2015–16 Report on Plans and Priorities


Subsequent to the tabling in Parliament of the 2015–16 Report on Plans and Priorities, the department identified that the report contained the following error in the French version of the tabled report:

The following text appeared in error in Section II, Program 3.1: Labour, Performance measures.

Les milieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale sont productifs, et les travailleurs sont traités équitablement

Augmentation en pourcentage (sur douze mois) du temps consacré aux activités de prévention, y compris l’éducation, la sensibilisation et les inspections

Source : Application du travail 2000

Pourcentage d’augmentation 31 mars 2016

This error has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML online versions of the 2015–16 Report on Plans and Priorities.

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