5520-9 Component Transfer/Sub-Component Transfer to Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
Cadets and Junior Canadian Ranger Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2022-03-28
Date of Verification: 2024-09-26
Application: This is an order that is applicable to all Canadian Armed Forces members who are applying for a component or sub-component transfer to the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service.
Supersession: N/A
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Commander Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): Deputy Chief of Staff Personnel
Enquiries: Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Personnel Selection Officer
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CR | Canadian Rangers |
CIC | Cadet Instructors Cadre |
CJCR Gp | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group |
CJCR Gp Instr | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Instruction |
CJCR Gp O | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order |
CJCR Gp HQ | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Headquarters |
COATS | Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service |
Comd | Commander |
CT | Component Transfer |
COATS GS-NCM | COATS General Service Non-Commissioned Member |
COATS GSO | COATS General Service Officer |
OT | Occupational Transfer |
P Res | Primary Reserve |
PSO | Personnel Selection Officer |
RCSU | Regional Cadet Support Unit |
Reg F | Regular Force |
SCT | Sub-Component Transfer |
Supp Res | Supplementary Reserve |
3. Policy
- 3.1 In order to retain the relevant expertise, skills, training and education of Reg F, P Res, Supp Res and CR personnel in support of the Cadet Program, CAF members may CT/SCT to COATS as a COATS GS-NCM, COATS GSO, or CIC Officer.
- 3.2 As the Transfer Authority, the Comd CJCR Gp is the approving authority and assumes administrative control of CT/SCTs to COATS.
- 3.3 Comd CJCR Gp delegates the administrative authority of CT/SCTs to the RCSU/CJCR Gp HQ COs who will complete the final process for all CT/SCTs.
- 3.4 The CJCR Gp PSO is responsible for ensuring the selection processes are in accordance with standardized CAF procedures. This will include assessing the applicant’s eligibility and suitability for CT/SCT to COATS.
- 3.5 Members who are currently CIC Officers are not eligible to an OT to COATS GSO or COATS GS-NCM.
- 3.6 Members of the CR wishing to transfer to COATS must be directed to the CJCR Gp COATS Recruiting Section for specialized processing considerations.
- 3.7 The process for CT/SCTs to COATS is further detailed in CJCR Gp Instr 50-04, Component/Sub-Component Transfer to COATS Process.
4. Requirements for Component Transfer or Sub-Component Transfer
- 4.1 In order to be considered for a CT/SCT to COATS, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
Criteria for CT/Sub-CT to… | CIC Officer | COATS GS-NCM | COATS GSO |
Age | Ability to complete two years of service, prior to the compulsory retirement age of 65 as set out in CF Mil Pers Instr 09/06, Compulsory Retirement Ages for the Supplementary Reserve (Supp Res), Cadets Instructors Cadre (CIC), and the Canadian Rangers (Cdn Rangers) | ||
Military Training | Nil | Basic Military Qualification and be qualified to the Occupational Functional Point in their current occupation | Basic Military Officer Qualification and be qualified to the Occupational Functional Point in their current occupation |
Medical Fitness | In accordance with minimum standards for COATS as defined in A-MD-154-000/FP-000, Canadian Armed Forces Medical Standards, Annex E, Minimum Medical Standards for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members | ||
Minimum Education | Secondary School completion certificate or equivalent | Grade 10 completion or Secondary IV in Quebec | Secondary School completion certificate or equivalent |
Screening | A valid Vulnerable Sector Check in accordance with CJCR Gp O 5010-0, Adult Screening | ||
Remedial Measures | Not be subject to a Remedial Measure as set out in DAOD 5019-4, Remedial Measures on the date of application or effective date of transfer. |
Reference Requirements
- 4.2 In addition to the above minimum requirements, applicants for CT/SCT to COATS must provide three (3) valid references who must have known the applicant for at least two (2) years. A valid reference is defined as an adult (18 years of age or older) that knows the applicant well enough to provide a worthwhile, fair and adequate assessment. At least two (2) references must be a professional or educational reference. Submitted references must fall within the following categories:
- educational reference such as current or former teachers, professors, coaches, instructors or trainers;
- professional reference such as current or former supervisors, managers, advisors, or employers. May include current or former military supervisors not below the rank of Sergeant or Captain; and
- personal reference such as friends, neighbours, co-workers, peers or landlords.
- 4.3 References must not include family members such as close or extended family.
5. Publication
Frequency of Publication
- 5.1 A periodic review of CJCR Gp Os will be initiated every three years, or more frequently if necessary.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
- 5.2 Users of CJCR Gp Os are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCRPol-PolCRJC@forces.gc.ca.
6. References
Source References
- DAOD 2020-3, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
- DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment
- DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer
- DAOD 5019-4, Remedial Measures
- CANFORGEN 033/10, Creation of Two COATS MOSIDs – General Service Off and NCM (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- CANFORGEN 049/18, CDS Directive: Canadian Armed Forces Command and Control (C2) of the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Reserve Force Sub-Component (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- CANFORGEN 010/19, Component Transfer to Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS) Service to Age 65 (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- CANFORGEN 165/21, COATS Enrolment Entry Standards for Component Transfer (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/08, Canadian Forces Component Transfer and Component Transfer Career Programs (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- CF Mil Pers Instr 09/06, Compulsory Retirement Ages for the Supplementary Reserve (Supp Res), Cadets Instructors Cadre (CIC), and the Canadian Rangers (Cdn Rangers) (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- A-MD-154-000/FP-000, Canadian Armed Forces Medical Standards
- Chief of the Defence Staff Directive: CAF Command and Control of the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Reserve Force Sub-Component, Cadet Organizations Administration Training Service (COATS) Assessment Process (link accessible only on the DWAN)
- Canadian Forces Manual of Military Employment Structure: Job Based Specifications (link accessible only on the DWAN)
Related References
- CJCR Gp O 5001-0, Supervision of Cadets
- CJCR Gp O 5010-0, Adult Screening
- CJCR Gp O 5511-1, Promotion Policy
- CJCR Gp O 5520-0, Reserve Service Opportunities
- CJCR Gp O 5520-10, Specific Annuitant Exception
- CJCR Gp Instr 50-04, Component/Sub-Component Transfer to Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Process
Defence Forms Catalogue (you are now leaving Canada.ca, link only accessible through CCONet and DWAN) and titled DND 4748, Transfer to Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
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