2008-6 Internet Publishing and Social Media

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy
  5. Unofficial Cadet Websites and Social Media Platforms
  6. Privacy Act
  7. Publication
  8. References
  9. Annex

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2021-02-17

Date of Verification: 2022-04-22

Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).

SupersessionCATO 11-06, Official Cadet Websites

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR HQ COS

Enquiries: CJCR Senior PAO

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
ADM(PA) Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
CAF Canadian Armed Forces
CJCR Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
DAOD Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
DND Department of National Defence
JCR Junior Canadian Rangers
PA Public Affairs
PAO Public Affairs Officer
RCSU Regional Cadet Support Unit
UPAR Unit Public Affairs Representative

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3. Definitions

Official Cadet Websites. Official Cadet Websites are any approved Internet website that involves:

  1. a cadet organization (Junior Canadian Rangers, Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, or Air Cadets); or
  2. a DND or CAF organization or unit and whose mission is to inform users about the Cadet or JCR Program and its activities or to support its implementation.

Unofficial Cadet Websites. Unofficial cadet websites are any Internet websites intended to inform its users about the Cadet Program or its activities, or to support its implementation but that has not been approved by the appropriate authority.

** These definitions do not include the official websites of the Navy League of Canada, the Army Cadet League of Canada and the Air Cadet League of Canada, although they are recognized as official cadet websites. These sites are therefore not governed by this document.​

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4. Policy


4.1 All Official Cadet Websites and Social Media Platforms will conform to Government of Canada (Treasury Board) and DND/CAF policies.

4.2 The CJCR will:

  1. maintain the official DND/CAF sponsored website on Canada.ca for CJCR in collaboration with ADM(PA);
  2. maintain social media accounts that are managed under the approved network model, found at Annex A, in collaboration with RCSU PA teams, and UPARs;
  3. ensure designated accounts in Annex A are hidden on 30 Sep each year and activated June 1 each year; 
  4. ensure that rules and regulations are adhered to on unofficial cadet websites and social media accounts when possible;
  5. ensure that all official social media accounts are compliant with DAOD 2008-8, Official Use of Social Media;
  6. maintain official accounts that have been approved by ADM(PA) as outlined in Annex A; and
  7. review written requests for new official accounts in coordination with ADM(PA).

4.3 Official Cadet Websites and Social Media Platforms should be reviewed on an annual basis and updates should completed, as required.


4.4 Official documents and manuals, such as CJCR Gp Orders, Qualification Standard and Plans, Instructional Guides, etc., must be stored on official sites.

4.5 Official program identifiers, such as the Cadets Canada logo, can only be used on official websites.

4.6 Any social media account that is created locally to support corps/squadrons are unofficial accounts and are not managed by DND or the CAF, and must clearly indicate their administrative body such as the local sponsorship committee, parents, etc in accordance with section 5.

4.7 The official websites of the Navy League, Army Cadet League and Air Cadet League, though recognized as official cadet websites, are not regulated by this Gp Order.

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5. Unofficial Cadet Websites and Social Media Platforms

5.1 All unofficial cadet websites and social media platforms must have a disclaimer indicating that the pages are not official entities of DND or the CAF. Example statements are as follows:

  1. This is an unofficial cadet website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Cadet Leagues of Canada. This is not a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf of the Corps/Squadron Local Committee for <<NAME>> Corps/Squadron.
  2. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of the Corps/Squadron <<NAME>>, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff and Local Committee. The objective is to provide basic information about the function of the corps/squadron and to inform cadets, parents and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.

5.2 Marketing, including websites and promoted content on social media platforms, that may be procured by corps/squadrons through local committee funds, will be coordinated with the local PA teams prior to purchase, and will require a disclaimer to be displayed indicating the financial authority for the advertisement/promoted content, in accordance with Gp Order 2008-1, Public Affairs – Corps/Squadron

5.3 Domain and hosting services for unofficial cadet websites are the responsibility of the local committee. All related registration details must clearly indicate local committee responsibility. Domain names and hosting services should not be held in the names of DND/CAF members.

5.4 It is strongly recommended that corps/squadron Commanding Officers be granted access to unofficial websites and social media platforms in case issues need to be corrected quickly.

5.5 Unofficial cadet social media accounts must be owned and managed through shared responsibilities with the local committee.

5.6 Social media platform marketing must be paid for by non-public funds through the local committee. The marketing should be vetted and approved through the RCSU PA office.

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6. Privacy Act

6.1 The protection of personal information under the Privacy Act must be maintained at all times as per CJCR Gp Order 2008-0, Public Affairs.

7. Publication

Frequency of Publication

7.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

7.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.

8. References

Source References

Related References

10. Annex

Annex A

Official Social Media Accounts

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