Planned evaluation coverage over the next five fiscal years


Last evaluation Evaluations planned in the next 5 years Fiscal year of approval 2018–19
Program spending covered by the planned evaluation(dollars)
Program spending covered by all planned evaluations (dollars)
Total program spending(dollars)

Rationale for not evaluating Program or spending




1.1 Operations in Canada Evaluation of the Department of National Defence (DND) Contributions to Humanitarian Operations (HO), Disaster Relief Operations (DRO), and Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) 2013-14

Evaluation of Operations1

2019-20 TBD TBD 27,606,166 N/A
Evaluation of Canadian Armed Forces Operations 2016-17
1.2 Operations in North America Evaluation of the Department of National Defence (DND) Contributions to Humanitarian Operations (HO), Disaster Relief Operations (DRO), and Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) 2013-14

Evaluation of Operations1




2019-20 TBD TBD 27,606,166 N/A
Evaluation of Canadian Armed Forces Operations 2016-17
Evaluation of the NATO Contribution Program 2017-18 Evaluation of NATO Contribution Programs (Gs&Cs)2 2022-23 TBD TBD    
1.3 International Operations Evaluation of the Department of National Defence (DND) Contributions to Humanitarian Operations (HO), Disaster Relief Operations (DRO), and Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) 2013-14 Evaluation of Operations3 2019-20 TBD TBD 298,157,181 N/A
Evaluation of Canadian Armed Forces Operations 2016-17
Evaluation of the NATO Contribution Program 2017-18 Evaluation of NATO Contribution Programs (Gs&Cs)4 2022-23 TBD TBD TBD N/A
1.4 Global Engagement Evaluation of Defence Policy and Diplomacy 2013-14 Evaluation of Military Training and Cooperation Program (Gs&Cs) 2018-19 TBD TBD 102,578,520 N/A
Evaluation of Military Diplomacy 2017-18 Evaluation of Military Diplomacy 2022-23 TBD TBD TBD N/A
1.5 Cyber Operations N/A Evaluation of Cyber Operations 2020-21 TBD TBD 58,458,714 N/A
1.6 Command, Control and Sustainment of Operations Evaluation of the Department of National Defence (DND) Contributions to Humanitarian Operations (HO), Disaster Relief Operations (DRO), and Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) 2013-14 Evaluation of Operations5 2019-20 TBD TBD 125,268,205 N/A
1.7 Special Operations Evaluation of Special Forces Operations 2015-16 Evaluation of Special Operations 2020-21


TBD 66,208,655 N/A
2.1 Strategic Command and Control N/A Evaluation of Strategic Command and Control 2018-19 TBD TBD 101,729,966 N/A
2.2 Ready Naval Forces Evaluation of Naval Forces 2013-14 Evaluation of Naval Readiness 2018-19 TBD TBD 1,131,279,678 N/A
2.3 Ready Land Forces Evaluation of Land Readiness 2016-17 Evaluation of Land Forces Readiness 2021-22 TBD TBD 2,323,603,996 N/A
2.4 Ready Air and Space Forces Evaluation of Air Forces Readiness 2016-17 Evaluation of Air and Space Forces Readiness 2021-22 TBD TBD 1,342,145,795 N/A
2.5 Ready Special Operations Forces Evaluation of Special Operations Forces Readiness 2015-16 Evaluation of Special Operations Forces Readiness 2019-20 TBD TBD 319,323,548 N/A
2.6 Ready Cyber Forces Evaluation of Canada's Cyber Security Strategy 2015-16 Evaluation of Cyber and Intelligence Forces Readiness6 2019-20 TBD TBD 70,544,767 N/A
2.7 Ready Intelligence Forces Evaluation of Canada's Cyber Security Strategy 2015-16 Evaluation of Cyber and Intelligence Forces Readiness7 2019-20 TBD TBD 130,515,284 N/A
2.8 Ready Joint and Combined Forces Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Rediness 2017-18 Evaluation of Joint and Combined Forces Readiness 2021-22 TBD TBD 171,486,120 N/A
2.10 Equipment Support N/A Evaluation of Equipment Support and Material Management8 2019-20 TBD TBD 3,023,109,400 N/A
2.11 Canadian Forces Liaison Council and Employer Support N/A Evaluation of Canadian Forces Liaison Council and Employer Support 2019-20 TBD TBD 4,554,848 N/A
3.1 Recruitment Evaluation of Recruiting and Basic Military Training 2012-13 Evaluation of Recruiting 2020-21 TBD TBD 88,740,462


3.2 Individual Training and Professional Military Education Evaluation of Canadian Defence Academy 2014-15 Evaluation of Military Training and Education 2018-19 TBD TBD 969,576,497 N/A
3.3 Total Health Care Evaluation of Medical support to Deployed Operations 2014 Evaluation of Military Health care 2018-19 TBD TBD 559,429,822 N/A
3.4 Defence Team Management Evaluation of Governance of Commander Military Personnel (CMP) 2016 Evaluation of Defence Team Management 2018-19 TBD TBD 594,897,437 N/A
3.5 Military Transition N/A Evaluation of Military Transition 2018-19 TBD TBD 167,598,185 N/A
3.6 Military Member and Family Support Evaluation of Morale and Welfare Services Program 2017-18 Evaluation of CAF Morale and Welfare 2022-23 TBD TBD 136,311,987 N/A
3.7 Military History and Heritage Military History, Heritage, Honours and Ceremonial Activities 2015-16 Evaluation of Military History and Heritage 2021-22 TBD TBD 10,820,965 N/A
3.8 Military Law Services/Military Justice Superintendence Evaluation of Legal Programs 2016-17 Evaluation of Chief Military Judge 2020-21 TBD TBD 49,767,060 N/A
3.9 Ombudsman N/A Evaluation of the Office of the Ombudsman 2021-22 TBD TBD 6,355,233 N/A
3.10 Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (Youth Program) Evaluation of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) 2012-13 Evaluation of Cadets and Rangers Programs 2019-20 TBD TBD 257,179,091 N/A
4.1 Joint Force Development Evaluation Joint and Common Force Readiness 2017-18 Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development9 2021-22 TBD TBD 66,448,483 N/A
4.2 Naval Force Development Evaluation of Naval Forces 2017-18 Evaluation of Naval, Land, Air and Space Force Development10 2020-21 TBD TBD 36,462,295 N/A
4.3 Land Force Development Evaluation of Land Forces Development 2017-18 Evaluation of Naval, Land, Air and Space Force Development10 2020-21 TBD TBD 99,640,613 N/A
4.4 Air and Space Force Development N/A Evaluation of Naval, Land, Air and Space Force Development10 2020-21 TBD TBD 256,163,400 N/A
4.5 Special Operations Force Development Evaluation of Special Forces 2017-18 Evaluation of Special Operations Force Development 2021-22 TBD TBD N/A N/A
4.6 Cyber and C4I Force Development Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development 2017-18 Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development9 2021-22 TBD TBD 15,843,712 N/A
4.7 Intelligence Force Development Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development 2017-18 Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development11 2021-22 TBD TBD 19,536,062 N/A
4.8 Science, Technology and Innovation Evaluation of Defence Science and Technology 2014-15 Evaluation of Science, Technology and Innovation 2020-21 TBD TBD 294,147,475 N/A
5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition Evaluation of Maritime Equipment 2014-15 Evaluation of Equipment Acquisition12 2021-22 TBD TBD 609,343,425 N/A
5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition Evaluation of Land Equipment 2014-15 Evaluation of Equipment Acquisition12 2021-22 TBD TBD 909,765,081 N/A
5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition Evaluation of Aerospace Equipment Maintenance 2014-15 Evaluation of Equipment Acquisition12 2021-22 TBD TBD 1,032,157,404 N/A
5.4 Defence Information Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery Evaluation of Information system lifecycle Program 2016 Evaluation of Defence Information Technology Systems13 2018-19 TBD TBD 469,197,009 N/A
5.5 Defence Material Management

Evaluation of Maritime equipment program 2016

Evaluation of Land Equipment program 2015

Evaluation of Aerospace Equipment Maintenance 2013

Evaluation of Equipment Support and Material Management14 2019-20 TBD TBD 115,40,624 N/A
6.1 Defence Infrastructure Program Management Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure Management - Real Property 2017-18 Evaluation of Program Management 2018-19 TBD TBD 300,174,112 N/A
6.2 Defence Infrastructure Construction, Recapitalization and Investment Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure Management - Real Property 2017-18 Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure15 2020-21 TBD TBD 359,616,649 N/A
6.3 Defence Infrastructure Maintenance, Support and Operations Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure Management - Real Property 2017-18 Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure15 2020-21 TBD TBD 1,119,942,452 N/A
6.4 Military Family Housing Evaluation of Military Family Housing 2017-18 Evaluation of Miitary Family Housing 2020-21 TBD TBD 89,904,063 N/A
6.5 Defence Information Technology Services and Program Management N/A Evaluation of Defence Information, Technology Systems 2018-19 TBD TBD 177,538,674 N/A
6.6 Environmental Sustainability and Protection Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability and Protection 2017-18 Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability and Protection 2020-21 TBD TBD 158,873,255 N/A
6.7 Indigenous Affairs N/A Evaluation of Indigenous Affairs 2018-19 TBD TBD 111,124 N/A
6.8 Naval Bases N/A Evaluation of Bases and Wings16 2018-19 TBD TBD 245,553,849 N/A

6.9 Land Bases

N/A Evaluation of Bases and Wings16 2018-19 TBD TBD 466,066,058 N/A
6.10 Air and Space Wings N/A Evaluation of Bases and Wings16 2018-19 TBD TBD 224,346,473 N/A
6.11 Joint, Common and International Bases N/A Evaluation of Bases and Wings16 2018-19 TBD TBD 106,012,901 N/A
6.12 Military Police Institutional Operations Evaluation of Military Police 2017-18 Evaluation of Military Police 2022-23 TBD TBD 118,772,285 N/A
6.13 Safety N/A Evaluation of Safety 2019-20 TBD TBD 6,429,416 N/A
7.1 Management and Oversight N/A
7.2 Communications Services N/A
7.3 Legal Services N/A
7.4 Human Resources Management Services N/A
7.5 Financial Management Services N/A
7.6 Information Management Services N/A
7.7 Information Technology Services N/A
7.8 Real Property Management Services N/A
7.9 Material Mangement Services N/A
7.10 Acquisition Management Services             N/A


  1. The Evaluation of Operations involves Program 1.1 Operations in Canada, 1.2 Operations in North America, 1.3.International Operations, and 1.6 Command, Control and Sustainment of Operations.
  2. The Evaluation of NATO Contribution Programs (Gs&Cs) involves both Program 1.2 Operations in North America and Program 1.3 International Operations.
  3. The Evaluation of Cyber and Intelligence Forces Readiness involves both Program 2.6 Ready Cyber Forces and Program 2.7 Ready Intelligence Forces.
  4. The Evaluation of Equipment Support and Material Management involves both Program 2.10 Equipment Support and Program 5.5 Defence Material Management.
  5. The Evaluation of Joint and Common Force Development involves Program 4.1 Joint Force Development, Program 4.6 Cyber and C4I Force Development, and Program 4.7 Intelligence Force Development.
  6. The Evaluation of Naval, Land, Air, and Space Force Development involves Program 4.2 Naval Force Development, Program 4.3 Land Force Development, and Program 4.4 Air and Space Force Development.
  7. The Evaluation of Equipment Acquisition involves Program 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition, Program 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition, and Program 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition.
  8. The Evaluation of Defence IT Systems involves Program 5.4 Defence Information, Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery and Program 6.5.Defence Information Technology Services and Programme Management.
  9. The Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure involves both Program 6..2 Defence Infrastructure Construction, Recapitalization and Investment and 6.3 Defence Infrastructure Maintenance, Support and Operations
  10. The Evaluation of Bases and Wings involves Program 6.8 Naval Bases, Program 6.9 Land Bases, 6.10 Air and Space Wings, and 6.11 Joint, Common and International Bases.
  11. The Evaluation of Joint Common Force Development involves Program 4.1 Joint Force Development, Program 4.6 Cyber and C41 Force Development, and Program 4.7 Intelligence Force Development.
  12. The Evaluation of Equipment Acquisition involves Program 5.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition, Program 5.2 Land Equipment Acquisition, and Program 5.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition.
  13. The Evaluation of Defence IT Systems involves Program 5.4 Defence Information, Technology Systems Acquisition, Design and Delivery and Program 6.5.Defence Information Technology Services and Programme Management.
  14. The Evaluation of Equipment Support and Material Management involves both Program 5.5 Defence Material Management and 2.10 Equipment Support.
  15. The Evaluation of Defence Infrastructure involves both Program 6..2 Defence Infrastructure Construction, Recapitalization and Investment and 6.3 Defence Infrastructure Maintenance, Support and Operations.
  16. The Evaluation of Bases and Wings involves Program 6.8 Naval Bases, Program 6.9 Land Bases, 6.10 Air and Space Wings, and 6.11 Joint, Common and International Bases.

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