Annex B : Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (Interim) Operating Concept
- Operating Concept. The Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (Interim) (SMRC(I)) is a capability that will provide support to CAF members who have experienced or have been affected by inappropriate sexual behaviour. This behaviour includes, but is not limited to, actions that perpetuate stereotypes and modes of thinking that devalue members on the basis of their sex, sexuality, or sexual orientation; unacceptable language or jokes; accessing, distributing, or publishing in the workplace material of a sexual nature; offensive sexual remarks; exploitation of power relationships for the purposes of sexual activity; unwelcome requests of a sexual nature, or verbal abuse of a sexual nature; publication of an intimate image of a person without their consent, voyeurism, indecent acts, sexual interference, sexual exploitation, and sexual assault.
- Governance. SMRC(I) will operate outside of the CAF chain of command, reside within the Department of National Defence, and report to the Deputy Minister (DM).
- Support. Supported and Supporting Commanders shall assist in the establishment of the SMRC(I).
- Upon reaching full operational capability, the centre will be referred to as SMRC and operate fully independently from the CAF.[1] Furthermore, the final structure and mandate will be confirmed by the DM at that time.
- Services. It is anticipated the SMRC(I) will provide the following services:
a. Access to a professional by phone and email for CAF members;
b. Planning assistance for the member’s immediate safety;
c. Empathetic listening;
d. Information for members to make informed choices on how they wish to proceed. This includes what to expect of the investigative processes and of the military and civilian justice systems and of other investigative or complaint processes to support victims;
e. Information about other available resources, as required, including CF Health Services Centres, Chaplain Services, Military Family Resource Centres (MFRC), Family Information Line, Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP), Hospital Emergency Departments, and Rape Crisis Centres; and
f. Information on existing reporting or complaint mechanisms.
- Location and Hours of Operation. The SMRC(I) will be located within the National Capital Region and will commence operations on 15 Sep . SMRC(I) will operate from 0700-1700 (EST). During silent hours, support from other resources available 24/7 such as Family Info Line, CFMAP, and local sexual assault centres, will be available to CAF members.
- Accessibility. CAF members will be notified on how to access SMRC(I) in a FRAGO to this OPORD.
[1] SMRC may be be renamed at Full Operational Capability.
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