How to apply

Application period: closed on June 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

On this page

Apply now

Use the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) to apply.

If you do not have a GCOS account, create one as soon as possible. You can apply for funding as soon as you have registered for a GCOS account. Please note that after you have submitted your application, you will need to finalize your GCOS account to become a fully registered user. This process can take up to 2 weeks.

  • The questions in the online form are not numbered but they are in the same order as the Prepare to apply section
  • You will be asked to upload some of your supporting documents into the GCOS application

What is the Grants and Contributions Online Service (GCOS)?

GCOS allows you to apply and track multiple applications online. You can check your application status, sign agreements, manage, submit documents and review past projects submitted through GCOS.

To apply through the GCOS system, you will need to create a GCOS account the first time you use the system. It could take up to 2 weeks to finalize your GCOS account; you are strongly encouraged to initiate the one-time GCOS account creation process as soon as possible.

Sign in or register for GCOS
  • By email

    To apply by email, download and complete the application form.

    Application for Funding

    How to submit your application

    By email

    Email your application to the following email address by 3:00 p.m. EDT on June 19, 2024

    About PDFs

    Our application form uses PDF form technology. You must have a PDF reader installed to use the form correctly. There are several readers available on the Internet for free that support our form:

    • Adobe Reader (you must use a version of Adobe Reader 8 or higher, for example Adobe Acrobat DC Reader)
    • Foxit Reader
    Alert: Warning

    If you do not use the recommended readers (Adobe Acrobat 8 or higher or Foxit Reader), ESDC may receive a blank application from you.

    Downloading the application form
    1. Make sure that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or higher or Foxit Reader installed on your system
    2. Select the Application form
    3. When prompted to open or save the form, select the down arrow on the "Save" button, and select" Save as"
    4. Select your folder location and save (file type must be PDF)
    5. Reopen the form from your computer:
      1. select the "Open with" option
      2. choose option to open with either Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit
    6. Make sure that the form opens in one of the Reader Softwares (Adobe or Foxit), by looking at the top of your screen. For example, you should see:
      1. ESDC-EMP XXXX.pdf (SECURED) - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
      2. ESDC-EMP XXXX.pdf (SECURED) - Foxit PhantomPDF
    7. Begin inputting and save your information
    8. Before submitting your application make sure that the Application form is completed, and all information has saved properly
    Moving within a form

    To move from 1 field to the next on the form, hit “Tab”. This ensures that you do not accidently skip over any fields.

    Forms that perform calculations

    Some sections of the form perform calculations based on the amounts you enter and will automatically calculate totals in the appropriate fields. You are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of any information submitted. Please double-check all data you enter.

Submit one application only

Submit only 1 copy of your application to ESDC. Submitting multiple copies of the same application or sending the same application by using various methods will cause longer processing times for your application. We will only review the first application received.

When you'll get a funding decision

We expect to make funding decisions by October 2024.

You should not start any project activities until you hear from us, and you have a signed agreement.

Not all applications received will be selected for funding, as funding is limited. Please note that decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

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