Social Development Partnerships Program

The Social Development Partnerships Program makes strategic investments to support government priorities related to children and families, people with disabilities, the voluntary sector, official language minority communities and other vulnerable populations by playing a unique role in furthering broad social goals. It provides an opportunity to work in partnership with social not-for-profit organizations to help improve the life outcomes of these target groups. Activities funded by the program are expected to lead to the development and sharing of knowledge of existing and emerging social issues; the creation of collaboration, partnerships, alliances and networks; and the development of approaches to respond to existing and emerging social issues. Over the long term, program support for these activities will help the not-for-profit sector and partners be more effective in addressing existing and emerging social issues, and will help target populations have access to information, programs and services tailored to their unique needs.

Children and families

Children and families can face unique personal, social and economic pressures that challenge their ability to adapt and thrive. As a result, families may experience a diminished quality of life, with limited ability to participate in the workplace or to contribute to their communities. With the objective of supporting the creation of more responsive programs, services or tools to better serve the diverse needs of children and their families, particularly those living in disadvantaged circumstances, the Children and Families program makes strategic grant- and contribution-based investments. Grant and contribution funding supports projects in the not-for-profit sector to meet the social needs and aspirations of children and families and of other vulnerable populations. The program is moving toward a delivery model based on third-party intermediaries that have expertise on the ground in communities. Funding recipients are also encouraged to find new partners across the private and public sectors to complement federal money in order to maximize the effect of interventions on complex social issues at the community level. This component is also the source of funding for official language minority communities, the Canada Volunteer Award, and the analysis and dissemination of the General Social Survey—Giving, Volunteering and Participating.


The Disability component of the Social Development Partnerships Program, supports projects intended to improve the participation and integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society with respect to social inclusion. Canadians with disabilities can face unique personal, social and economic barriers to participation. With the objective of promoting the social inclusion and full participation of Canadians with disabilities in learning, work and community life by increasing the effectiveness of the not-for-profit sector, this program makes strategic grant- and contribution-based investments. Funded projects support a wide range of initiatives that address social issues and barriers that confront people with disabilities. Funding recipients are encouraged to find new partners across the private and public sectors to complement federal money in order to maximize the effect of interventions on complex social issues.

Performance and Accountability Framework - Operating funding

Following months of consultation, the Disability component of the Social Development Partnerships Program was renewed in 2017 under the principles of the Performance and Accountability Framework. The Framework will guide operating funding decisions going forward.

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