Annex P – Special Service Medal


  1. The Special Service Medal (SSM) recognizes members of the Canadian Forces (CF) and members of the Defense Team who have performed a service determined to be under exceptional circumstances, in a clearly defined locality for a specific duration.
  2. Regulations governing the award of the medal are reprinted in Annex P, Appendix 1.

Qualifying dates, theatre boundaries

  1. The SSM recognizes approved activities underway on 11 June 1984 or subsequently established thereafter.
  2. The service recognized by the medal is indicated by distinctive bars worn on the ribbon. Qualifying criteria for each are described in Annex P, Appendices 2 to 8.

Eligible personnel

  1. The SSM was originally only awarded to members of the CF.  However, eligible allied force member or eligible civilians may be awarded the SSM for service performed on or after 29 April 2014.
  2. The SSM is awarded if the person has engaged in an activity that the Governor in Council determines is special service that merits recognition.
  3. Should an eligible person die or be repatriated for service-related medical reasons while taking part in a mission for which a specific SSM bar has been created, but before completing the qualifying period for that bar, the person will be deemed to have satisfied that bar’s time requirement. In the case of generic service bars (e.g., NATO and Expedition Bars), the person will be deemed to have satisfied the time requirement for the mission he was with at the time of death or repatriation until that mission’s end. Documentation confirming that the repatriation was due to a service-related medical condition is to be included.
  4. Qualifying service for a non-generic bar may be less than stipulated if said service was terminated by cessation of the mission, provided the person was on posted strength of, and had physically reported to, the mission.


  1. The medal may only be issued with a bar.

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