Structure of the DND and the CAF
The CAF is a complex and unique organization. I provide below for ease of reference a highly simplified version of the DND/CAF organizational chartEndnote 48.
Figure 1. DND/CAF organizational chart.
Figure 1 Long Description
Governor General and Commander-in-Chief
Chief Military Judge
Reports to the Minister of National Defence:
- Associate Minister of National Defence (Veterans Affairs) – at the discretion of the Prime Minister
- Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
- Ombudsperson
- Military Grievances External Review Committee
- Military Police Complaints Commission
- Judge Advocate General
- Deputy Minister of National Defence
- Chief of the Defence Staff
Reports to the Deputy Minister of National Defence:
- Senior Associate Deputy Minister
- Associate Deputy Minister
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation, Analytics)
- Sexual Misconduct Response Center
Executive Advisory Role to the Deputy Minister of National Defence:
- Corporate Secretary
Reports to the Chief of the Defence Staff:
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Canadian Army
- Royal Canadian Air Force
- Canadian Joint Operations Command
- Military Personnel Command
- Canadian Forces Intelligence Command
- Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
- North American Aerospace Defense Command
Executive Advisory Role to the Chief of the Defence Staff:
- Strategic Joint Staff
Report to the Deputy Minister and the Chief of the Defence Staff:
- Chief of Defence Intelligence
- Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Science and Technology)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)
- Department of National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces Legal Advisor
- Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture
Special Advisory Role to the Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff:
- National Security and Intelligence Review and Oversight Coordination Secretariat
Certain organizations relevant to my mandate are not included in the chart and are listed below:
- The VCDS includes the following organizations:
- Canadian Forces Military Police Group (CFMPG)
- Chief of Reserves and Employer Support
- The Military Personnel Command (MILPERSCOM) includes the following organizations:
- Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis (DGMPRA)
- DGMC, which includes the Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA)
- Office of the Chaplain General
- Canadian Forces Health Services Group (CFHSG)
- CDA, which includes the RMC Kingston and the RMC Saint-Jean, the CFLRS, and the CFC
- Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG)
- The CPCC includes the following organizations:
- Director General (DG) Conflict Prevention and Resolution (formally Integrated Complaint and Conflict Management (ICCM))
- DG Professional Conduct and Development (formally Directorate General Professional Military Conduct (Operation HONOUR) (DPMC-OpH))
- DG Engagement, Research and Policy
- DG Culture Change
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