that is task tailored Special Operations Task Forces or Teams not necessarily part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured processes where Special Operations force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., Special Operations personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, the Special Operations Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. Assigned readiness supports the roles for employment within Defence operations and is consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
299,050,024 304,016,868 299,654,481

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,784 1,784 1,784
Civilian 116 116 116
TOTAL 1,900 1,900 1,900

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of individual special operations force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services % of special operations force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. Specific details of how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified.

Readiness and force generation results are achieved through Sub-sub-program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment and 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production. Generally, this is accomplished through a process that includes the provision of training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. Sub-sub-program 3.1.4 Special Operations Roles – Readiness Sustainment and 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production are the areas whereby Special Operations sustainment activities are captured.

For additional information, please see the Defence Special Operations Forces 41 web page.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.5: Joint and Common – Force Element Production

The Joint and Common Force Element Production Program seeks to produce portfolios of individual force elements that operate across the environmental domains and have attained the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured readiness production processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program, force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, the Joint Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. In some cases, the readiness targets set for assignment to employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program. In other cases, force elements must transition to the Joint Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
77,017,336 77,333,318 77,572,718

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 755 755 755
Civilian 59 59 59
TOTAL 814 814 814

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of individual joint and common force elements are continually produced to be employed, in delivering Defence operations and Defence services % of joint and common force elements that have met the required readiness production milestones 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

All planned activities for the Joint and Common Force Element Production Program are captured within the Program’s description.

Sub-Program 3.4: Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to deliver the command and control structures that support the readiness and balance of Maritime, Land, Aerospace, Special Operations, and Joint and Common force elements. This is accomplished through the development of plans, distribution of resources, coordination of activities, and exercise of overarching control. This supports the programs that provide individual force elements and integrated forces that are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
431,829,217 435,899,442 439,858,025

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,787 2,787 2,787
Civilian 1,027 1,027 1,027
TOTAL 3,814 3,814 3,814

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The risks that may impede the optimal production of ready force elements in the near and mid-term are reduced

% of sub-sub-programs under Sub-Program 3.4 that achieve a minimum of 90% of their expected result

75 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to align and develop Joint Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance capabilities to ensure that Defence capabilities are ready to be deployed in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.1: Maritime Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Maritime Environment Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that maritime force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Maritime command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the maritime environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Maritime Environment Force Element Production Program, Integration Training Program, and the Maritime Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common Force Element Production Coordination and Control Programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
78,293,970 79,184,020 79,923,694

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 424 424 424
Civilian 336 336 336
TOTAL 760 760 760

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of Maritime Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % score of the Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Maritime Force Elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 40 - 55% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, The Royal Canadian Navy will:

  • Continue to solidify and institutionalize the decentralization of functional authority in the Royal Canadian Navy to coastal Formation Commanders; and
  • Continue to evolve Royal Canadian Navy Force Management functions through effective governance and the further development of enterprise management tools to support decision making.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.2: Land Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Land Environment Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that Land Force capabilities and elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Land command and control structures that deliver governance through the delivery of: directives, policies and procedures, resource planning and management. It is also responsible to coordinate the force generation of Land Force capabilities and elements for operations performed within the land environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Land Environment Force Element Production Program, Land Integration Training Program, and the Land Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as contributes to the Joint and Common programs and the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
201,717,190 203,292,611 204,947,665

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,222 1,222 1,222
Civilian 305 305 305
TOTAL 1,527 1,527 1,527

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of Land Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % score of the Land Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Land Force Elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 30 - 45% March 2016

Planning Highlights

All planned activities for the Land Environment Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program are captured within the Program’s description.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.3: Aerospace Environment – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Aerospace Environment Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that aerospace force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Aerospace command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the aerospace environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Environment Force Element Production Program, Integration Training Program, and the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common Force Element Production Coordination and Control Programs, as required, in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
138,606,555 139,997,715 141,545,571

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,075 1,075 1,075
Civilian 333 333 333
TOTAL 1,408 1,408 1,408

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of Aerospace Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % score of the Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Aerospace Force Elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 60 - 75% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Strengthening the Defence Team

  • Complete the first phase implementation of the initiative to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and collective training for the Royal Canadian Air Force through the application of simulation and training in a synthetic environment.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, the Royal Canadian Air Force will execute the Royal Canadian Air Force Simulation Strategy 2025.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.4: Special Operations Forces – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Special Operations Forces Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program seeks to ensure that Special Operations force elements and capabilities are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Special Operations Forces command and control structures that exercise overarching control, deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, planning, resource planning and management, and advice and direction in all areas and activities for which Special Operations Forces are assigned roles and responsibility. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations Force Element Production Program, Integration Training Program, and the Special Operations Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Joint and Common Force Element Production Coordination and Control Programs, as required, in order to ensure readiness through coordination and synchronization with national and international partners.

Budgetary Financial Resources

For security reasons, all expenditures under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Human Resources

For security reasons, all human resources under this Program are incorporated within Sub-Sub-Program 3.3.4 Special Operations – Force Element Production.

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of Special Operations Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % score of the Special Operation Force - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Special Operations Force Elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 80 - 90% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Special Operations and its effects are achieved across the Defence Program Alignment Architecture. The details regarding how Special Operations achieves and performs its assigned tasks are classified. However, sub-sub-programs 3.3.4 Special Operations - Force Element Production and 3.4.4 Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control are the areas whereby Special Operations readiness sustainment activities are captured.

For additional information, please see the Defence Special Operations Forces 42 webpage.

Sub-Sub-Program 3.4.5: Joint and Common – Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control

The Joint and Common Force Elements Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that Joint and Common force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are achieved by developing and maintaining Joint and Common command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the Joint and Common military operations context. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common Force Element Production Program, Joint Integration Training Program, and Joint and Common Roles Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Special Operations Forces Force Element Production Coordination and Control Programs, as required, in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
13,211,502 13,425,095 13,441,096

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 60 60 60
Civilian 53 53 53
TOTAL 113 113 113

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
A portfolio of Joint and Common Force Elements is generated and sustained so as to be continuously available for employment in Defence operations or to deliver Defence services % score of the Joint and Common Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Performance Evaluation Index 90 - 100% March 2016
% of Joint and Common Force Elements that are employed or filling readiness roles 40 - 55% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation:

  • Create a Director General Support Capability to synchronize joint support effects at the national/strategic level; and
  • Continue to evolve the joint training domain by developing a Joint Readiness Roadmap and Joint Operational Managed Readiness Program based upon CFDS roles and missions and the force posture and readiness directive.

Program 4.0: Defence Capability Element Production

The Defence Capability Element Production Program aims to sustain Defence by producing and maintaining portfolios of the fundamental Defence capability elements so that they are continuously available in the appropriate quantity, combination and condition to sustain the chain of programs delivered by Defence, from the Defence Capability Development and Research Program through to the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, which collectively give Defence the ability to conduct Defence Combat and Support Operations as well as deliver Defence Services and Contributions to Government. The primary elements of Defence capability are military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and real property. A fundamental focus of the Defence Capability Element Production Program is to provide an adequate and sustained supply of individual military personnel and materiel in the near-term and over long-term time horizons so that they can be integrated to produce force elements within the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program. Results are achieved through subordinate Programs, each of which focuses on a separate portfolio: military personnel and organization; materiel; real property; or information systems. A lifecycle approach is used to manage each portfolio. The essential aspects of the lifecycle approach are sub-sub-programs that provide the principle lifecycle functions: introduction into service; maintenance, upgrade and supply; release from service; portfolio management; and overarching co-ordination and control. The character of activity that occurs within each of these primary functions depends on the portfolio of entities being produced and therefore the desegregation of the lifecycle functions into sub-sub-programs is unique to each portfolio. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
13,336,464,765 13,336,464,765 13,537,771,679 13,016,837,684

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 32,954 32,954 32,954
Civilian 17,000 17,000 17,000
TOTAL 49,954 49,954 49,954

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Suitable Defence capability elements are available in a mix and condition that enables Defence to be prepared for and execute operations % of Defence Capability Elements that are suitable to Defence needs 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

All planned activities for the Defence Capability Element Production Program are captured within the Program’s description.

Sub-Program 4.1: Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle

The Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Program seeks to enable the production of ready force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research through the provision of the military establishment, personnel, and personnel services. The Program also honours and recognizes the service and unique sacrifices of our military personnel, provides for a safe and secure workplace, and ensures the appropriate conduct of Defence military personnel. It ensures that personnel are available in the quantity, mix of occupations and with the requisite occupational skills that provide for an optimized military establishment that enables the readiness and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces and other Defence services. The Program oversees the availability of Regular and Reserve Force personnel to fulfill the military establishment, and the delivery of services provided to the personnel, including recruitment services; transition and release services; professional development services, occupation training services; morale and well being services; health care services; compensation and benefits services, honours and recognition services, security, protection, justice and safety services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The Program coordinates the execution of subordinate programs responsible for promoting a unified Defence culture and a safe and secure workplace and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3,719,682,096 3,776,994,480 3,811,019,926

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 22,513 22,513 22,513
Civilian 5,548 5,548 5,548
TOTAL 28,061 28,061 28,061

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Military personnel are suitable to meet Defence needs % of Individual occupations that have the manning required to fill established positions at each rank 95 - 100% March 2016

% of Regular Force member respondents indicating satisfaction or neutral response with the military way of life and their quality of life in the Canadian Armed Forces

77.5 – 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

  • Ensure programs are in place that enable the readiness and employment of a multi-purpose combat capable force through the availability of personnel of the required quantity, skill level, and occupational diversity. These activities are detailed under each of the applicable sub-sub-Programs.

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to strengthening the Defence Team

  • Progress the transformation of military personnel management through an integrated military human resources and pay capability. The Military Personnel Management Capability Transformation project includes the multi-phase roll-out of Guardian – a modern, flexible and integrated workforce management system that will enable Defence to:
    • Realize process efficiencies to permit the reallocation of effort;
    • Improve data quality and operational readiness;
    • Decommission redundant systems;
    • Eliminate policy and process barriers; and
    • Permit long term cost-avoidance.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.1: Military Personnel – Regular Force Portfolio Management

The Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that the Defence military establishment is optimized with sufficient number of Regular Force personnel, in the appropriate military occupations, possessing the necessary knowledge and skills at the appropriate time in order to continually supply Defence Readiness and satisfy the requirements for military personnel to ensure the delivery of all other programs. Results are achieved through the management of individual military personnel careers and terms of military service as well as the delivery of selection oversight, succession planning, prior learning assessment review, component transfer, posting and appointment, performance appraisal, and administrative review services. The Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
335,705,157 352,467,073 371,055,367

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 202 202 202
Civilian 78 78 78
TOTAL 280 280 280

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Regular Force personnel are available to meet Defence needs % of the total Regular Force establishment that has been filled 95 - 100% March 2016
% of Trained Effective Regular Force 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Strengthening the Defence Team

  • Modernize the CAF career management process by examining procedures, policies, and practices. As a first step, Defence will reprioritize cost moves so as to achieve maximum effect and efficiency.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will ensure the Canadian Army systems approach to training includes succession planning and confirms the correct people are selected to attend more advanced level leadership training.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.2: Military Personnel – Reserve Force Portfolio Management

The Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that the Defence military establishment is optimized with sufficient number of Reserve Force personnel in the appropriate military occupations, possessing the necessary knowledge and skills, at the appropriate time in order to continually supply Defence Ready Force Element Production and satisfy the requirements for military personnel to ensure the delivery of all other programs. Results are achieved through the management of individual military personnel careers and terms of military service as well as the delivery of selection oversight, succession planning, prior learning assessment review, component transfer, appointment, performance appraisal, and administrative review services. The Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
103,750,639 104,083,570 104,450,158

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 155 155 155
Civilian 5 5 5
TOTAL 160 160 160

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Reserve Force personnel are available to meet Defence needs % Reserve personnel occupations considered manageable or healthy 91 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Advance a comprehensive plan or initiatives to align and optimize the military and civilian workforce

  • Complete a comprehensive review of the Primary Reserve to validate the force structure required to force generate for operational tasks so as to cost and build the funding baseline for the Primary Reserve.

Please see the Canada’s Reserve Force 43 web page for additional information on fiscal year 2015-16 plans and priorities.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.3: Military Personnel – Recruitment

The Military Personnel Recruitment Program aims to meet the needs of the military establishment and military occupations. Results are achieved by the delivery of attraction, processing, selection and applicant enrolment services. The Military Personnel Recruitment Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program by ensuring that the needs of the military establishment and military occupations are met.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
67,119,394 68,342,454 69,624,019

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 360 360 360
Civilian 59 59 59
TOTAL 419 419 419

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement

Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Military personnel recruitment meets the needs of the military occupation % of the Regular Force external Strategic Intake Plan filled 97 - 101% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Strengthening the Defence Team

  • Modernize the CAF recruiting process with a view to ensuring the CAF has the capacity to achieve and sustain its recruiting targets in accordance with the external Regular and Reserve Force strategic intake plan. Defence will centralize recruiting operations and applicant screening so as to process, select and enrol Canadians from all geographic regions of Canada, in order to achieve the CAF’s strategic recruiting objectives, including generating a CAF that is reflective of Canada’s diverse population.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.4: Military Personnel – Transition and Release

The Military Personnel Transition and Release Program seeks to transition military personnel to civilian life. Results are accomplished through preparation for civilian employment or retirement and release administration services. This Program also includes termination of military service for deceased military personnel. The services provided by Military Personnel Transition and Release Program are directed to military personnel.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
13,874,833 13,875,051 13,875,054

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 118 118 118
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 118 118 118

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Releasing Canadian military personnel have access to programs to assist with transition to civilian life, employment and/or retirement % releasing military members who indicate that release information is available in a timely manner 90 - 100% March 2016
% releasing military members that are satisfied with the information they received regarding transition programs 70 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will implement national registration and standardized feedback forms for the Second Career Assistance Network and Career Transition workshops in January 2015. This will enable data collection to validate the applicability and timeliness of the services.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.5: Military Personnel – Professional Development Training

The Military Personnel Professional Development Training Program aims to ensure that military personnel are provided with the requisite professional development, knowledge and skills required by the Canadian Profession of Arms. Results are delivered through the delivery of basic military qualification, university and college education, professional military education and development, second official language training, foreign language training, and workplace values training services. The Military Personnel Professional Development Training Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
693,700,684 697,281,462 700,493,065

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 8,135 8,135 8,135
Civilian 899 899 899
TOTAL 9,034 9,034 9,034

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Military personnel have the professional education and development to meet the needs of the Defence military establishment % military personnel who agree or are neutral that the Canadian Armed Forces Professional Development policies programs support succession planning within the Canadian Armed Forces 70.2 - 100% March 2016
% military personnel who agree or are neutral that the Canadian Armed Forces Professional Development programs encourage and support self-development among CAF members 65.4 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to strengthening the Defence Team

  • Modernize CAF individual training and education to provide a sustainable program within allocated resources. An individual training and education architecture spanning the CAF organization will be developed with a view to reduce duplication and eliminate stovepipes so as to create efficiencies and enhance effectiveness of individual training and education delivery.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Ensure that the Canadian Army systems approach to training includes leadership training designed to provide the right training to selected individuals at the correct moment in their careers;
  • Improve on efficiencies made possible by the implementation of CAF Campus to produce effects well beyond the Individual Training & Education (IT&E) system, including improvements to capability development and reduction of the overall operations and maintenance burden;
  • Produce an array of individual competencies via a flexible and agile pan-CAF IT&E system that are required for success in complex and unpredictable operational environments and to meet the demands of such a dynamic institution; and
  • Build on initiatives, insights and evidence provided by the training authorities, designated training authorities, other CAF stakeholders, industry, academia, our allies, other government departments and individual members of the CAF IT&E community.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.6: Military Personnel – Occupation Training

The Military Personnel Occupation Training Program seeks to ensure that occupational technical and procedural knowledge and skills are provided to military personnel to make them employable in their respective occupations, exclusive of collective training. Results are achieved through the delivery of initial, intermediate, advanced and specialty occupation training services. The Military Personnel Occupation Training Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
747,626,828 755,072,593 762,504,282

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 5,983 5,983 5,983
Civilian 1,442 1,442 1,442
TOTAL 7,425 7,425 7,425

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Military personnel have the education and skills that meet the needs of their occupation and Defence requirements % of Graduates vs. Training Plan target 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Develop an IT&E costing model that will focus on costing activities that exist at the strategic, operational and tactical levels;
  • Allocate costing tools, not just direct costs associated with a program, and also a proportion of indirect costs, as per the auspices of classic activity-based costing;
  • Implement a comprehensive IT&E costing model to include a customized and modernized DND costing handbook that reflects all CAF Campus developments and initiatives; and
  • Develop and implement, with CAF stakeholders, performance measurements and key performance indicators that best tell the IT&E story at all levels.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.7: Military Personnel – Morale and Well Being

The Military Personnel Morale and Well-Being Program seeks to honour the service and unique sacrifices of our military personnel and sustain and help retain military personnel by meeting basic social and lifestyle needs for themselves and their families, similar to those of other Canadians. Results are accomplished through the recognition of military personnel, serving or retired, veterans, deceased military personnel as well as their families, external individuals, and organizations; and through the delivery of support services such as military family support, military chaplaincy services, and casualty support services to the ill and the injured, and their families. The Military Personnel Morale and Well-Being Program services are primarily focused on military personnel and their families.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
471,249,785 479,889,022 464,068,578

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,208 2,208 2,208
Civilian 331 331 331
TOTAL 2,539 2,539 2,539

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The morale and well-being needs of military personnel are met % military members satisfied or neutral with the quality of life services utilized or available to be utilized 73 – 100% March 2016
% CAF personnel satisfied or neutral with the knowledge that the CAF will look after their needs if they become injured on the job 62.5 – 100% March 2016
% CAF Personnel who agree or are neutral that they know the CAF will look after their needs if they become injured on the job 64 – 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Provide enhanced support to the ill and the injured and to the families of CAF members

  • Implement the shift of the Military Family Services Program from a program-centric to a family-centric model and continue to provide programs that honour, acknowledge and support families’ contributions to the CAF:
    • Optimize marketing and communications plans to ensure stakeholders and partners have the awareness and capacity required to support military families;
    • Engage military families with their community of support through professional, evidence-based best practice programming and service delivery;
    • Connect families to their civilian and military communities through redeveloped social media, communication and partnership campaigns;
    • Meet and validate family needs through performance measures that assess efficacy of the Military Family Services Program programming and services; and
    • Ensure families feel strong and resilient to enable a mission-ready force through clinical and professional social, community, mental and physical programs and services.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will, in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders, provide the programs, services and support to its members and their families that ensure a rewarding and fulfilling career and help them transition after military service.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.8: Military Personnel – Health Care

The Military Personnel Health Care Program aims to enable operational readiness of military personnel by ensuring that Canadian military personnel have access to health services wherever they serve. Given that Canadian military personnel are not covered under the Canada Health Act, the Department of National Defence is mandated to provide health services to members of the Canadian military. Results are achieved through the provision of medical, dental and health care sustainment services. The Military Personnel Health Care Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
781,110,811 796,084,606 810,667,352

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,746 2,746 2,746
Civilian 1,432 1,432 1,432
TOTAL 4,178 4,178 4,178

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Health services and health advice meet the needs of military personnel and the organization % Medical Clinic Patient Satisfaction with regard to their treatment and interaction with medical staff 80 - 100% March 2016
% of CAF personnel that are Dentally Fit to deploy on domestic and international operations 90 - 100% March 2016
% Compliance of Laboratory Subspecialty with external Quality Control by discipline 95 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Provide enhanced support to the ill and the injured and to the families of CAF members

  • Commence work on the Surgeon General’s Population Health Strategy, which will focus on those medical conditions that have been identified as contributing to the greatest burden of illness in the CAF population. These include: obesity and cardiovascular risk factors; chronic pain; acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries; addictions; and mental health. This population health strategy will inform the development of specific clinical programs, which will include clinical outcome measurements, aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of Canadian Forces Health Services;
  • Engage in an evaluation of the CAF clinic model, for both in-garrison primary health care and mental health care delivery, in order to further improve and optimize the current models;
  • Begin implementation of the Mental Health Notes project that will allow direct entry of Mental Health notes into the electronic medical record, thereby improving communication with other members of the health care team;
  • Implement the Client Reported Outcomes Management Information System to help optimize mental health care provided, and to assist with performance measurement; and
  • Develop inter-professional and collaborative care models, utilizing standardized tools and mechanisms, to address the needs of the ill and injured with complex care needs, thereby maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of clinical care delivery.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.9: Organization – Security, Protection, Justice and Safety

The Organization Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program aims to ensure that Defence activities are conducted safely, that the Defence organization is protected and secure from internal and external threats, and that military personnel respect regulations and expectations of the Military Code of Service Discipline. Results are delivered through the coordination and delivery of Military Justice, including the administration of Courts Martial, the delivery of police services, investigation services and criminal intelligence, the provision of custody and detentions services, the development of emergency preparedness tools, the delivery of emergency response services, the delivery of security screening and clearance for personnel and industrial contributors and the delivery of occupational health and safety services and activities. The Organization Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program services are directed to members of Defence and the public.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
304,075,921 306,296,321 308,582,888

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,669 1,669 1,669
Civilian 592 592 592
TOTAL 2,261 2,261 2,261

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The Defence military personnel respect regulations and expectations of the Military Code of Service Discipline Average number of court martials in recent years 55-75 March 2016
Military Police clearance rates for violent crimes 70 - 100% March 2016
Defence activities are conducted safely and accidents are prevented % decrease in Injury Frequency Rate for Regular Force and DND civilians 10 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Develop and implement initiatives to integrate security management into departmental operations

  • Increase the number of resources attributed to personnel security so as to enable faster analysis and processing of security clearance files.

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Occupational Health and Safety Plan

  • Develop the Defence Occupational Health and Safety Management System to ensure measurement of efficiencies and to improve the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety program so as to prevent and minimize the frequency and severity of work related injuries and illness.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Advance the recommendations provided by the second independent review of the military justice system conducted by retired Chief Justice Patrick LeSage; and
  • Advance amendments to the Queen’s Regulations and Orders related to Bill C-15: Strengthening Military Justice in the Defence of Canada Act.

For additional information, please see the Office of the Judge Advocate General 44 web page.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.1.10: Military Personnel and Organization – Strategic Coordination, Development and Control

The Military Personnel and Organization Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that military personnel and the Defence organization are managed, coordinated and overseen so that military personnel are continually available to supply Defence readiness and satisfy other Defence program delivery requirements. The Program also ensures that the organization meets requirements for safety, security and justice. Results are achieved through planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, remuneration and advisory services. The Military Personnel and Organization Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also serve Defence by supporting the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the materiel, real property and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Control Program, the Overarching Control of Domestic and International Operations, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Military Heritage and Outreach Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
201,468,045 203,602,327 205,699,163

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 954 954 954
Civilian 711 711 711
TOTAL 1,665 1,665 1,665

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff roup / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The strategic coordination, development and control of military personnel and the organization meets Defence needs % Defence Military Personnel and Organization score on the Coordination, Development and Control Performance Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016
Organizational policies are applied fairly across the CAF % of CAF personnel who agree or are neutral that organizational policies are fair to everyone 49 – 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Maximize military and civilian potential by continuing to strengthen leadership capacity through succession planning, continuous learning and professional development

  • Implement the new CAF appraisal system starting with the finalization of CAF competency dictionary, the e-performance prototype of concept design, and concept of operations development.
  • Develop a sustainable personnel management system for a rationalized, single conflict management process that enables issues to be addressed more effectively and meets the needs of force employers, force generators, CAF personnel and their families; and
  • Develop a detailed concept of employment (tested with appropriate experiment), a governance framework, an accountability and responsibility framework, a personnel, financial and infrastructure estimate and recommended changes to the officers’ and non-commissioned members’ general specifications.

Advance a comprehensive plan or initiatives to align and optimize the military and civilian workforce

  • Institute a Multi-Year Establishment Plan to validate and prioritize Regular and Reserve Force personnel requirements based on current and future known manning pressures associated with joint and common defence requirements and the force development of new or emerging capabilities. A more stable human resources planning environment will enable investment in new establishment priorities and ensure the CAF is structured to meet current and future force requirements.

Please see the Canada's Reserve Force 45 web page for additional information on fiscal year 2015-16 plans and priorities.

Sub-Program 4.2: Materiel Lifecycle

The Materiel Lifecycle Program aims provide the defence materiel products and services required to ready Defence force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that defence materiel capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the production of ready force element, the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces, and Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers defence materiel, and the lifecycle management services provided to ensure the availability of defence materiel, including acquisition services, equipment upgrade and insertion services; divestment and disposal services; engineering, testing, production and maintenance services; inventory management and distribution services; investigation, assurance and certification services; and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
6,764,814,323 6,980,641,215 6,663,522,711

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 7,571 7,571 7,571
Civilian 5,918 5,918 5,918
TOTAL 13,489 13,489 13,489

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel is suitable to meet the needs of Defence % of Defence Materiel Portfolio considered suitable to Readiness Training and Operations 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Defence is a participant in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) and contributes to the Greening Government Operations targets through the Materiel Lifecycle Program. The Department contributes to the Green Procurement and the Sustainable Workplace Operations target areas of Theme IV: Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government. For additional details on Departmental FSDS activities, see Section III: Supplementary Information - Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 46.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will ensure that Defence materiel is available in the quantity, mix, and condition suitable to meet Defence needs, aligned with Defence priorities to:

  • Deliver materiel acquisition, support and related services in support of operations and the Department;
  • Deliver on Defence and Business Renewal efficiencies and the Defence Procurement Strategy;
  • Deliver on Government of Canada requirements for the management of inventory and be compliant with the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Controls; and
  • Develop and sustain a professional Defence Team.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.1: Materiel – Portfolio Management

The Materiel Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements, the materiel elements of Defence capabilities, are managed throughout their lifecycle and made available to the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. The Program is primarily focused on ensuring that sufficient types, quantities and mixes of equipment, fleets and associated materials are available and can be delivered to enable the readiness training and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. This is accomplished through the delivery of defence materiel portfolio management, coordination, and project planning services. This Program oversees and prompts the suite of services which, in turn, ensure that defence materiel portfolio elements are available and in a condition that allows for their use in military readiness training, operations and Defence services. The Materiel Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
3,259,510,369 3,576,682,966 3,454,966,921

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 33 33 33
Civilian 1 1 1
TOTAL 34 34 34

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel, equipment, and equipment fleets are available in the quantity, mix and condition to meet Defence needs % of key fleets available to meet operational and force generation tasks in accordance with Canada First Defence Strategy 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Ensure that Defence materiel, equipment, and equipment fleets are available in the quantity, mix and condition to meet Defence needs;
  • Undertake a National Procurement Corporate Account Review to optimize how National Procurement funds are managed, prioritized and expended to deliver operational materiel outputs; and
  • Continue to strengthen and align Materiel Management Programs with the CAF force posture and readiness plan.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.2: Materiel – Acquisition

The Materiel Acquisition Program aims to augment the defence materiel portfolio by delivering acquisition services for defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements. This Program is primarily focused on meeting Defence materiel capability needs to enable readiness training and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are accomplished through the delivery of Major Capital Project, Minor Capital Project, and Minor Capital Equipment Project services. The Materiel Acquisition Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel Portfolio Management Program which in-turn provides the materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
529,481,651 488,999,660 421,456,016

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 748 748 748
Civilian 440 440 440
TOTAL 1,180 1,180 1,180

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets portfolio is augmented in a timely manner to meet Defence needs % CFDS materiel acquisition projects on original schedule 85 - 100% March 2016
% Non-CFDS materiel acquisition projects on original schedule 85 - 100% March 2016
% CFDS and non-CFDS materiel acquisition projects on adjusted schedule 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Support the implementation of the Defence Procurement Strategy and improve Defence procurement

  • Complete the transition to steady state of the Project Manager Competency Development Initiative with the aim of rebuilding a professional project management workforce. This will help to enable delivery of the Defence Program by qualifying all incumbent Project Managers to the appropriate DND Project Management level, aligned with the Treasury Board Secretariat's criticality and risk rating of the project being managed; and
  • Support Public Works and Government Services Canada in the implementation of the Defence Procurement Strategy 47 to ensure defence procurement delivers the right equipment to the CAF, creates economic opportunities and jobs in Canada, and streamlines the defence procurement process. Defence-specific initiatives include:
    • Implement increased delegated contracting authorities across Defence;
    • Implement internal challenge functions and third-party review of high-level mandatory requirements; and
    • Enhance Defence’s relationship with industry through the maintenance of the Defence Acquisition Guide 48.

Continue to strengthen the effective stewardship and management of inventory and materiel resources while implementing the Defence Renewal maintenance and materiel strategic initiatives

  • Reduce the costs of goods and services by applying best practices to contracting expenses and improving procurement strategies.

Please see the Defence website, for more information on investing in equipment 49 and on Canadian Government Defence Procurement 50.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.3: Materiel – Equipment Upgrade and Insertion

The Materiel Equipment Upgrade and Insertion Program seeks to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements are upgraded and/or undergo technology insertion. Results are achieved by the delivery of services for maintenance periods, mid-life upgrades and other equipment and platform work programs designed to rejuvenate and update equipment and materiel technologies. The Materiel Equipment Upgrade and Insertion Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel Portfolio Management Program which in-turn makes the materiel element of Defence capabilities available for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
592,912,985 626,818,767 558,280,163

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,088 1,088 1,088
Civilian 275 275 275
TOTAL 1,363 1,363 1,363

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets are refitted and/or transitioned to meet Defence needs % of Materiel Upgrade and Technological Insertion Projects and Upgrades on schedule 85 - 100% March 2016
% of Materiel Upgrade and Technological Insertion Projects and Upgrades on original Treasury Board Secretariat schedule 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Ensure Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets are refitted and/or transitioned to meet Defence needs; and
  • Continue to liaise with stakeholders to develop relational contracting best practices to effectively progress larger in-service support activities and significant upgrade projects.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.4: Materiel – Divestment and Disposal

The Materiel Divestment and Disposal Program seeks to reduce the defence materiel portfolio by delivering divestment and disposal services for material, equipment, equipment fleets and supporting elements. This Program is primarily focused on maintaining the mix and quantity of materiel to meet Defence materiel capability needs. Results are achieved through the delivery of services for asset sales, trade-ins, alternative applications (such as artefacts), donations and monuments, transfers, and scrapping/destruction. The Materiel Divestment and Disposal Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel Portfolio Management Program which in-turn provides the appropriate mix of materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
9,616,200 10,006,200 10,438,655

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 7 7 7
Civilian 25 25 25
TOTAL 32 32 32

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets are reduced in a safe, responsible, and timely manner to meet Defence needs % materiel disposed on schedule 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Address e-waste concerns and mitigate environmental risks. Continue to promulgate the Defence Environmental Strategy by:
    • Addressing e-waste concerns and mitigating environmental risks through supply organizations at Bases, Wings, Depots, and Detachments;
    • Effectively re-purposing electronics within the Department, recycling them through approved federal or provincial programs;
    • Disposing of e-waste through accredited waste processors; and
    • Ensuring National e-waste disposal policies have been communicated and incorporated into local level documents.
  • Complete mandatory on-site e-waste verifications as scheduled (on a three-year cycle) to meet Government of Canada e-waste obligations under the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.5: Materiel – Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance

The Materiel Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance Program aims to ensure that defence materials, equipment and services satisfy operational and performance requirements and are in condition that allow for their safe use at inception and throughout their lifecycle. Results are accomplished through the delivery of technical review, analysis, examination, testing, certification, quality assurance, and production and maintenance services to the defence materiel portfolio. Also, engineering investigations and analysis services are conducted to address materiel failures as required by the appropriate authorities. The Materiel Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel Portfolio Management Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,784,878,761 1,680,285,730 1,612,864,490

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,895 2,895 2,895
Civilian 3,031 3,031 3,031
TOTAL 5,926 5,926 5,926

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets engineering, testing, production and maintenance meet the needs of Defence % centralized materiel maintenance on schedule 85 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Continue to strengthen the effective stewardship and management of inventory and materiel resources while implementing the Defence Renewal maintenance and materiel strategic initiatives

  • Under Defence Renewal, optimize CAF equipment maintenance programs to improve weapon system performance and value for money by leveraging Defence and industry capabilities; and
  • Optimize cost and value for money on selected CAF equipment maintenance programs and associated sustainment procurement, while maintaining or improving equipment readiness.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.6: Materiel – Inventory Management and Distribution

The Materiel Inventory Management and Distribution Program aims to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets and all supporting elements are made available in a timely manner and in the required location to produce ready force elements, conduct operations, and deliver Defence services. Results are achieved through the delivery of transportation, inventory and warehousing management, inventory control, identification and tracking, and Defence postal services for the materiel elements of Defence capabilities and other relevant military elements. The Materiel Inventory Management and Distribution Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel Lifecycle Program, the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and Defence Combat and Support Operations as required.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
520,326,142 528,638,716 535,105,362

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 2,580 2,580 2,580
Civilian 1,663 1,663 1,663
TOTAL 4,243 4,243 4,243

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence materiel, equipment and equipment fleets are supplied and made available in a timely manner at the location to meet the needs of Defence % of stock-out on projected materiel requirements < 7.93% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Support the implementation of the Defence Procurement Strategy and improve Defence procurement

  • Implement enhanced security measures for controlled goods in order to comply with departmental, domestic and international controlled goods obligations.

Continue to strengthen the effective stewardship and management of inventory and materiel resources while implementing the Defence Renewal maintenance and materiel strategic initiatives

  • Complete the inventory of first and second line ammunition stock within the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force weapons and serial number items;
  • Advance the National Stocktaking Project to enable the stocktaking and verification of selected inventory and the pricing/valuation verification on selected samples;
  • Advance the Inventory Management Modernization and Rationalization Project by rationalizing dormant and legacy stocks. Rationalize the materiel inventory by reducing overbuys over the next four years;
  • Map and align inventory management business process with departmental activities aimed to institutionalize financial modern management practices; and
  • Continue the Automatic Identification Technology Project which will contribute to the modernization of the National Defence Global Supply Chain.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.2.7: Materiel – Strategic Coordination, Development and Control

The Materiel Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program aims to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets and all supporting elements are managed, coordinated and overseen so that they are available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are achieved through the delivery of planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence materiel in order to meet Defence readiness needs. The Materiel Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, real property and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Further, this Program includes all international and industrial activities, as well as regulatory programs and the coordination and control of the Airworthiness Program in response to the Aeronautical Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
68,088,215 69,209,177 70,411,104

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 223 223 223
Civilian 484 484 484
TOTAL 707 707 707

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The strategic coordination, development and control of Defence materiel meets Defence needs % Defence Materiel score on the Coordination, Development and Control Performance Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Support the implementation of the Defence Procurement Strategy and improve Defence procurement

  • Improve the management of intellectual property assets with policies, procedures, training and records management;
  • Conduct enabling technology gap analysis;
  • Continue the initiation of the Policy Portfolio Management Project to advance the alignment of materiel acquisition and support policies with the business functions and Defence Procurement Strategy; and
  • Continue the development of a policy repository in line with the Transformation Campaign as an enabler to the project.

Sub-Program 4.3: Real Property Lifecycle

The Real Property Lifecycle Program provides the real property products and services required to ready Defence force elements and fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that defence real property capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the production of ready force elements, the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces, and other Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers real property and the lifecycle management services to ensure the availability of real property, including acquisition and new capability construction services, recapitalization and betterment services, divestment and disposal services, operation, maintenance and repair services, navigation and traffic control services, environment and remediation services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2,092,203,438 2,033,551,638 1,810,691,406

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,505 1,505 1,505
Civilian 3,999 3,999 3,999
TOTAL 5,504 5,504 5,504

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group /Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence real property is suitable to Defence needs % of Defence real property that is suitable to Defence requirements 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Defence is a participant in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) and contributes to Protecting Nature and Greening Government Operations targets through the Real Property Lifecycle Program. The Department contributes to the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan and Species at Risk target areas of Theme III: Protecting Nature and Canadians. The Department also contributes to the Green House Gas Emissions Reduction; Real Property Environmental Performance; Greening Services to Clients; and Water Management target areas of Theme IV: Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government.

For additional details on Departmental Federal Sustainable Development Strategy activities see Section III: Supplementary Information - Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 51.

Planned activities within the Real Property Lifecycle Program are detailed under each of the applicable sub-sub-programs.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.1: Real Property – Portfolio Management

The Real Property Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence real property is managed holistically throughout its lifecycle so that the condition of Defence real property capability elements is suitable to Defence needs and made available for the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. This is accomplished through real property assessment services, analysis services, requirement identification services, inventory data management, and service delivery coordination for defence real property acquisitions, operations, maintenance and repairs, divestments, disposals, environmental, and remediation services. The Real Property Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
739,456,353 704,445,155 498,682,141

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 4 4 4
Civilian 397 397 397
TOTAL 401 401 401

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence real property is available in a condition that meets Defence needs Facility condition rating (%) for “Direct Mission” Support real property assets 15% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Defence affordabilty

  • Continue to rationalize the real property portfolio to become more efficient, operationally effective, affordable and sustainable.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.2: Real Property – Acquisition

The Real Property Acquisition Program seeks to expand or enhance the defence real property assets portfolio through the delivery of purchase, capital leases, new asset construction, or life extension construction services where and when needed in support of new Defence capabilities. Results are achieved through purchase, lease, exchange, gift, easement, transfer, expropriation services or other means as required. The Real Property Acquisition Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property Portfolio Management Program which in-turn provides the real property elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
100,400,019 99,252,649 80,868,111

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 8 8 8
Civilian 168 168 168
TOTAL 176 176 176

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The Defence real property assets portfolio is augmented or extended in a timely manner to meet the needs of Defence % New construction, betterments and recapitalizations on original Treasury Board Secretariat schedule (over $5M) 90 - 100% March 2016
% New construction, betterments and recapitalizations on adjusted schedule (over $5M) 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Defence affordability

  • Continue to improve real property acquisition delivery to ensure allocated personnel and financial resources are optimized to deliver the right assets at the right time and in the right locations.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.3: Real Property – Divestment and Disposal

The Real Property Divestment and Disposal Program aims to reduce the defence real property portfolio by addressing surplus defence real property capability elements. Results are achieved through timely divestments of real property where and when required to ensure that Defence maintains a relevant real property mix to meet Defence real property capability needs. This is accomplished through site identification services, property assessment services, estimate/appraisal services, solicitation process services, consultation services, negotiation services, and agreement development services. The Real Property Divestment and Disposal Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property Portfolio Management Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
25,512,092 26,429,365 27,273,182

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1 1 1
Civilian 52 52 52
TOTAL 53 53 53

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence real property assets portfolio is reduced in a timely manner to meet Defence needs % identified surplus real property land area compared to total owned <1% March 2016

Planning Highlights

All planned activities for the Real Property Divestment and Disposal Program are captured within the Program’s description.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.4: Real Property – Operations, Maintenance and Repair

The Real Property Operations, Maintenance and Repair Program aims to provide fundamental services for planned and unplanned maintenance, repair, and overall operation of defence real property capability elements (i.e. buildings, works, and base functions) to ensure its continued availability and suitability to meet the needs of Defence. Results are achieved through real property assets maintenance, repair, and operation services such as groundskeeping, HVAC, waste collection, navigation, air traffic and range control, and the provision of other real property related amenities. The Real Property Operations, Maintenance and Repair Program sustains Defence by enabling the Real Property Portfolio Management Program and enables the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
1,086,153,425 1,121,341,855 1,121,501,760

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,465 1,465 1,465
Civilian 3,164 3,164 3,164
TOTAL 4,629 4,629 4,629

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence real property is maintained, repaired and operated in order to meet the needs of Defence % of Residential Housing Units that are of a suitable condition for occupancy by CAF members 85 - 100% March 2016
% real property maintenance and repair investment in relation to Real Property Replacement Cost 1.4% March 2014

Planning Highlights

All planned activities for the Real Property Operations, Maintenance and Repair Program are captured within the Program’s description.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.5: Real Property – Environment and Remediation

The Real Property Environment and Remediation Program aims to enable the production of ready force elements through environmentally sustainable Defence activities, and to ensure that Defence reduces its liability related to real property. Results are accomplished through the delivery of awareness initiatives, and environmental assessment, environmental management, natural resources, communication and consultation services. Additionally, the remediation of defence real property capability elements also achieves results through the delivery of site identification, site assessment, site characterizations, and site classification services as well as sampling, testing, risk management and mitigation, and long-term monitoring services. The Real Property Environment and Remediation Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property Lifecycle Program as well as the Defence Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, Organization Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program, and the Military Personnel and Organization, Materiel, Info Systems Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Programs.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
114,077,292 54,923,330 56,984,552

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group
Note: The decrease in planned spending is due to the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan where no spending is planned for 2016-17 and 2017-18.

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 9 9 9
Civilian 101 101 101
TOTAL 110 110 110

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence reduces its environmental and unexploded ordnance (UXO) liability related to real property % reduction in contaminated sites opening liability (sites which reported liability in the previous fiscal year) 6% March 2016
# identified UXO legacy sites assessed per year 36 - 100 March 2016
Defence demonstrates responsible and sustainable environmental stewardship % achievement of Defence Environmental Strategy commitments 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Defence affordability

  • Continue to develop and implement measures for greenhouse gas reductions and energy management.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.3.6: Real Property – Strategic Coordination, Development and Control

The Real Property Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that defence real property and the natural environment are managed, coordinated and overseen so that it is available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are achieved through planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence real property in order to meet Defence readiness needs and to respond to the Federal Government agenda. The Real Property Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by directly enabling Real Property Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, materiel and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
26,604,257 27,159,284 25,381,659

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 18 18 18
Civilian 116 116 116
TOTAL 134 134 134

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The strategic coordination, development and control of Defence real property meet the needs of Defence % Defence Real Property score on the Coordination, Development and Control Performance Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Defence affordability

  • Continue to optimize facilities management service delivery to achieve efficiencies through the consolidation of base and wing real property contracts at the national, regional or local levels; and
  • Continue to centralize real property management to efficiently manage the lifecycle of departmental infrastructure in support of CAF missions, while providing the best value to Canadians.

Sub-Program 4.4: Information Systems Lifecycle

The Information Systems Lifecycle Program seeks to ensure that the information systems infrastructure and applications are made available to the production ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services and to fulfill obligations of Defence Combat and Support Operations, Defence Services and Contributions to Government, and Defence Capability Development and Research activities. It ensures that the defence information systems infrastructure and applications capability elements are available in the quantity, mix and condition that enables the readiness and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces and other Defence services. The Program oversees and delivers defence information systems infrastructure and applications, and the lifecycle management services provided to ensure the availability information systems and applications, including acquisition services, development and deployment services, system management and user support services, and the planning and governance of the Program. The authority for this Program is derived from the National Defence Act.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
759,764,908 746,584,347 731,603,641

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 1,365 1,365 1,365
Civilian 1,536 1,536 1,536
TOTAL 2,901 2,901 2,901

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence information systems and applications are suitable to Defence needs % of DND Application Portfolio that is considered healthy 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

Defence is a participant in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) and contributes to the Greening Government Operations targets through the Information Systems Lifecycle Program. The Department contributes to the Sustainable Workplace Operations target areas of Theme IV: Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government.

For additional details on Departmental Federal Sustainable Development Strategy activities, see Section III: Supplementary Information - Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 52.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.4.1: Info Systems – Portfolio Management

The Info Systems Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence information systems infrastructure and applications are managed throughout their lifecycle so that the condition of Defence information system capability elements is suitable to Defence needs and made available for the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. It aims to ensure that command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance application solutions are secure and available in diverse locations where information continuity must be maintained across communication interruptions. This is accomplished through assessment services and identification and coordination for defence information systems acquisition, development, deployment, system management, user support services. The Info Systems Lifecycle Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
221,340,618 219,521,720 201,783,501

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 94 94 94
Civilian 215 215 215
TOTAL 309 309 309

Sources: Vice-Chief of Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence information systems infrastructure and applications are available to meet the needs of Defence % of time info system networks are available 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Provide an integrated and effective IM and IT environment in support of all Defence operations

  • Establish more effective application portfolio management, in accordance with Treasury Board Secretariat guidelines, focused on IT investments that best meet Defence’s business objectives. Defence will aim to reduce the application footprint and support through the transition to a common enterprise platform.

Develop and implement initiatives to integrate security management into departmental operations

  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IM/IT security by establishing an updated Security Assessment and Authorization Risk Register for all departmental IT assets.

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Via the Enterprise Information and Knowledge Management initiative, enable a comprehensive IM program of services;
  • Provide critical command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) information linkages within and between tactical, operational, and strategic activities;
  • Develop and manage Defence C4ISR and IM/IT capabilities with an enterprise perspective to ensure interoperability across the enterprise and with allies; and
  • Maximize the effectiveness of Defence IM/IT systems through robust in-service support frameworks and controls.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.4.2: Info Systems – Acquisition, Development and Deployment

The Info Systems Acquisition, Development and Deployment Program seeks to expand or enhance the defence secure information systems infrastructure and applications portfolio by delivering acquisition, development and deployment services to meet defence command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance needs. Results are achieved through acquisition project development and management services, development project development and management services, testing services, and deployment services. The Info Systems Acquisition, Development and Deployment Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Info Systems Portfolio Management Program which in-turn provides the materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
170,206,919 149,517,075 147,558,367

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group
Note: The decrease in planned spending is mainly due to the approved budgetary reprofile of major capital projects.

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 120 120 120
Civilian 427 427 427
TOTAL 547 547 547

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
The secure Defence information systems portfolio is augmented to meet Defence interoperability needs % Info Systems Capital Projects on Schedule (original timeline) 85 - 100% March 2016
% Info Systems Capital Projects on Schedule (adjusted timeline) 85 - 100% March 2016
% of Info Systems projects requiring Senior Management attention 0 - 10% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will formalize security of systems capability to ensure continuous protection, availability and accessibility of information, systems and supporting networks.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.4.3: Info Systems – System Management and User Support

The Info Systems - System Management and User Support Program aims to provide Defence information system management and user support in a timely manner and in the required location to produce ready force elements, conduct operations, and deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished through the delivery of divestment, problem resolution support, training, and system support services. The Info Systems - System Management and User Support Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Info Systems Portfolio Management Program, Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
204,825,543 207,975,419 210,513,494

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 927 927 927
Civilian 698 698 698
TOTAL 1,625 1,625 1,625

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Defence information systems and user support are available as required to meet the needs of Defence % Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre tickets resolved within Service Level Agreement standard 90 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Provide an integrated and effective IM and IT environment in support of all Defence operations

  • Develop, as part of Defence Renewal, an enterprise-wide IT Service Management capability that consists of the consolidation of 120+ Service Management organizations to 22 or fewer Regional Service Management Centers supported by standard processes and a common software toolset to optimize service delivery and enable long-term transformational change.

Develop and implement initiatives to integrate security management into departmental operations

  • Successfully resolve Chief Review Services’ observations and recommendations to enhance IT security of DND/CAF networks so as to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, accessibility and availability of information, systems and supporting networks; and
  • Implement the Defence Command and Control Allied Interoperability project to maintain interoperability at the departmental, national and international levels.

Sub-Sub-Program 4.4.4: Info Systems – Strategic Coordination, Development and Control

The Info Systems Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that Defence information systems and applications are secure, managed, coordinated and overseen so that they are available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are delivered through planning, design, development, security assessment, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence information systems and applications. The Info Systems Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by enabling the Information Systems Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, materiel, and real property capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
163,391,827 169,570,133 171,748,279

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 226 226 226
Civilian 196 196 196
TOTAL 422 422 422

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets

Date to be

The strategic coordination, development and control of Defence information systems and applications meet Defence needs % Defence Info Systems score on the Coordination, Development and Control Performance Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Provide an integrated and effective IM and IT environment in support of all Defence operations

  • Continue to evolve and leverage the Defence Resource Management Information System’s IM/IT enterprise capabilities so as to maximize return on investment;
  • Improve IM/IT program management and governance to ensure the mission, vision and business expectations are met and risks are mitigated;
  • Implement the IM/IT Strategy in alignment with Defence priorities;
  • Under Defence Renewal, provide an efficient, effective and sustainable IM/IT program through the rationalization of the departmental IT expenditures. This will include the optimized procurement of hardware/software, application/database development and maintenance, and professional services; and
  • Review and update IM/IT security policies to ensure they are current, relevant, and consistent with Government of Canada directives.

Program 5.0: Defence Capability Development and Research

The Defence Capability Development and Research Program seeks to provide the analytical bases and knowledge to anticipate foreseeable changes in the threat and security environment and to determine the associated demand for Defence capabilities across near- and long-term time horizons in order to enable evidence-based strategic decisions that align the introduction, modification and divestment of Defence capabilities and guide the application of existing capabilities with an acceptable levels of risk. Results are achieved by: establishing and monitoring the fulfillment of near-term targets for readying force elements and conducting Defence operations; identifying lessons from past operations; assessing defence and security trends; developing and integrating new knowledge and systems/methods for conducting operations; developing approaches and conducting Defence capability analyses at strategic, operational and tactical levels; present to future capability assessments; designing and assessing defence alternatives; providing Defence capability oversight and expertise; and Defence capability use planning for sustainable Defence capabilities in future time horizons. As such, this Program sustains Defence by providing key products and services to the Defence Capability Element Production Program, the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program and parts of the Defence Combat and Support Operations, and Defence Services and Contributions to Government Programs. This Program also directly enables the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
373,537,801 373,537,801 382,101,670 388,627,701

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 816 816 816
Civilian 887 887 887
TOTAL 1,703 1,703 1,703

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be

Defence stakeholders are aware of risks pertaining to the introduction, preparation, application, modification and divestment of Defence capabilities in both the near- and long-term horizons

% score on the Defence Capability Development and Research Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Continue to develop and utilize future planning scenarios and capability based planning tools to analyze future capability requirements and force structures; and
  • Analyze strategic initiatives, new capabilities and force structures to ensure alignment with strategic direction articulated by Defence policy, the Defence Capability Framework and other governmental or strategic documentation.

Sub-Program 5.1: Capability Design, Development and Integration

The Capability Design, Development and Integration Program provides focused expertise to develop and introduce new capabilities, develop new knowledge, integrate knowledge from internal and external sources, develop new concepts, innovate ways to provide competitive advantage to military operations, and enhance the effectiveness of Defence programs. Results from this Program are accomplished by: developing, demonstrating, testing and evaluating advanced systems and technologies and integrating these and other scientific research into Defence programs; identifying lessons from on-going and historical operations; producing new concepts and doctrine; designing and assessing alternative capabilities; providing planning, oversight and expertise for the introduction and divestment of capabilities; and developing analyses to enable evidence-based decisions concerning the selection and effective use of capabilities at strategic, operational and tactical levels. The products and services from this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Strategic Direction and Planning Support Program. They also enable aspects of the Defence Capability Element Production Program, the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, and the Programs that deliver Defence Combat and Support Operations as well as Defence Services and Contributions to Government.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
349,845,125 358,115,061 365,032,247

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 729 729 729
Civilian 865 865 865
TOTAL 1,594 1,594 1,594

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Plans which make adjustments to the elements of Defence capability are established, aligned and monitored % score on the Capability Design Development and Integration Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will:

  • Continue to utilize Capability Based Planning to enable analysis of future capability requirements; and
  • Advance tools and governance frameworks required to enable personnel and equipment investment/divestment planning in accordance with forecasted changes to capability priorities beyond the immediate term.

Sub-Sub-Program 5.1.1: Capability Design and Management

The Capability Design and Management Program oversee the execution of activities that conceive, design, develop and introduce new or modify existing Defence capabilities which provide the ability to achieve a desired effect during the execution of a defence operation or the delivery of a Defence service. Defence capabilities are formed of various combinations of force elements, the entities that execute the tasks to achieve desired effects during an operation. This Program applies system-of-systems approaches to describe, analyse, design, and manage each individual capability as a system of capability elements (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and real property) which must be suitably integrated in order to produce new or enhanced force elements. Results are achieved through the oversight of Defence capability requirements specification, conception, and design; and the oversight and coordination of individual capability elements delivery and process specification for force element integration. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Strategic Capability Planning Support Program and the lifecycle management Programs responsible for the production, maintenance, and retirement of Defence capability elements. It also influences the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
55,087,061 56,215,971 57,115,660

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 249 249 249
Civilian 6 6 6
TOTAL 255 255 255

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Options to modify Defence capabilities in order to fill individual capability gaps are produced % score on the Capability Design and Management Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Provide an integrated and effective IM and IT environment in support of all Defence operations

  • Develop an operational framework enabling the integration of cyber considerations into military planning and operations;
  • Strengthen its ability to defend Defence networks;
  • Support whole-of-government cyber security efforts in collaboration with other government departments and agencies;
  • Contribute to joint cyber security efforts with allied military organizations;
  • Deliver key space-based capabilities and programs in coordination with other government departments and agencies; and
  • Enhance space support for CAF operations, including through greater cooperation and integration with allied military organizations.

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Undertake Canada First Defence Strategy Renewal

  • Implement programs and measures to develop the capability to meet CFDS Renewal requirements and ensure Defence has the capabilities necessary to meet Government expectations in the future.

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Advance a comprehensive plan or initiatives to align and optimize the military and civilian workforce

  • Progress the CAF establishment study to determine the required size and composition of the Regular Force Trained Effective Establishment. The third phase of the study will assess military occupational structure identification.

Sub-Sub-Program 5.1.2: Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation

The Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program seeks to achieve predictability and reliability of performance and thereby realize enhanced opportunities for success and reduce the risk of failure when delivering Defence operations and services. Results are achieved by this Program through conception, development, and testing of the principles, methods and approaches that in-turn become the concepts, doctrine and standards that guide how tasks should be performed at the strategic, operational and tactical levels during the delivery of Defence Combat and Support Operations and Defence Services and Contributions to Government. Innovations in the development and assessment of new concepts and doctrine are enabled through military experimentation services and related modelling and simulation services. Fundamental to this Program is the delivery of services that provide for the collection, analysis, synthesis and distribution and integration of lessons learned from past operations. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Capability Design and Management Program and the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program. This Program is also a key enabler to the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
59,325,596 59,983,850 60,077,418

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 389 389 389
Civilian 34 34 34
TOTAL 423 423 423

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Operational concepts and doctrine improve agility during the introduction, preparation and application of Defence capabilities % score on the State of Concept and Doctrine Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016
Experimental testing determines the suitability of new military concepts, doctrine, methods and systems for Defence needs % score on the Warfare Experimentation Quality and Impact Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016
Lessons learned from past operations are integrated to improve agility during the introduction, preparation and application of Defence capabilities % score on the Lessons Learned Quality and Impact Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will continue to advance capabilities, doctrine, and lessons learned with a focus on Command and Control, Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance, Force Protection and Sustainment. In particular, the targeting process will be refined through the Coalition Attack Guidance Experiment and exercises; and associated joint targeting Tactics, Techniques, Procedures and doctrine will be advanced.

Sub-Sub-Program 5.1.3: Science and Systems Development and Integration

The Science and Systems Development and Integration Program aims to develop and synthesize new knowledge and integrate advancements in science, systems and technology to provide a competitive advantage in military operations and enhance the effectiveness of other defence programs. It also seeks to synthesize information and develop methods and analyses to enable evidence-based decisions concerning the effective use of Defence capabilities and improvements to the delivery of defence programs at strategic, operational and tactical levels across current and future time horizons. Results are achieved by this Program through: the conduct of basic research using scientific methods, the delivery of advanced systems and systems concepts; the testing and evaluation of existing systems and technologies; human systems integration; the development of advanced analyses; and the integration of science into other defence programs. The innovations and advancements in science, systems and technology that are delivered by this Program sustain Defence by enabling the Capability Design and Management Program, the Concept Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program, and in some cases, the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program. The products and services provided by this Program for the purpose of evidence-based decision making sustain Defence by enabling each of the sub-programs within Defence Capability Development and Integration Program as well as the Coordination and Command and Control programs that govern delivery of: Defence Combat and Support Operations; Defence Services and Assistance to Government; Defence Ready Force Element Production; and Defence Capability Element Production. This Program also directly supports the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
235,432,467 241,915,239 247,839,170

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 91 91 91
Civilian 825 825 825
TOTAL 916 916 916

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Bodies of knowledge, technologies and systems are explored, developed and integrated to realize enhanced levels of agility during the preparation and application of Defence capabilities % score on the Development and Integration Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016
Strategic and operational decisions that affect the agility of Defence are evidence based and informed by analytical methods, models and tools % score on the Exploitation of Advice and Knowledge Evaluation Index 80 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Assess and monitor CAF Force Posture and Defence Readiness in regard to the domestic and international situation

  • In accordance with CDS’s direction to the CAF, develop force readiness improvements in support of the CAF by:
    • Working with the joint and environmental warfare centres to advance the concept development and experimentation, the development of training, tactics and procedures;
    • Providing proof of concept, analysis and demonstrations in support of the development of requirements for strategic and operational decisions; and
    • Providing support to CAF personnel training and development.
  • In accordance with CDS direction to the CAF, advance force development, generation and employment in support of named CAF operations by:
    • Ensuring proper preparation for future CAF operations through advice and analysis on acquisition, human systems, combat systems and platforms including command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, cyber, and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive.

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Improve management of the Investment Plan to balance the CFDS requirements

  • Improve and validate cost estimates in support of the Investment Plan and the renewal of CFDS to ensure they are reliable and affordable so as to inform strategic investment decisions by:
    • Providing models and costing guides that include support costs, capital replacement value and technological inflation to inform the Investment Plan.

Sub-Program 5.2: Strategic Direction and Planning Support

The Strategic Direction and Planning Support Program aims to identify the strategic demand for Defence capabilities and to enable strategic decisions and the development of strategic direction concerning the corresponding use of available resources to: apply and maintain existing capabilities; introduce new or modified capabilities; and divest of surplus capabilities with acceptable levels of risk across near- and long-term time horizons. In the near-term, a quantifiable relationship is established between Government and strategic direction, ongoing and contingency operations requirements and performance, defence roles, and readiness targets in order to align force element production resources. In the long-term, challenge areas that may require changes to the Defence capability and program portfolios are established. Results are achieved through monitoring, threat and security environment analysis, change requirement identification, trend synthesis, portfolio challenge identification, and portfolio alteration approach formulation and assessment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Capability Element Production Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
23,692,677 23,986,609 23,595,454

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 87 87 87
Civilian 22 22 22
TOTAL 109 109 109

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Plans that align the supply and demand for Defence capabilities in near-, mid-, and future-time horizons are established and monitored % score on the Future Capability Gaps Strategic Direction and Planning Support Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016
% score on the Force Posture and Readiness Strategic Direction and Planning Support Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To achieve the Program’s expected results, Defence will improve the management of CAF force posture and readiness by establishing a CAF wide framework for readiness which is aligned to mandated missions of the CFDS and which is integrated with the new Program Alignment Architecture.

Sub-Sub-Program 5.2.1: Strategic Capability Planning Support

The Strategic Capability Planning Support Program provides the analyses that determine the overarching portfolio of all capabilities that will be required to successfully defend Canada and promote Canadian interests in future time horizons. This is accomplished through the assessments of Defence policy, direction from the Government of Canada, the external environment, internal performance, the strategic threat environment and the envelope of available resources. Modifying the capability portfolio typically requires decisions and precursor initiatives to take place in near-term time horizons and these are either initiated or facilitated by this Program. Results are achieved by this Program through activities that: identify required military effects; determine the capabilities needed to generate these effects; assess current and planned capabilities of defence against these needs; oversee the conception of possible approaches to mitigate capability shortfalls and reduce capability surpluses; facilitate decisions to determine which approaches are to be pursued; and develop high-level plans to enable and align programs that will deliver new capabilities and divest existing capabilities. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Capability Design and Management Program, as well as the Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program and the Science and Systems Development and Integration Program. Additionally, the broad evidence-based analyses provided by this Program directly enable the strategic management and oversight of Defence as a whole. This Program also has secondary influence on the co-ordination, development and control programs that govern the lifecycles of the capability elements.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
21,077,206 21,369,100 21,052,784

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 69 69 69
Civilian 17 17 17
TOTAL 86 86 86

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Awareness of expected differences between the supply and demand across the portfolio of Defence capabilities is established for mid- and long-term horizons % score on the Strategic Capability Planning Support Evaluation Index 81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Improve management of the Investment Plan to balance the CFDS requirements

Improve and validate cost estimates in the Investment Plan and CFDS Renewal to ensure they are reliable and affordable to inform strategic investment decisions.

Sub-Sub-Program 5.2.2: Strategic Force Posture Planning Support

The Strategic Force Posture Planning Support Program aims to maintain the sustainability of Defence’s Force Posture towards the achievement of Government of Canada expectations for Defence operations. Force Posture is a collective term used by Defence to characterize the balance in the operational state of force elements within Defence’s portfolio. Force elements may be in one of three operational states. They are either delivering Defence operations or services, ready to respond to operational contingencies, or in a state of reduced readiness. Readiness, which is an intrinsic part of Force Posture, refers to the capability, responsiveness, quantity and endurance requirements that force elements must meet in order to improve the potential for success and reduce undue risks when they are employed on operations. A balanced Force Posture, including the achievement of readiness targets, must be maintained to achieve effectiveness in the delivery of Defence operations and services across time. This Program establishes and manages the adjustment of near-term Force Posture and readiness targets and provides a bridge to longer-term capability planning. Results are achieved through monitoring, analysis and planning based on strategic direction as well as risk and opportunity assessments. The Strategic Force Posture Planning Support Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program, the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program, and the management and oversight of Defence as a whole.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
2,615,471 2,617,510 2,542,670

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 18 18 18
Civilian 5 5 5
TOTAL 23 23 23

Sources: Vice-Chief of Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets Date to be
Awareness of the expected differences between the supply and demand for existing Defence capabilities is established for the near- and mid-term horizon

% score on the Strategic Force Posture Planning Support Evaluation Index

81 - 100% March 2016

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to CAF Posture and Defence Readiness

  • Align mandated missions to CAF operational Force Posture and Readiness so as to establish a link between Force Posture and Readiness requirements and resource expenditure; and
  • In support of mission readiness, align equipment availability to force posture and readiness to improve the execution of first-line maintenance within environmental services.

Program 6.0: Internal Services

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Main Estimates
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
453,116,285 453,116,285 464,729,483 476,380,000

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 521 521 521
Civilian 3,486 3,486 3,486
TOTAL 4,007 4,007 4,007

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Implement Initiatives to Improve Defence Business Continuity

  • Establish a departmental policy for business continuity planning to ensure Defence remains capable of:
    • Uninterrupted, timely and appropriate advice to Government;
    • Strategic command and control of Defence; and
    • Providing assistance to the Government in assuring the health, safety, security and economic well-being of Canadians.

Develop and implement initiatives to integrate security management into departmental operations

  • Execute the master implementation plan to support Deputy Minister and Chief of Defence Staff security accountabilities; and
  • Establish a mandatory Security Awareness Program to promote greater and broader baseline security awareness resulting in a decrease in security-related incidents.

Sub-Program 6.1: Management and Oversight

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
96,940,685 97,536,222 98,138,278

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 274 274 274
Civilian 1,773 1,773 1,773
TOTAL 2,047 2,047 2,047

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Maintaining Required CAF Posture and Defence Readiness, Defence will:

Undertake Canada First Defence Strategy Renewal

  • As announced by the Government of Canada in the 2013 Speech from the Throne, conduct a renewal of the CFDS to position the CAF to remain among the best in the world and capable of defending Canadian interests now and into the future.

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to strengthening the Defence Team

  • Establish mechanisms to integrate information across the institution and promote effective knowledge sharing; and
  • Provide ongoing leadership coaching to managers and leaders with a view to fostering two-way communications and problem solving.

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to Defence affordability

  • Improve the project approval process so as to minimize costs and improve business agility and efficiency;
  • Enhance the use and rigour of the Defence performance measurement system so as to empower people to develop, evaluate and vet performance metrics; and
  • Under the lean headquarters initiative, begin evaluating organizations to determine opportunities for optimization of spans and layers of control to improve institutional agility and find efficiencies in the headquarters structure. Following a pilot study, a Defence team will be trained in the analysis methodology and continue the evaluations to identify Full-Time Equivalents that can be reinvested in higher priority activities.

Improve the strategic management framework

  • Enhance understanding of strategic intent such that the goals and priorities that flow from it are clearly articulated and commonly interpreted by strategic-level leadership;
  • Renew top-level governance structure and processes to enable more effective and efficient decision making. This will be achieved through establishing a clear understanding of authorities, responsibilities and accountability among senior leadership and streamlining senior committee structure; and
  • Routinely review and update the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives to ensure they are coherent, widely disseminated, continuously improved and consistently followed.

Sub-Program 6.2: Communications

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
15,510,050 15,584,861 15,634,734

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 39 39 39
Civilian 104 104 104
TOTAL 143 143 143

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Sustainable Operational Excellence Both at Home and Abroad for the Defence of Canada and the Protection of Canadians, Defence will:

Support Government efforts for commemoration of important anniversaries

  • Provide public affairs support to promote greater awareness of Defence’s role in Canada’s history, aligned with a whole-of-government approach to commemorative events and activities.

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Improve the strategic management framework

  • Begin implementation of the Defence Renewal initiative to internally communicate change and translate strategic objectives into individual responsibilities for every member of the Defence Team.

In further support of this Program, Defence will:

  • Implement the Defence and Security Theme for the initiative;
  • Begin the planning phase of the DND/CAF intranet renewal initiative, as the intranet is an important internal tool to support the effective delivery of business and operational commitments; and
  • Provide public affairs support to increase awareness of military readiness by profiling domestic and international training exercises, as well as CFDS Renewal.

Sub-Program 6.3: Legal Services

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
22,606,780 23,623,151 24,750,226

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 18 18 18
Civilian 26 26 26
TOTAL 44 44 44

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

In support of this Program, the Canadian Forces Legal Advisor will deliver high quality legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to support Defence priorities in the most affordable, effective and efficient manner possible.

Sub-Program 6.4: Human Resources Management

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
91,171,792 91,335,729 91,515,890

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 4 4 4
Civilian 935 935 935
TOTAL 939 939 939

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Strengthening the Defence Team, Defence will:

Advance a comprehensive plan or initiatives to align and optimize the military and civilian workforce

  • Implement a workforce capability plan to align current and future workforce requirements with Defence Priorities, ensuring a fully integrated client service model.

Maximize military and civilian potential by continuing to strengthen leadership capacity through succession planning, continuous learning and professional development

  • In support of the civilian employee performance management process, provide a comprehensive talent management framework so as to maximize employee potential to meet current and future needs of the Defence Team;
  • Continue to offer guidance and develop resources to operationalize the Performance Management Directive; and
  • Update the organizational learning strategy to support the learning and training requirements of the Defence Team.

Implement the Defence Renewal strategic initiatives contributing to strengthening the Defence Team

  • Continue to modernize civilian human resources (HR) management in order to minimize costs and improve business agility and efficiency.

In further support of this Program, Defence will:

  • Implement pay transformation as part of the Government-wide pay consolidation and modernization initiative to transform its aging information technology system and service delivery. Defence will aim to ensure the smooth transfer of all pay accounts by December 2015;
  • Review and validate how Defence manages all aspects of civilian learning and professional development to ensure strategic alignment of learning with business requirements, optimize the use of technology, reduce duplication and increase cost effectiveness;
  • Ensure the Defence Team has the right people, work environment, and capability through more timely and improved strategic functional guidance for civilian human resources management, aligned more closely with business planning; and
  • Support the development of a department-level strategic HR plan for the fiscal years 2016-19 to ensure the civilian workforce is well equipped to meet both current and future operational requirements.

Sub-Program 6.5: Financial Management

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
30,129,092 30,833,235 31,613,546

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group
Note: In keeping with future Treasury Board direction, expenditures for travel are captured in this Program.

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 69 69 69
Civilian 214 214 214
TOTAL 283 283 283

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Improve management of the Investment Plan to balance the CFDS requirements

  • Implement Investment Plan work plan and improved governance processes, to provide senior management with a more robust departmental management and control framework, including better resource and investment management information, and enhanced strategic analysis and management practices, to optimize investment planning while ensuring affordability and sustainability.

Continue to strengthen the core Control Framework in support of the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Control

  • Building on the progress achieved to date with regard to implementing the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Control, Defence will continue to advance program objectives to ensure an effective risk-based system of internal control over financial reporting is in place, properly maintained, monitored and reviewed. Due to the size and complexity of Defence operations, full implementation will only be achieved when the departmental business transformation and information technology projects are completed.

In further support of this Program, Defence will:

  • Expand life cycle costing capacity through new and improved tools and leading practices to ensure cost information is consistently of high quality and is based on the needs of decision makers; and
  • Coordinate with NATO Defence Support Policy to provide the joint delegation of Canada to NATO with policy coherence and enable effective representation of Canada’s financial/resource interest in NATO’s programs on various NATO intergovernmental resource committees and boards.

Sub-Program 6.6: Information Management

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
21,471,946 22,048,065 22,533,602

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 47 47 47
Civilian 201 201 201
TOTAL 248 248 248

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

In support of this Program, Defence will comply with the Treasury Board Secretariat Record Keeping Directive.

Sub-Program 6.7: Information Technology

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
5,084,310 5,109,811 5,117,385

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 33 33 33
Civilian 20 20 20
TOTAL 53 53 53

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

In support of this Program, Defence will ensure the effectiveness and efficient use of information technology by complying with Government of Canada Enterprise Information Technology Modernization Priorities.

Sub-Program 6.8: Real Property

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
65,492,667 68,503,834 70,923,197

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 37 37 37
Civilian 23 23 23
TOTAL 60 60 60

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

There are no specific activities to highlight this fiscal year.

Sub-Program 6.9: Materiel

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
33,751,864 35,657,270 37,730,022

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 0 0 0
Civilian 6 6 6
TOTAL 6 6 6

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

There are no specific activities to highlight this fiscal year.

Sub-Program 6.10: Acquisition

Budgetary Financial Resources (dollars)
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
70,957,098 74,497,305 78,423,119

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Human Resources (FTEs)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Military – Regular Force 0 0 0
Civilian 183 183 183
TOTAL 183 183 183

Sources: Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff Group / Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) Group

Planning Highlights

To contribute to meeting the priority Ensuring Defence Affordability, Defence will:

Continue to strengthen the effective stewardship and management of inventory and materiel resources while implementing the Defence Renewal maintenance and materiel strategic initiatives

  • Establish and implement procurement performance benchmarks consistent with those of Public Works and Government Services Canada; and
  • Implement increased contracting authorities.

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