Annex A :Op HONOUR Tasks and Support Requirements

  1. Collective Tasks. All Supporting Commanders are directed to:

a. Phase One:

(1) Be prepared to provide the Supported Commander with members/personnel to support the CSRT-SM IAW CFTPO;

(2) Assist VCDS in the execution of initial Town Hall activities;

(3) Assist in the development of the CAF strategy to respond to the issues identified and recommendations raised within the ERA report;

(4) Assist in the execution of the communications strategy developed by ADM(PA);

(5) Identify a single point of contact to CSRT-SM for the coordination of staff activity;

(6) Assist in the development of the SMRC(I) mandate, governance, and operational model;

(7) Assist CMP in the distribution of Soldier’s Cards;

(8) Assist in the advertisement of SMRC(I) and other CAF support services to members;

b. Phase Two:

(1) Assist CMP in the conduct of research to better understand the problem of inappropriate sexual behaviour within the CAF;

(2) Assist CMP in the implementation of the means to measure command climate down to the unit level;

(3) Assist COMDs CJOC and CANSOFCOM in the conduct of research on inappropriate sexual behaviour by deployed CAF members;

(4) Assist CMP in the development of a common means to better compile information on sexual harassment occurring within your organizations;

(5) Assist CMP in the organization and delivery of a symposium for CAF senior leaders and stakeholders on inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(6) Exercise increased oversight of discipline, the maintenance of values, and where appropriate,the application of administrative and/or disciplinary measures;

(7) Support CMP in the needs analysis to define the education and training requirements and gaps stemming from the ERA report;

(8) Personally lead Town Hall activities at the Group and Formation levels;

c. Phase Three:

(1) Personally lead Town Hall activities at the Group and Formation levels;

(2) Exercise increased oversight of discipline, the maintenance of values, and where appropriate, the application of administrative and/or disciplinary measures;

(3) Assist CMP in the delivery of education and training on inappropriate sexual behaviour IAW promulgated standards;

(4) Implement the general prevention strategy developed by CMP;

d. Phase Four:

(1) Personally lead Town Hall activities at the Group and Formation levels; and

(2) Exercise increased oversight of discipline, the maintenance of values, and where appropriate, the application of administrative and/or disciplinary measures.

  1. Individual Tasks. In addition to the common tasks listed above, the specified Level 1s are to provide the following:


(1) Phase One:

(a) Coordinate the establishment of the CSRT-SM as a staff element within NDHQ;

(b) Provide MP advisor to the CSRT-SM and SMRC(I) as applicable;

(c) Provide CSRT-SM with financial resources;

(d) Advise the CAF leadership on options to address the recommendations contained within the ERA report;

(e) Develop the CAF strategy to respond to the issues identified and recommendations raised within the ERA report;

(f) Conduct research into the best practices at the National and International level on activities to inform the CAF action Plan;

(g) Develop the CAF action plan to respond to the issues and recommendations contained within the ERA report;

(h) Advise the chain of command on initial activities to address the issues identified in the ERA report;

(i) Develop the mandate, governance, and operational model of SMRC(I);

(j) Identify the organizational, personnel, and information management/information technology requirements for the SMRC(I) to ADM(HR) Civ, ADM (IE), and ADM (IM);

(k) Be prepared to provide resources to support the further development of the CSRT-SM and the development of SMRC(I) in Phase Two (Reg F and Res F PYs and FTEs); and

(l) Be prepared to relinquish control of CSRT-SM to CMP in Phase Two;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Provide the resources to execute CSRT-SM and SMRC(I) Business Plan requirements for the remainder of FY 15/16 and BP requirements FY 16/17;

(b) Provide resources to support the further development of the CSRT-SM and the development of SMRC(I) in Phase Two (Reg F and Res F PYs and FTEs);

(c) Provide MP advisor to the CSRT-SM and SMRC(I) as applicable;

(d) Develop and execute a communications strategy that advises CAF members on the findings of the ERA, the measures being planned to address the problem, and the availability of extant CAF support services;

(e) Transfer control of CSRT-SM to CMP.

(3) Phases Three and Four: IAW Collective Tasks;


(1) Phase One: Advise CMP on the means by which surveys and common performance measurement tools can be administered;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Assist CMP in the measurement of the command climate down to the unit level;

(b) Assist CMP in the development and delivery of leadership training and education on inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(3) Phase Three and Four: IAW Collective Tasks;


(1) Phase One:

(a) Advise CMP on the means by which surveys and common performance measurement tools can be administered to TFs and deployed CAF members;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Assist CMP in the measurement of the command climate at the operational level, including within TFs and deployed CAF members;

(b) Assist CMP in the conduct of research on inappropriate sexual behaviour involving deployed TFs and member;

(c) Assist CMP in the development and delivery of pre-deployment training and education on inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(3) Phase Three and Four: IAW Collective Tasks;


(1) Phase One:

(a) Advise VCDS on relevant personnel policy issues;

(b) Facilitate CF H Svcs Gp support to Town Halls and the provision of advice to VCDS on SMRC(I);

(c) Facilitate the provision of Chaplain support to VCDS in support of CSRT-SM activities;

(d) Support VCDS in the execution of initial Town Hall activities;

(e) Be prepared to assume responsibility for CSRT-SM;

(f) Appoint the senior leadership for CSRT-SM;

(g) Provide advice to the DM to select the leadership for SMRC(I);

(h) Coordinate the production and distribution of Soldier’s Cards;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Assume responsibility for CSRT-SM from VCDS;

(b) Identify, to VCDS and DM, resource requirements to further develop the CSRT-SM and support SMRC(I);

(c) Conduct research to determine the nature and scope of inappropriate sexual behaviour within the CAF, including the development of surveys and tools to understand the nature of the problem;

(d) Develop a unified policy approach to specifically address inappropriate sexual behaviour in plain language and include as many aspects as possible of it in a single policy;

(e) Initiate a Needs Analysis to define the Training and Education requirements and gaps stemming from the ERA report;

(f) Facilitate CF H Svcs Gp provision of support to the Town Halls and advice to facilitate the development and operations of SMRC(I);

(g) Facilitate the provision of Chaplain support as required;

(h) Lead the development and coordinate the delivery of pre-deployment training and education on inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(i) Organize and deliver a symposium for CAF senior leaders and stakeholders on inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(j) Share best practices and examine opportunities to align efforts with ADM HR (Civ);

(k) Develop CAF strategy for the prevention of inappropriate sexual behaviour;

(l) Be prepared to assume responsibility for CSRT-SM;

(3) Phase Three:

(a) Develop a plan for the transfer of CSRT-SM functional responsibilities to DND/CAF;

(b) Facilitate CF H Svcs Gp provision of support to the Town Halls as required and advice to a fully-operational SMRC; and

(4) Phase Four:

(a) Transfer CSRT-SM functional responsibilities to DND/CAF IAW the plan developed at Phase Three;

e. JAG

(1) Phases One through Four:

(a) Continue to provide legal services to all Supported and Supporting Commanders as required;

f. SJS

(1) Phase One:

(a) Provide advice on the mandate, governance, and operational model for SMRC(I);

(2) Phases One through Four:

(a) Continue to provide assistance in the conduct of CAF research;

  1. Support Requirements. The following L1 support is requested:

a. ADM (IE)

(1) Phase One:

(a) Support to VCDS and SMRC(I) infrastructure requirements;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Provision of infrastructure to meet requirements identified by VCDS in Phase One;

(3) Phases Three and Four: No change;

b. ADM HR (Civ)

(1) Phase One:

(a) Establishment of liaison with the VCDS for the development of the CAF strategy to respond to the issues identified and recommendations raised within the ERA report;

(b) Advice on civilian staffing of positions to VCDS in support of CSRT-SM;

(c) Advice on HR practices and opportunities to align military and civilian policy, education, training, and performance measurement;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Provide advice on civilian staffing of positions in support of CSRT-SM and SMRC(I);

(b) Dedicated staff to assist CMP in the development and harmonization of military and civilian policies to address inappropriate sexual behaviour where feasible;

(3) Phase Three: No change;

(4) Phase Four:

(a) Support to facilitate the transition of CSRT-SM functions into DND/CAF as applicable;

c. ADM (IM)

(1) Phase One:

(a) Be prepared to support VCDS and the SMRC(I) with IM/IT;

(b) IM/IT solution to facilitate the collection and integration of complaint data available to the CAF on sexual harassment and sexual offences, coordinating with JAG and CFPM where this task touches upon their independent statutory mandates;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Delivery of an initial and interim IM/IT capability to CMP in support of CSRT-SM activities;

(3) Phase Three:

(a) Delivery of a final IM/IT capability to CMP in support of CSRT-SM activities;

d. ADM (PA)

(1) Phase One:

(a) Communications Advisors and staff to VCDS in accordance with CFTPO;

(b) Provision of Public Affairs guidance to CAF;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Dedicated civilian Communications Advisor or a Public Affairs Officer to CMP in support of CSRT-SM’s activities;

(b) Specialized Public Affairs support to CMP, to include media monitoring and analysis, graphic design, exhibits and displays, web, social media and internal communications support, and media and stakeholder outreach;

(c) Public Affairs guidance to CAF;

(3) Phase Three:

(a) As per Phase Two; and

(b) Advice to CMP on the transition of PA capabilities from CSRT-SM to the NDHQ matrix;

(4) Phase Four:

(a) Cessation of PA support to CMP in support of CSRT-SM activities;

e. ADM (RS)

(1) Phase One:

(a) Assistance in the development of the CAF strategy to respond to the issues identified and recommendations raised within the ERA report;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Provision of Defence Ethics Programme support to CMP;

(b) Support to define the Training and Education requirements and gaps stemming from the ERA report;

(3) Phase Three:

(a) Defence Ethics Programme support to CMP; and

(4) Phase Four:

(a) Assistance in the transition of CSRT-SM into DND/CAF;

f. Corp Sec

(1) Phase One:

(a) Advice to assist in the development of the SMRC(I) mandate, governance, and operating model;

(2) Phase Two:

(a) Be prepared to update the Organization and Accountability document and Defence Administrative Orders and Directives 1000 frameworks to reflect the transfers of Accountabilities, Responsibilities and Authorities through to Phase Four; and

(b) Assistance in the organization and delivery of a symposium for CAF senior leaders and stakeholders on inappropriate sexual behaviour, and in the synchronization of this symposium with the GOFO/Executive symposium battle rhythm.

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