24-09 – Validation of Cadet Instructors Cadre Training
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. This order should be read in conjunction with the following references:
- CATO 24-01, Cadet Instructors Cadre Professional Development System;
- CATO 24-02, Cadet Instructors Cadre Individual Training and Education;
- CATO 24-03, Cadet Instructors Cadre Training Organization;
- CATO 24-04, Conduct of Cadet Instructors Cadre Individual Training and Education;
- CATO 24-05, Service and Support for Cadet Instructors Cadre Training;
- CATO 24-06, MITE Course Management System;
- CATO 24-07, Academic Progress of Trainees on CIC Training Courses;
- CATO 24-08, Cadet Instructors Cadre Program Evaluation;
- DAOD 5031-0, Learning and Professional Development;
- DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Management Framework; and
- A-P9-050 Manual of Individual Training.
2. This order prescribes the policies and procedures associated with validation within the Cadet Instructors Cadre Training Organization (CIC Trg Org).
3. The following definitions apply to this policy:
CFITES Quality Control System refers to the six-phase systems approach model that is applied throughout the development, implementation and maintenance of IT&E programs. The phases are: Analysis, Design, Development, Conduct, Evaluation, and Validation. (Système de contrôle de la qualité du SIIEFC)
Individual Training and Education (IT&E) all instructional activities provided to CF members that impart skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform assigned duties (training) as well as exercise sound judgement and correctly interpret information (education). Individual training and education normally results in a CF qualification. (Instruction individuelle et éducation (II et E))
4. Validation seeks to determine whether the objectives of IT&E satisfy the job-performance requirement for which the program was initially produced. Specifically, the aim is to verify that specific Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) officers are capable of performing specific job tasks based on the training they have completed.
5. Validation also provides feedback on quality controls, quantity controls and resource management.
Prioritized Validations
6. While all IT&E should be monitored on an ongoing basis, personnel resource constraints make it necessary to prioritize validations. Priority for validation is normally established with business planning. Greater priority will be given to IT&E that:
- has a large student throughout; or
- is costly to deliver; or
- has dissatisfied graduates and supervisors; or
- has identified graduate performance problems.
Diagnostic Validation
7. The CIC Trg Org may conduct diagnostic validations. A diagnostic validation is conducted to get a sense of how well members are performing by gathering feedback on general indicators (under training, over training, irrelevant training, duplicate training, etc). Only tasks from the Qualification Standard (QS) that are taught on the course are validated.
Focused Validation
8. The CIC Trg Org may conduct focused validations. A focused validation assesses general indicators and member performance on a core of relevant tasks. Only tasks from the QS / Training Plan (TP) related to the possible problem are validated.
Comprehensive Validation
9. The CIC Trg Org may conduct comprehensive validations. A comprehensive validation gathers detailed data on the performance of members to verify that the job specification and training approach to prepare members are valid. It encompasses the entire scope of the performance requirement by examining tasks (from the Job Based (Occupational Specification (JBOS) / Specialty Specification (SS)), includes both trained and untrained) members are required to perform.
Validation Outcomes
10. Validation results in the following outcomes:
- confirmation that the job was defined correctly; or
- confirmation that members have been adequately prepared to perform occupational tasks and/or attain professional competencies; or
- identification of deficiencies in the job specification and/or preparation approach/process and recommendations for improvement; or
- identification of problems and recommendations for more extensive study where data is inconclusive.
Sources of Validation Data
11. The following is a non-exhaustive list of sources that will provide the appropriate validation data:
- validation surveys;
- focus groups;
- interviews with recent graduates and graduate supervisors;
- review of QS, TP, and Instructional Guides (IG);
- evaluation data (course critiques, end course reviews, etc); and
- after action reports.
Validation Timelines
12. Validations will be conducted between 6-18 months after the IT&E is completed, to target respondents who are able to accurately provide feedback on how training prepared them for the job.
Responsibilities for Validation
13. Responsibilities for validation within the CIC Trg Org are assigned as follows:
- Director Cadets 6 Personnel Policy and Training (D Cdts 6 – Pers Pol & Trg) is the Officer of Primary Interest for validation within the CIC Trg Org;
- Training Management Board (TMB) monitors the results of validations and recommends courses of action;
- Training Program Evaluation (Trg Prgm Eval) Officer will manage validation as a nationally controlled activity;
- Personnel Policy Officers (Pers Pol) will assist in analyzing data; and
- Standards Officers (Stds Os) at Regional Cadet Instructor Schools (RCISs) may assist the Trg Prgm Eval Officer in the coordination and conduct of validation activities.
14. CIC officers are responsible for assisting with validation and continuous improvement activities.
Validation Plan
15. The Training Program Evaluation cell shall prepare, update, and submit a validation plan to the TMB annually, in February, identifying the courses to be validated over the next three years.
OPI: D Cdts 6
Date: Nov 09
Amendment: Original
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