Gender-based analysis plus
General information
Governance structures | Description of Departmental Implementation Plan In line with Status of Women Canada’s (SWC) Action Plan on Gender-based Analysis (2016-2020) and the recommendations from the 2015 Report of the Auditor General of Canada “Implementing Gender-based Analysis (GBA)”, the Defence Team is working to implement a structured approach to build on the existing GBA+ process in our Department. Currently, the Department of National Defence (DND) is meeting expected targets for GBA+ training and assessments for major projects and programs, but more is being put in place to increase the impact of this work. Specifically, we are working to create a tailored GBA+ framework which will increase the sustainable and systematic use of GBA+ in the department. Given the special mandate of the Defence Team's work, it is in the process of being adapted to our organization’s structure and needs. Following the SWC guide for building a Framework to Support GBA+ in an organization:
Human resources | The current and planned total of Full-Time Equivalent (FTEs) dedicated to GBA+ implementation in DND and the CAF in 2018-19 is eight, ranging from EX-01 to EC-05. These FTEs have been carefully allocated amongst the responsibility centre that is being formed, military strategic planning and human resources groups. In addition, there are seven additional practitioners that will be assisting their work, and two groups of approximately 10 - 15 FTEs dedicated to employment equity and human rights in human resources affairs specifically. Lastly, the Defence Team is currently developing a number of GBA+ Focal Points, of which 10 – 15% of their time will be focused on GBA+. For the CAF, two FTEs have been dedicated to implementation of UNSCR 1325. Furthermore, there are three full-time military Gender Advisor positions at the strategic and operational levels. Gender Focal Points are dispersed throughout the institution. One Gender Advisor is currently deployed on Op REASSURANCE and directly supports UNSCR 1325 in Latvia and Gender Focal Points are on all named military operations. Work is on-going with CAF L1s to increase, not only deployable Gender Advisor capability, but to also improve the capability within their respective organizations. |
Planned initiatives | Over the fiscal year 2018–19, it is expected that the responsibility centre will be fully stood up, that a training needs assessment be completed and that additional tailored training will be developed. In the case of the Defence Team, GBA+ work will also intersect with activities taking place regarding Canada’s second National Action Plan. Conflict affects women, girls, men and boys in different ways and it is important that these consequences are recognized and addressed, as urged by the United Nations Security Council Women Peace and Security agenda. The action plan (and the activities within) provide a framework for a cohesive approach to implementation and ensures accountabilities and reporting are addressed. As such, the Defence Team will be using GBA+ tools to strengthen capacity to integrate more targeted gender equality objectives into the institution and on operations. Further, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), Canada’s Defence policy, places an unprecedented focus that includes strong commitments on diversity and gender equality to strengthen the operational force and to position the Defence Team as a preferred employer. Specifically, SSE makes a firm and public commitment to: “integrate Gender-Based Analysis – Plus (GBA+) in all defence activities across the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence, from the design and implementation of programs and services that support our personnel, to equipment procurement and operational planning.” DND is one of the first departments to publicly embrace GBA+ as a constructive analytical tool, and will be furthering the work described above to ensure GBA+ systems are implemented through the organization. |
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