Appendix 6 – Humanitas Bar to the Special Service Medal

  1. The HUMANITAS bar was created on 9 March 1993 and was replaced by Operational Service Medal – HUMANITAS (OSM-HUM) effective 1 August 2009 (Annex O).
  2. The HUMANITAS bar recognized an aggregate of 30 days of qualifying service or more. There is no multiplying factor.
  3. Service with the operations listed in Figure Figure 9P6-1 were counted toward the Humanitarian Service Bar if not otherwise recognized.

(Reprint of Order in Council PC 1993-449 as amended by PC 1997-124, PC 2010-1092 and PC 2017-1741)

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, is pleased hereby to determine:

  1. revokes Order in Council P.C. 1997-124 of January 28, 1997 as amended by P.C. 2010-1092 of September 2, 2010;
  2. determines as special service, within the meaning of those Regulations, service that meets the following conditions:
    1. it is an aggregate of 30 days of honourable service performed outside Canada between June 11, 1984 and July 31, 2009;
    2. it is in support of any approved humanitarian operation, conducted in response to a disaster or human conflict, including rescue, relief and reconstruction operations; and
    3. the days of honourable service referred to in subparagraph (i) are not counted towards any other Canadian or foreign service medal; and
  3. specifies that the Bar that is awarded with the Special Service Medal, representing the special service referred to in paragraph (b), is to bear the word “HUMANITAS”.

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Figure 9P6-1 (Sheet 1 of 3) Qualifying Service List for the Special Service Medal with Humanitas Bar
Mission Start date End Date Canadian OP Name
Medical teams and relief supplies for famine relief in Ethiopia 1-Feb-85 28-Feb-85 -
Earthquake assistance in Mexico 20-Sep-85 24-Sep-85 -
Relief supplies following a severe mudslide in Columbia 1-Nov-85 30-Nov-85 -
Famine relief in Ethiopia 3-Jun-88 7-Sep-88 Op NILE
Relief supplies and emergency construction in Jamaica 13-Sep-88 31-Oct-88 -
Relief supplies in very poor flying conditions in Armenia 11-Dec-88 22-Dec-88 Op MACÉDOINE
Relief supplies, medical assistance and construction in Montserrat and Nevis 22-Sep-89 31-Oct-89 Op HUGO
Post-Gulf War medical and supply assistance to Kurds in Turkey and Iraq 1-Mar-91 31-May-91 Op ASSIST
Famine relief in Ethiopia 1-Aug-91 15-Dec-91 Op PRESERVE
Humanitarian assistance in Commonwealth of Independent States (ex-USSR) 1-Jan-92 31-May-92 Op BOREAL
Airlift of relief supplies into Somalia by members of Airlift Control Element (ALCE) Nairobi in support of the United Nations World Food Program (UNWFP) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Somalia 19-Aug-92 5-Jan-93 Op RELIEF
Humanitarian relief in southern Florida following a hurricane in Florida, USA 1-Sep-92 30-Sep-92 Op TEMPEST
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship PROTECTEUR - To assist in the rebuilding efforts in Florida after Hurricane Andrew. 1-Sep-92 30-Sep-92 Op TEMPEST
Humanitarian relief following a hurricane in Bahamas 1-Oct-92 31-Oct-92 Op TEMPEST
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship PROTECTEUR - To assist in the rebuilding efforts in the Bahamas after Hurricane Andrew. 19-Oct-92 26-Oct-92 Op TEMPEST
Humanitarian assistance in Commonwealth of Independent States (ex-USSR) 6-Feb-93 6-Mar-93 Op BOREAL
Humanitarian assistance in Commonwealth of Independent States (ex-USSR) 8-Oct-93 30-Oct-93 Op BOREAL
Humanitarian relief to refugees by members of 2 Field Ambulance Group in Rwanda 1-Jul-94 31-Oct-94 Op PASSAGE
Humanitarian assistance in Commonwealth of Independent States (ex-USSR) 30-Jul-94 5-Aug-94 Op BOREAL
Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies to refugees Zaire 17-Nov-96 4-Jan-97 Op ASSURANCE
Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies to refugees Zaire as part of the Air Control Element (ALCE) stationed in Kenya - Nairobi 17-Nov-96 4-Jan-97 Op ASSURANCE
CAF members stationed in Stuttgart, Germany, providing provision of humanitarian relief and supplies to refugees Zaire. 17-Nov-96 4-Jan-97 Op ASSURANCE
Main body deployed to Uganda to provide provision of humanitarian relief and supplies to refugees Zaire 30-Nov-96 31-Dec-96 Op ASSURANCE
Provision of search equipment and personnel in response to severe mudslides in and around Sarno, Italy 19-May-98 21-Jun-98 Op SARNO
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship ST JOHN'S - Providing humanitarian service following hurricanes in Haiti 11-Sep-98 25-Sep-98 Op HORATIO
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) had an agreement with DND on the provision of support for its humanitarian operations. Only service while deployed on humanitarian operations under the auspices of CIDA is eligible 15-Oct-98 31-Jul-09 -
Provision of emergency medical, engineering, transport and supply services in the wake of Hurricane Mitch in Central America 6-Nov-98 23-Dec-98 Op CHARITABLE
Service with the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), providing earthquake relief in Turkey 18-Aug-99 28-Sep-99 Op TORRENT
Canadian Forces support to rehabilitate the Rinas airfield, near Tirana, Albania 1-Mar-01 15-Sep-01 Op ARTISAN
Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies, including the deployment of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) following an earthquake and Tsunami in South Asia. 31-Dec-04 5-Mar-05 Op STRUCTURE
The Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) Canada proposed the attachment of a CF member to its organization to provide the CF with an insight into the duties and responsibilities of NGOs in foreign countries. The CF member is attached to CARE Canada for a period of six months, during which time they serve approximately three months overseas with a CARE Canada humanitarian relief mission. Only service while deployed in operations is eligible 20-Jun-05 31-Jul-09 Op CONNECTION
Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies following Hurricane Katrina in the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Gulf of Mexico, USA 3-Sep-05 14-Oct-05 Op UNISON
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship ATHABASKAN - Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies following Hurricane Katrina. 11-Sep-05 19-Sep-05 Op UNISON
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship VILLE DE QUEBEC - Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies following Hurricane Katrina. 11-Sep-05 19-Sep-05 Op UNISON
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship TORONTO - Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies following Hurricane Katrina. 11-Sep-05 19-Sep-05 Op UNISON
Canadian Coast Guard Ship SIR WILLIAM ALEXANDER - Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies following Hurricane Katrina 19-Sep-05 23-Oct-05 Op UNISON
Provision of humanitarian relief and supplies, including the deployment of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) following an earthquake in Pakistan 11-Oct-05 10-Jan-06 Op PLATEAU
Facilitating the departure of Canadian citizens from Lebanon because of the deteriorating security environment in the area. Personnel that deployed to Larnaka, Cyprus and Beirut, Lebanon to participate in this operation are also eligible 17-Jul-06 3-Sep-06 Op LION
Humanitarian service following hurricanes in Haiti 9-Sep-08 28-Sep-08 Op HORATIO
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship ST JOHN'S - Providing humanitarian service following hurricanes. 11-Sep-08 25-Sep-08 Op HORATIO

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