Military career transition

Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada are working together to help you on the path to civilian life and the civilian workforce.

Services and information

Think about your retention options

Find information and resources on the many opportunities within the Canadian Armed Forces that might be more suitable to you and fulfill your professional goals.

Understanding transition

Transition is a continuous process. Get information, checklists and tips for a successful transition.

Find transition training and retention information

Learn about transition and get access to second career information through online and in-person training.

Digital Transition Centre

Digital Transition Centre. A central resource to plan and manage all transition-related activities. From accessing personalized tools, to booking your next appointment for a smooth transition experience.

Military release process

Voluntary, compulsory, and reserve force release from the Canadian Armed Forces as well as component transfers from and to the P Res and Supp Res.

Building your next career

Job listings, job search techniques and programs for military and Veterans.

Financial programs and services

Income support, financial planning and pensions. Connect with SISIP.

Services for the ill and injured, families of the fallen

Benefits and services for military members and their families going through illness, injury or death.

Transition families and caregivers

Support for families and caregivers of CAF members and Veterans. Contact your Military Family Resource Centre.

Veteran's Service Card

Get recognized for your service and stay connected to military and veteran support programs with your Veteran’s service card.

Depart With Dignity Program (DWD) (Accessible only on the National Defence network)

Ensures that CF members are given appropriate recognition upon completion of their military service and that a minimum standard is established within the scope of the program.

Administrative Response Centre

Members can contact the Administrative Response Centre (ARC) for policy-related enquiries and Director General Military Transition (DGMT) for individual specific enquiries.

Military Transition Engagements and Partnerships (MTEP)

Become a trusted CAF resource for military transition and submit your organization to be listed.


My Transition App

This app has been designed to help all military members in their transition to civilian life.


Digital Employment Workshop: January 21 - January 23

This is your chance to access our employer database and talk with recruiters. Ask your burning questions and see what career options are open to you. Once registered, a schedule will be sent to you by email closer to the event.


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