

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

If you have experience with workplace investigations related to violence and harassment, we encourage you to apply.

We encourage candidates of equity-deserving groups to apply. These groups include, but are not limited to:

As an investigator, you will help handle harassment and violence occurrences in a fair, compassionate and efficient manner. You will also use trauma-informed, anti-racist, and gender-responsive investigatory approaches where appropriate.

You may be asked by an employer to:

The Registry of Investigators

The Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations (the Regulations) came into force in Canada on January 1, 2021.

To support the implementation of the Canada Labour Code Part II and the Regulations, we established the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Registry of Investigators (the Registry). It was formerly known as the Roster of Investigators.

The purpose of the Registry is to facilitate the engagement of qualified, professional investigators to investigate occurrences of workplace harassment and violence by organizations.

The Registry is a repository of qualified, independent investigators that employers can select and establish contracts to investigate an occurrence of harassment and violence in the workplace. Please refer to Sections 25 to 30 under “Investigation” in the Regulations to learn more.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety maintains the Registry on its website so that it is readily available to organizations and individuals across Canada.

The current Registry can be accessed here.

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