2008-4 Public Affairs at the Cadet Training Centre

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy
  5. Responsibilities
  6. Approach
  7. Regional CTC PA Plans
  8. Resources
  9. PA Evaluation
  10. Publication
  11. References

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2021-05-05

Date of Verification: N/A

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).

Supersession N/A

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR HQ COS

Enquiries: CJCR Senior PAO

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
CCO Canadian Cadet Organizations
CJCR Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
Comd Commander
CTC Cadet Training Centre
DAOD Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
IT Information Technology
IT SMC Information Technology – Service Management Center
JCR Junior Canadian Rangers
PA Public Affairs
PAO Public Affairs Officer
RCSU Regional Cadet Support Unit
UPAR Unit Public Affairs Representative

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3. Definitions

Cadet/JCR Correspondent. A Cadet/JCR Correspondent is a cadet/JCR who is actively participating in public affairs activities.

4. Policy


4.1 The main objective of PA is to ensure that Canadians are well-informed and aware of the role, mandate, operations and contributions of the CAF, including those of the CCO.

4.2 It is critical that information provided to the public by the CAF and CCO is accurate and up-to-date. It is also important that the principles of operational security (see DAOD 2008-2, Media Relations and Public Announcements), judicial processes, as well as federal laws such as the Privacy Act are followed.

4.3 Appropriate visibility and awareness of the Cadet Program through local media is key to attracting youth and ensuring community support, and generally falls under the responsibility of the Local Committee.

4.4 During the summer training period, the various CTC COs are responsible for the publication of all media content.


4.5 Prior to the release of local articles, media advisories, media releases, or any other PA product to attract media attention, the CTC UPAR is to be engaged and authorization received by the CTC CO.

4.6 For regional or national media coverage, the Comd CJCR is the release and approval authority. Requests for regional or national media coverage is to be transmitted through the chain of command and PA network concurrently as outlined in CJCR Gp Order 2008-02, Public Affairs - Media Relations.

4.7 Communications pertaining to significant incidents or issues are to follow the CJCR Gp Order 1001-1, Significant Incident Report.

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5. Responsibilities

5.1 PA is a command responsibility and should be a consideration in all CTC activities.

5.2 The RCSU CO is responsible for all PA programs within their respective region, including CTCs.

5.3 The RCSU PAO is responsible to the RCSU CO for the coordination of CTC PA, and will support the implementation through the provision of professional communications support to the RCSU and CTC COs.

5.4 CTC COs are responsible to the RCSU CO to support the effective application of CTC PA support, and must liaise closely with the RCSU PAO in order to ensure that CTC UPARs are utilized effectively.

5.5 The CTC PA team, including RCSU PA staff and CTC UPARs, must actively collaborate to support the implementation of regional CTC PA plans. CTC UPARs are also responsible to coordinate the local PA support requirements of the CTC CO.

6. Approach

6.1 The RCSU PAO and CTC UPARs should be allowed direct access to CTC Command Teams for the purpose of executing regional CTC PA plans. To be effective, CTC UPARs should be considered part of the command element, and the responsibility for their local supervision should not be delegated beyond the DCO/XO level.

6.2 CTC PA programs are based on an active PA approach. In support of this approach, CTC COs must ensure that PA staff are:

  1. closely involved in the planning, preparation, and execution of all activities conducted at CTCs;
  2. allowed direct access to the CTC CO/DCO for the purpose of providing advice and information, to raise questions and concerns, and to facilitate the development of appropriate PA support;
  3. adequately resourced to participate in and provide support to the summer training program; and
  4. included in senior staff meetings to ensure their overall situational awareness (SA) of all CTC activities.

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7. Regional CTC PA Plans

7.1 Regional CTC PA plans will be developed by the RCSU PAO and approved for implementation by the RCSU CO.

7.2 CTC Command Teams should familiarize themselves with their respective regional CTC PA plan and liaise with the RCSU PAO to support its implementation to the greatest extent possible.

8. Resources

8.1 The RCSU PAO is responsible to ensure that PA staff are adequately resourced to perform their duties. This includes the provision of imaging equipment, Image Tech augmentation where necessary, etc.

8.2 The RCSU J6 will ensure that IT requirements for PA staff are fulfilled in accordance with the scale of issue published by the CJCR Senior PAO and CJCR IT SMC.

8.3 CTC COs must ensure the provision of a secure office space, suitable for distraction free writing and audio/video editing, and rations and quarters for PA staff as required.

9. PA Evaluation

9.1 The effectiveness of regional CTC PA plans should be evaluated throughout the summer and adjusted as required to ensure maximum effect.

9.2 RCSU PAOs should promulgate a weekly progress report detailing traditional and social media results and summary of associated PA products.

9.3 An annual report on the overall effectiveness of CTC PA activities nationally will be released following the completion of the summer training period and forwarded to Comd CJCR for review.

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10. Publication

Frequency of Publication

10.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

10.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.

11. References

Sources References

Related References

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