Deputy Minister transition binder – September 2023: Transition booklet
September 2023
Deputy Minister transition binder: Transition booklet
Departmental overview
Portfolio overview
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change’s Environment Portfolio consists of the Department of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and two agencies:
- Parks Canada is responsible for national parks, historic sites, and national marine conservation areas; and
- Impact Assessment Agency of Canada is responsible for the impact assessment process for all federally designated major projects and leads Crown engagement and consultation with Indigenous peoples during impact assessments for major projects.
ECCC raison d’être
ECCC is the lead federal department for a wide range of environmental issues, including taking action on clean growth and climate change. The Department is also engaged in activities aimed at preventing and managing pollution, conserving nature, and predicting weather and environmental conditions. The Department addresses these issues through various actions including the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan; the newly released National Adaptation Strategy; engaging with our strategic partners including provinces, territories and Indigenous peoples, monitoring, science-based research, policy and regulatory development, and through the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.
The Department’s program focus reflects the interdependence of environmental sustainability and economic well-being.
Workforce overview
- Workforce of approximately 8,150 employees* located in every province and territory:
- Includes meteorologists, regulatory personnel and scientific researchers, enforcement officers, wildlife biologists, policy analysts and international negotiators, as well as enablers (e.g., administrative, human resources and finance, communications and audit staff)
- Close to 39% are scientists involved in environmental science and technology work across the Department
- Diversity, inclusion and employment equity are a priority
*Data is current as of August 31, 2023 and is based on the substantive position and includes active employees and those on leave with (seconded out) or without pay. It includes employees who are indeterminate, seasonal or term greater than three months.
The Department was created in 1971 and incorporated older agencies with an even longer history such as:
- The Meteorological Service of Canada (1871);
- The Water Survey of Canada (1908);
- The Canadian Wildlife Service (1947).

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Map showing the geographic distribution of the ECCC’s workforce in Canada. From left to right: Pacific and Yukon Region 9%, Prairie and Northern Region 11%, Ontario 16%, Quebec 13%, and Atlantic Region 7%. Below the map, a text box reads: “56% of the department’s workforce is located outside the National Capital Region”.
Financial overview 2023-2024
ECCC authorities (as of August 30, 2023) | Operational spending | |
Salaries and benefits | $844 million | |
Operations and maintenance | $341 million | |
Vote netted revenue | $-75 million | |
Capital | $101 million | |
Total operational spending | $1,211 million | |
Grants and contributions to 3rd parties | $1,234 million | |
Budget 2023 reductions on LCEF | $-199 million | |
Total grants and contributions | $1,035 million | |
Total ECCC authorities | $2,246 million |
Approximately 46% of funding for departmental programs and activities is directed to third parties through grants and contributions
Includes the 2023-24 Main Estimates, and the Budget 2023 LCEF reduction
Note: Amounts have been rounded to the nearest million.
Partnerships and engagement
We cannot tackle environmental issues alone. Partnerships are fundamental to achieving Canada’s environment and climate change objectives.
Increasingly, the issues ECCC is addressing require economic transformation. As such, ECCC must deploy its regulations, science and information in collaboration with fiscal and program measures led by other departments.
ECCC has a key role to play in implementing the Government of Canada’s commitment to renew the relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership. The Department works with the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, communities, and organizations to advance Indigenous environmental stewardship and ensure Indigenous interests and contributions are reflected in the Department’s programs and priorities. The Department also support whole-of-government initiatives related to Reconciliation such as section 35 negotiations of Indigenous rights agreements, the Permanent Bilateral Mechanisms, the United Nations Declaration Act, and the Inuit Nunangat Policy.
The Government of Canada shares jurisdiction over environmental matters with the provinces and territories. ECCC works with provincial and territorial governments and these relationships are fostered through bilateral agreements as well as through work on shared priorities on bilateral regional and multilateral basis (e.g., the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment and other multilateral fora on specific issues such as domestic and international climate change, conservation, wildlife and biodiversity, water, and environmental protection).
There are few major environmental issues for which we can find causes or solutions solely within Canadian borders. Canada needs to cooperate effectively with other nations whose policies and activities affect the quality of the environment, and to find effective solutions to global environmental challenges. Canada also has international environmental obligations under many various agreements and fora. The international dimension of ECCC’s work is important to achieve Canada’s international and domestic goals.
ECCC also works closely with research organizations and academia, NGOs, and national industry associations.
International engagement
Key upcoming international events:
- 78th United Nations General Assembly High Level Week, UN Climate Ambition Summit (September 18-26, New York City)
- 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (November 30 - December 12, UAE)
- 16th Meeting of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (2024, Turkey)
- G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers Meeting (2024, TBC; 2025 Canada to host).
- Eighth Ministerial on Climate Action (2024,TBC)
- 31st Annual Session of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation Council (2024, TBC)
- G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Ministers Meeting (2024, Brazil)
- Fourth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastics (April 2024, Ottawa, Canada)
ECCC leads Canada’s international engagement on the environment, working closely with Global Affairs Canada, with the support of several other federal departments.
Canada works with international partners through a number of multilateral fora, initiatives, and regional/bilateral relationships to scale up global ambition and action on the interconnected challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, and to advance key priorities including:
- Climate ambition, including the implementation of the Paris Agreement and advancing international action toward the achievement of the 1.5 degrees Celcius temperature goal, energy transition, and Canada’s $5.3 billion climate finance commitment;
- Halting and reversing global biodiversity loss, particularly by advancing the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; and
- Supporting global action to address pollution, including playing a leadership role in advancing negotiations towards an international, legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution by 2040.
These global issues will require concerted, coordinated global responses and will remain high on the international agenda in 2023 and 2024.
Core responsibilities overview
ECCC is leading Canada’s response to the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution through the development, implementation and administration of key policies and programs.
A net zero target requires a transformation of the economy, which puts ECCC increasingly at the centre of both the economic and environmental agenda.
This important role is reflected in ECCC’s Departmental Results Framework (DRF) which sets out the department’s four core responsibilities:
- Taking action on clean growth and climate change;
- Preventing and managing pollution;
- Conserving nature; and
- Predicting weather and environmental conditions.
The DRF also presents an Inventory of 16 Programs designed to deliver Departmental Results and support the achievement of ECCC’s core responsibilities.
These core responsibilities are supported through a variety of important horizontal functions including:
- Scientific research, science advice, and environmental monitoring;
- Policy and economic analysis;
- International, Intergovernmental and Indigenous cooperation, engagement and negotiation;
- Regulatory and enforcement work; and
- Reporting and communications.
Taking action on clean growth and climate change
- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates climate warming is unequivocally due to human influence; that immediate, rapid and deep reductions in GHG emissions are needed to limit warming to 1.5°C or even 2°C; and adverse impacts escalate with every additional increment of global warming.
- According to the United Nations Emissions Gap Report, warming will reach 2.8°C by 2100 without urgent system-wide transformation to avoid climate disaster.
- Warming in Canada is, on average, about double the magnitude of global warming (Canada’s Changing Climate Report)
- The effects of widespread warming are evident in many parts of Canada and are projected to intensify in the future
Climate change is a global threat – with significant impacts on the economy, biodiversity, and society. Canada’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 has been enshrined in legislation through the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. The Act mandates targets be set every five years, beginning in 2030, and the first Emissions Reduction Progress Report will be released later this year. These targets and associated measures are a significant driver for economic transformation. While levers to address climate change are found in all sectors of the economy, across multiple jurisdictions and under a variety of ministerial portfolios, ECCC plays a lead federal role and is specifically responsible for:
- Leading Canada’s climate policy development;
- Overseeing and coordinating implementation of the Emissions Reduction Plan;
- Delivering climate science, programs and services;
- Engaging with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners on climate related issues;
- Leading Canada’s effort on international climate change negotiations and engaging in international cooperation;
- Contributing scientific research and expertise, including at the international level (e.g., Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change);
- Supporting work on clean technology; and
- Making climate science more open and accessible to Canadians.
- Clean Growth and Climate Change Mitigation
- International Climate Change Action
- Climate Change Adaptation
Preventing and managing pollution
- In 2018, Canadians threw away over 4 million tonnes of plastic waste; 8% was recycled, 1% leaked into the environment, and the rest was disposed of as waste to landfills
- The Air Quality Management System (AQMS) is a collaborative federal, provincial and territorial approach to reduce air pollution
Safeguarding the health and safety of Canadians requires protecting the environment from harmful pollutants in our air, land and water. Air pollution contributes to about 15,300 premature deaths in Canada per year and costs the Canadian economy about $120 billion annually. More than a quarter of us live in areas with poor air quality. In Canada, about 4.3 million tonnes of plastics are discarded every year and close to 30,000 tonnes ends up in our natural environment. There are significant threats to freshwater quality in Canada, which can vary regionally in nature and magnitude. To address these issues, ECCC monitors contaminants in the air, water, and soil, develops and administers environmental laws, regulations and voluntary instruments, and delivers other programs. ECCC is responsible for:
- Preventing and managing pollution from industrial processes, disposal at sea, vehicles and engines, mining, products, electricity, chemicals, waste sectors etc. using legislation such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and the Fisheries Act;
- Negotiating and Implementing international agreements on pollution (e.g. Basel Convention, London Convention, Rotterdam Convention, Canada-US Air Quality Agreement);
- Minimizing the impacts of environmental emergencies on Canadians and their environment; and
- Leading Canada’s effort on international initiatives, such as the new legally-binding global agreement on plastic pollution and engaging in international cooperation.
- Air Quality
- Water Quality and Ecosystem Partnerships
- Substances and Waste Management
- Community Eco-Action
- Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Pollution
Conserving nature
- A 2020 World Wildlife Fund report noted that 50% of the 903 wildlife species monitored in Canada declined between 1970 and 2014—with an average decline of 83%. A 2019 report in Science showed that more than 2.9 billion birds in Canada and the US have been lost since 1970
- Globally, the services nature provides are worth approximately $125 trillion a year (e.g., clean air and water, fertile soil, pollination, food and medicines, carbon sequestration, flood and drought control, etc.) and are often expensive or impossible to replace if lost (WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018)
Nature, which provides benefits we all depend on for survival, security, and well-being, is in serious trouble (see sidebar), a crisis on par in terms of magnitude with climate change. Key drivers of biodiversity loss are land- and sea-use change, direct overexploitation, pollution, invasive species, and climate change. While nature is at risk because of climate change, nature is also a critical ally in the fight against climate change.
In December 2022, Canada hosted the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity where an historic agreement was reached on a global framework that will drive action domestically and abroad. Canada’s Global Biodiversity Framework implementation plan will be published before COP16.
Responsibility for nature in Canada is shared, with the vast majority of crown land administered by provinces and territories. At the federal level, ECCC is responsible for:
- Protecting and recovering species at risk and their critical habitats;
- Conserving and protecting healthy populations of migratory birds;
- Engaging and enabling provinces and territories, Indigenous peoples, stakeholders, and the public to increase protected areas and contribute to conservation and stewardship activities;
- Expanding and managing the Department’s protected areas, such as migratory bird sanctuaries and national wildlife areas; and
- Collaborating with domestic and international partners to advance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
- Species at Risk
- Biodiversity Policy and Partnerships
- Migratory Birds and other Wildlife
- Environmental Assessment
- Habitat Conservation and Protection
- Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Wildlife
Predicting weather and environmental conditions
- Every day, ECCC uses a state-of-the-art supercomputer to bring together 13 million observations about Canada’s environment and other data available from domestic and international partners
- MSC supports mission-critical operations of federal, provincial, territorial, municipal, and private organizations that rely on MSC’s infrastructure, science capacity, and experience to deliver on their mandate (e.g., aviation, emergency management, water management, military & marine ops)
- The ECCC WeatherCAN App had about 650,000 active users as of 2022
2021 marked the 150th anniversary of the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) and its long history of serving Canadians with accurate and timely information on weather and environmental conditions to help them make decisions about their health, safety and economic well-being.
ECCC is responsible for:
- Monitoring weather, water quantity, ice, air quality and climate conditions;
- Providing forecasts, information and warnings to the Canadian public and targeted sectors through a range of service delivery options;
- Conducting research;
- Developing and maintaining computer-based models for predicting weather and other environmental conditions;
- Collaborating and exchanging data with other national meteorological services and with international organizations; and
- Supporting whole of government emergency management (e.g., hurricanes, tornados, floods, wildfires).
- Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings
- Hydrological Services
Organizational structure
Organizational chart

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Organizational chart illustrating the organizational structure of the Ministry. At the top is the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Steven Guilbeault), supported by two Parliamentary Secretaries to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Adam van Koeverden and Julie Dabrusin. He is directly assisted by a Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Jean-François Tremblay) and an Associate Deputy Minister Lawrence Hanson. Immediately below are the Executive Director and Senior General Counsel Legal Services (Helene Sheedy), the Ambassador for Climate Change (Catherine Stewart), the Assistant Deputy Minister Strategic Policy (Hilary Geller), the Assistant Deputy Minister Science and Technology (Marc D’Iorio), the Assistant Deputy Minister Environmental Protection (John Moffet), the Associate Assistant Deputy Minister (Megan Nichols), the Assistant Deputy Minister Canadian Wildlife Service (Tara Shannon), the Assistant Deputy Minister Corporate Services and Finance (Linda Drainville), the Assistant Deputy Minister Public Affairs and Communications (Michael Zinck), the Assistant Deputy Minister Climate Change (Vincent Ngan), the Assistant Deputy Minister Meteorological Service of Canada (Diane Campbell), the Chief Enforcement Officer (Donald Walker), the Director General Audit and Evaluation (Christopher MacDonald), the Assistant Deputy Minister International Affairs (Sandra McCardell), the Chief Human Resources Management Officer (Jocelyne Kharyati) and the Acting Assistant Deputy Minister Canada Water Agency.
On the left side of the organization chart are the Regional Director General West and North (Anna Classen) and the Acting Associate Regional Director General West and North (Vanessa Charlwood), the Acting Regional Director General Ontario (Andrew Preston), and the Regional Director General Quebec and Atlantic (Richard Cormier).
Senior leadership team biographies
Lawrence Hanson, Associate Deputy Minister
Lawrence Hanson was appointed Associate Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate in November 2022. Prior to that, Lawrence was the Associate Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
Previously, he served in several Assistant Deputy Minister roles, including Assistant Deputy Minister of Policy at Transport Canada, Assistant Deputy Minister of Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector and then of Science and Innovation (both at Innovation, Science and Economic Development).
He held several positions at Environment Canada between 2004 and 2013.
Lawrence received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Studies from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia. He is married and has two children.
Ambassador for Climate Change’s Office
Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change is responsible for providing advice on climate change considerations in Canada's international priorities. She leads bilateral engagements with partner countries on clean growth and climate change and represents Canada in international cooperative initiatives related to climate change. She also promotes Canada's clean growth and climate change priorities.
Catherine Stewart, Ambassador for Climate Change
Catherine Stewart was appointed as Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change in August 2022. With over 25 years in the federal government, Catherine Stewart’s most recent role was Assistant Deputy Minister of International Affairs at Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Since 2014, she has served in senior executive roles at ECCC including as Canada’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, Director General Multilateral Affairs and Climate Change, and Director General for the Americas.
She has also worked on defence and security policy at the Department of National Defence over the span of a decade, covering areas such as Cabinet affairs, Ministerial speechwriting and Canada’s participation in the NATO Alliance.
Prior to joining the federal government, Catherine worked on a United Nations peacekeeping and electoral mission in Mozambique.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Carleton University. Catherine is married and has three sons.
Climate Change Branch
The Climate Change Branch (CCB) leads the coordination, development and implementation of Canada’s climate policy, programs, and plan in collaboration with partners to support Canada’s objectives to drive a clean economy, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and build Canada’s resilience to a changing climate. The Branch’s work includes coordinating with federal departments and agencies; engaging with provinces and territories and Indigenous peoples on climate-related issues; delivering climate programs and services; and publishing reports on progress towards achieving Canada’s climate goals.
Vincent Ngan, Assistant Deputy Minister
Vincent Ngan has been appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of CCB, effective January 23, 2023. Prior to this, Vincent led the Management Office for the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity as the acting Assistant Deputy Minister. Vincent was first appointed at ECCC in September 2017 as the Director General, Horizontal Policy, Engagement and Coordination in the Climate Change Branch. Prior to joining ECCC, he held various leadership roles at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat between 2008 and 2017.
He obtained a Bachelor of Arts with honours in Political Science and Applied Studies from the University of Waterloo (Ontario) as well as a Master of Arts in Public Administration from the School of Public Administration at Carleton University.
Meteorological Service of Canada
The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) is the primary supplier of meteorological and water resources information in Canada. MSC issues forecasts, warnings, conducts research and provides information about the past, present and future conditions of the atmosphere, climate, water, air quality, ice and related environment. Weather forecasts and warnings are provided to Canadians 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help protect their safety, security and property. MSC maintains a Canada-wide observation network to monitor changes in the weather, climate, water, ice and air quality to obtain the data which is the foundation of weather and environmental prediction.
Diane Campbell, Assistant Deputy Minister
Diane Campbell was appointed the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Meteorological Service of Canada at Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Canada’s Permanent Representative to the World Meteorological Organization, in 2019. Prior to assuming this role, she oversaw the delivery of 24/7 weather, air quality, ice and environmental prediction forecast services to Canadians as the Director General of Prediction Services.
She has worked for over 40 years in the Canadian Public Service in diverse science-based programs including holding executive positions in environmental assessment at ECCC; as well as in energy research and development; and earth science research management at Natural Resources Canada. She is the Service champion at ECCC and until recently served many years as mental health and wellness champion at Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Science and Technology Branch
Science and Technology Branch (STB) is Canada’s leader in environmental science. STB undertakes fundamental work to monitor, understand, and evaluate changes and emerging threats in Canada’s ecosystems.
This is done through atmospheric and climate modelling, aquatic ecosystems and long-term water quality monitoring, wildlife and landscape science and chemical risk assessment and regulatory activities. STB generates data-driven knowledge and leads science advice to inform policies, regulations, enforcement, and federal and international codes and standards.
Marc D’Iorio, Assistant Deputy Minister
Marc D’Iorio was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of the Science and Technology Branch on February 1, 2021.
Marc began his career in government as a post-doctoral fellow in climate change. He has worked in science policy and regulatory organizations as an executive.
Marc is Canada’s Focal Point on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Canada’s Permanent Representative to the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Pacific Institute for Climate Solution, and also represents Canada on the steering committee of the UN International Methane Emissions Observatory.
In recent years, Marc played a pivotal role in leading electrification and decarbonisation of transport sectoral tables across government.
Strategic Policy Branch
The Strategic Policy Branch (SPB) has a leadership role within the Department in a number of areas, including strategic policy development, agenda management, policy planning, results and delivery, Indigenous and intergovernmental affairs, economic analysis, sustainable development strategies and indicators, regional analysis, outreach and program delivery. Through the Regional Directors General Offices, the Branch supports the Department’s overall goals and objectives by managing relations with the regions and associated key stakeholders.
Hilary Geller, Assistant Deputy Minister
Hilary joined Environment and Climate Change Canada in June 2017 as the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Strategic Policy Branch.
Previously, Hilary worked at Health Canada, where she was the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch (HECSB) from May 2011 to June 2017. A regulatory and scientific branch, HECSB works under various pieces of legislation to assess, manage and regulate a diverse range of issues in the areas of tobacco, controlled drugs and substances, environmental contaminants, consumer products, radiation and workplace chemicals. Prior to this role, she was Director General of Policy, Planning and Integration in HECSB from 2009 to 2011.
Hilary has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto, and a Master in Business Administration from York University.
Environmental Protection Branch
The Environmental Protection Branch (EPB) implements legislation, regulations and other policies and programs that protect Canadians and the environment. In particular, the branch works with other federal departments, provinces and territories, aboriginal people, municipalities, industry and environmental non-governmental organizations on clean air and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission regulations, chemical substances management, environmental emergencies as well as on advancing the Government's plastics and waste agenda.
John Moffet, Assistant Deputy Minister
John joined Environment and Climate Change Canada in late 2005 on Executive Interchange, and has since made the Department his home. Before becoming Assistant Deputy Minister of EPB in 2018, John was the Director General of various directorates in the Department and Associate ADM of EPB.
Prior to joining ECCC, he consulted on environmental law and policy issues in Canada and in developing countries, was Executive Assistant to the Attorney General of Ontario, and was (briefly) a corporate lawyer in Toronto. He has lectured and published on a wide range of environmental law and policy topics. He has two adult children, and enjoys cross-country skiing, mountain biking and canoeing in his spare time.
Megan Nichols, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister
Megan Nichols was appointed to her current role at Environment and Climate Change Canada in January 2023. She joined ECCC from Transport Canada, where she spent four years, first as the Director General of Environmental Policy, and then as Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy. Prior to her time at Transport Canada, Megan was Director General in the Lands and Minerals Sector at Natural Resources Canada, with responsibility for the leadership of Canada’s mining policy.
From 2012-2017, Megan held a number of positions at Public Safety Canada, focused mainly on international and Canada-U.S. border and security issues. She also spent six years designing and managing public infrastructure funding programs at Infrastructure Canada. From 1999 to 2004, she worked in the Canadian Heritage portfolio in a variety of roles. Megan holds a Master’s degree in History from Queen’s University and enjoys hiking, canoeing and cross-country skiing with friends and family.
Canadian Wildlife Service
The Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) conserves species and spaces by administering conservation programs. The Branch protects and manages recovery of species at risk and their critical habitat as well as conserves, protects, and sustainably manages to foster healthy populations of migratory birds and other wildlife. The Branch conserves, restores and protects significant habitats by developing and implementing stewardship programs, establishing and maintaining a network of protected areas, and enabling and supporting partnerships for the integrated management of Canada's natural capital. In addition, the Branch advances national biodiversity policies and partnerships and fulfills international responsibilities; and supports coordinated and coherent national assessment, monitoring, research, planning, action, and compliance promotion and enforcement to protect biodiversity.
Tara Shannon, Assistant Deputy Minister
Tara was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of CWS in April 2021.
Prior to joining the CWS, she held a variety of executive positions with then Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, including in the areas of northern regulatory policy and Indian Residential Schools, and the Privy Council Office, where she advised on a wide range of matters including Indigenous reconciliation, justice, and diversity and inclusion, amongst others.
Tara holds a Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies and Economics) from the University of Victoria, and a Master of Arts (Theory and Practice of Human Rights) from the University of Essex.
International Affairs Branch
The International Affairs Branch (IAB) supports and facilitates policy development, integration and coordination of the Government of Canada’s international climate action and environmental interests.
IAB works with experts across ECCC and other departments, including Global Affairs Canada, to advance Canada’s priorities and positions on bilateral, multilateral, regional and global climate change and environmental issues. The Branch supports Canada’s negotiation and implementation of international environmental agreements, environmental provisions in free trade agreements, and provides strategic advice to the Minister, the Deputy Minister and senior management on international relations and activities, including on Canada’s clean technology sector.
Sandra McCardell, Assistant Deputy Minister
Sandra McCardell was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of IAB on August 21, 2023.
Sandra was previously Assistant Deputy Minister Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb at Global Affairs Canada.
Sandra has worked to advance Canada’s foreign policy, trade and development objectives in 74 countries through a network of 54 embassies and high commissions.
Sandra was High Commissioner to South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Mauritius and Ambassador to Madagascar from 2015 to 2019, Ambassador to Morocco and Mauritania from 2012 to 2015, and Ambassador to Libya from 2009 to 2011. In Ottawa, she worked as Director General, Middle East, as well as Director of the Invest in Canada Bureau and Director of Executive Assignments.
She was committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion as a Women’s Champion at GAC.
Corporate Services and Finance Branch
The Corporate Services and Finance Branch (CSFB) supports programs in the allocation and sound management of funds, assets, and contracts; provides IM and IT solutions and support; delivers on government-wide enterprise initiatives; ensures a secure and inclusive workplace environment and develops corporate tools and reports to demonstrate alignment of departmental priorities, results and accountabilities to the Canadian public.
Linda Drainville, Assistant Deputy Minister
Linda was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Corporate Services and Finance and Chief Financial Officer at Environment and Climate Change Canada on March 15, 2021.
Before joining ECCC, Linda worked at the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) as the Associate Assistant Deputy Minister Finance.
Leading up to this position, Linda served as the DND/CAF Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Director General, Financial Operations and Services. Before joining DND/CAF, Linda was the CFO of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Throughout her career, Linda has also occupied various notable positions in the fields of finance, audit, and forensic accounting, more specifically with the United Nations, the Office of the Auditor General, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as the Canada Revenue Agency.
Linda holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Major in Accounting) from the University of Québec in Montréal. She also holds a Diploma in Investigative and Forensic Accounting from the University of Toronto. She is a Chartered Professional Accountant, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and is certified in Financial Forensics.
Public Affairs and Communications Branch
The Public Affairs and Communications Branch (PACB) provides full-service communications support including speeches, web publications, and social media engagement, as well as support for Ministerial media and event logistics. PACB is also comprised of the Corporate Secretariat and the Innovation and Youth Engagement Division; the latter supports engagement with youth both internally and externally.
The Corporate Secretariat provides effective departmental and ministerial support, including in relation to Cabinet affairs, parliamentary business, and Governor in Council and ministerial appointments.
Michael Zinck, Assistant Deputy Minister
Michael first joined Environment and Climate Change Canada in October 2017 as the Executive Director for Strategic Communications. He was promoted to Director General of Communications in March 2019. Michael assumed the responsibilities of the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Public Affairs and Communications Branch in January 2021 before being formally appointed to the position in June 2021.
Michael began his career in regional economic development in Moncton, New Brunswick following work in the international field including non-governmental organization activities in Kenya and Cuba. Michael has a diverse range of experience in strategic communications, ministerial liaison services and economic development policy.
Michael has a Bachelor of Political Science from Saint Mary’s University and a Master of Public Administration from Dalhousie University. Michael is also a certified sommelier.
Human Resources Branch
The Human Resources Branch (HRB) is responsible for developing and implementing an integrated framework of human resources strategies, policies, programs and advisory services. To that end, HRB is responsible for identifying departmental needs with regard to human resources and people management, including the development of associated health and safety measures, learning and recruitment strategies, as well as strategies and initiatives to enable the Department to recruit, develop and retain a representative workforce, including an accessibility strategy and a diversity, inclusion and employment equity strategy.
Jocelyne Kharyati, Chief Human Resources Management Officer
Jocelyne Kharyati was appointed Chief Human Resources Management Officer at Environment and Climate Change Canada on March 30, 2021.
Jocelyne has spent more than 20 years of her career in the areas of education and human resources management across the federal government.
Since her arrival at ECCC in January 2015, she has been involved in several initiatives, including the onboarding to Phoenix and MyGCHR. In 2017, Jocelyne accepted to co-chair an interdepartmental committee to conduct a root-cause analysis of Phoenix pay issues and support evidence-based decision making. Most recently, Jocelyne was Chief Audit Executive and Head of Evaluation from September 2020 to March 2021.
Prior to this, she occupied executive positions in human resources at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Canada School of Public Service.
Jocelyne obtained a Baccalaureate in Science from the University of Ottawa, as well as, a Diploma in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University. In 2019, she completed the University of Ottawa Certificate Program in Public Sector Leadership and Governance.
Audit and Evaluation Branch
The Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB) provides independent, objective assurance and advisory services in the areas of governance, risk management and internal controls, guided by the Treasury Board Policy on Internal Audit and the Directive on Internal Audit. The Branch develops departmental audit and evaluation plans in consultation with other branches, which are normally on a two year horizon approved by the Deputy Minister based on the recommendation of the Departmental Audit Committee.
Christopher MacDonald, Director General, Chief Audit Executive and Head of Evaluation
Christopher was appointed Director General, Chief Audit Executive and Head of Evaluation, Audit and Evaluation Branch on April 26, 2021.
Before joining Environment and Climate Change Canada, his previous position was Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive at the Public Service Commission of Canada from December 2017 to April 2021. Prior to that, he held the positions of Director, Audit Operations at Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada and Director, Internal Audit at Infrastructure Canada.
Earlier, he worked for the Office of Audit and Inspection at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium and held various audit, evaluation, and related positions in a number of Canadian federal public service organizations - including the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.
Christopher is a former Chair of member services for the Institute of Internal Auditors (Ottawa Chapter). He is currently the President of the Board at École Élisabeth-Bruyère in Kanata, Ontario.
He is a Certified Internal Auditor and has a certification in risk management assurance. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from St. Francis Xavier University, a Master’s degree in Development Economics from Dalhousie University, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Queen’s University.
Enforcement Branch
The Enforcement Branch (EB) is responsible for enforcing Canadian environmental and wildlife acts and regulations through the work of on-the-ground enforcement officers across Canada who are designated under specific legislation and are granted a variety of powers. The Branch’s mandate is to enforce the environmental and wildlife acts and related regulations in a fair, predictable and consistent manner. In collaboration with several Environment and Climate Change Canada programs and other provincial, national and international partners, the Branch works to ensure that individuals and companies comply with applicable legislation in order to protect and conserve the environment, wildlife and their habitat.
Donald Walker, Chief Enforcement Officer
Donald Walker has held the Chief Enforcement Officer position within Environment and Climate Change Canada since the fall of 2021.
As Chief Enforcement Officer, Mr. Walker is responsible for the activities of the ECCC Enforcement Branch with a mission to protect and conserve the environment, human health, wildlife, and their habitat by assessing risk, enforcing legislation, and restoring compliance.
The Enforcement Branch work includes assessing risks associated with non-compliance to focus its activities on the most harmful forms of non-compliance, and its highly-trained, uniformed Enforcement Officers in regional offices across Canada conduct formal inspections and investigations to verify compliance.
The Enforcement Branch works with domestic and international partners to fulfill its mandate.
Canada Water Agency
As a federal focal point for fresh water, the Canada Water Agency works in partnership with Indigenous Peoples, provinces, territories, and stakeholders to strengthen collaboration on fresh water and deliver on key elements of the strengthened Freshwater Action Plan to:
- improve freshwater outcomes
- restore, protect, and manage waterbodies of national significance
- improve freshwater quality
Daniel Wolfish, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
In June 2023, Daniel Wolfish was appointed the Acting Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for the Canada Water Agency as a Branch within Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Daniel’s role is to oversee the creation of the agency as a standalone organization.
Daniel first joined ECCC in June 2006 and has held a variety of program, policy and regulatory executive roles at Environmental and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.
Prior to his current role, Daniel was the Director General of Regional Operations for the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) from October 2018 to June 2023.
Daniel has Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History from Carleton University and a Masters of Arts from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. Daniel is married and has three teenage children.
Legal Services
The Department of Justice’s Legal Services Unit (LSU) is a centre of expertise in the area of environmental law for Justice Canada, and the Government of Canada as a whole.
The LSU provides legal and advisory services, litigation support and legislative and regulatory drafting support to ECCC, the Parks Canada Agency (PCA) and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC).
The Environment LSU is comprised of several teams, which provide specialist training and advice in different areas of environmental law of relevance to programs and policies of ECCC, PCA and IAAC.
Hélène Sheedy, Executive Director and Senior General Counsel*
Hélène was appointed the Executive Director and Senior General Counsel of Environment Legal Services on August 12, 2019.
Hélène joined the Department of Justice in 1986 and has worked in Justice Headquarters in a Judicial Affairs Unit and in various client Legal Services Units including Communications, Environment, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Fisheries and Oceans, and Employment and Social Development Canada.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and an LLB in Common Law from the University of Ottawa. She was admitted to the Law Society of Upper Canada in 1986.
*Employee of Justice Canada
Anna Classen, Regional Director General, West and North
Anna Classen was appointed Regional Director General, West and North in March 2021. Based in Vancouver, she is ECCC’s senior official in the western four provinces and three territories.
Prior to this appointment, Anna was Acting Senior Executive Director for Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Indigenous Partnerships Office – West, an officefocused on place-based engagement with Indigenous groups in British Columbia and Alberta; and the Secretariat for the co-developed Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees for two major pipeline projects.
Anna began her career in the field of post-secondary education with a national not-for-profit Indigenous economic development organization; spent time with the City of Edmonton in intergovernmental affairs; worked in policy and planning with Western Economic Diversification Canada; was an analyst with the Privy Council Office on intergovernmental, public safety, environment and natural resource files; and, was a lead on Indigenous consultations while with NRCan.
Vanessa Charlwood, Acting Associate Regional, Director General, West and North
Vanessa was appointed to act as Associate Regional Director General, West and North on September 5, 2023.
Prior to this, she was the Regional Director, CWS Prairie Region. During her 21-year career with CWS, she has worked on wildlife conservation issues in both the Northern Region, based out of Yellowknife, and in the Prairie Region, based out of Edmonton. Highlights include serving as a member for Canada on the Wildlife Management Advisory Council for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and chairing the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Board.
Vanessa has a Master of Science in biology from the University of Saskatchewan.
Andrew Preston, Acting Regional Director General, Ontario
Andrew was appointed Acting Regional Director General, Ontario, on April 3, 2023.
Andrew has worked for the Federal Government since 2009, beginning his public service career in Ottawa with what was then Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. He has been with Environment and Climate Change Canada in Ontario Region since 2014 working on Great Lakes and Indigenous files in several policy and management positions.
Andrew holds degrees in History, Anthropology and Environmental Studies, including a Ph.D in Social Anthropology from Harvard University, and has been engaged continuously on Indigenous and environmental policy issues in a diverse range of government, academic, NGO and community settings for over 30 years.
Richard Cormier, Acting Regional Director General, Atlantic and Quebec
Richard Cormier joined the department as Associate Regional Director General on May 17, 2023, on secondment from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) for 18 months.
Richard was previously Director of Strategic Projects in the Office of the Vice President of Policy, Programs and Communications at the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.
He has nearly twenty years of experience in the public service and has a solid background in strategic policy development – including representing Canada internationally at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Indigenous economic development, human resources and a great knowledge of the various partners in Atlantic Canada.
Legislative mandate and authorities
The Department was created in 1971 with the passage of the Department of the Environment Act. However, some ECCC branches are much older: the Canadian Wildlife Service was founded in 1947, the Water Survey of Canada in 1908, and the Meteorological Service of Canada in 1871. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change has direct responsibilities under 33 acts and secondary responsibilities under 16 others.
Department of the Environment Act, 1971
The Department of the Environment Act, and other major pieces of legislation, in addition to providing for the establishment of the Department itself, confers certain powers, duties and functions on the Minister, which extend to and include matters relating to:
- The preservation and enhancement of the quality of the natural environment, including water, air and soil quality;
- Renewable resources, including migratory birds and other non-domestic flora and fauna;
- Water;
- Meteorology;
- The enforcement of any rules and regulations made by the International Joint Commission relating to boundary waters, and questions arising between the United States and Canada related to the preservation and enhancement of the quality of the natural environment; and
- The co-ordination of the policies and programs of the Government respecting the preservation and enhancement of the quality of the natural environment.
Beyond those authorities conferred under the Department of the Environment Act, the Minister exercises additional authorities provided under other acts and regulations. These include, but are not limited to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) and several pieces of legislation relating to climate change (the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act) and the protection of biodiversity and water (e.g., the Species at Risk Act).
High activity acts for which the Minister is primarily responsible
While the Minister of Environment and Climate Change derives powers, duties and functions from the Department of the Environment Act, they also exercise additional authorities provided under a number of other acts and regulations.
Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, 2021 (CNZEAA) [ECCC and Finance Canada]
This Act came into force on June 29, 2021. The purpose of this Act is to require the setting of national targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions based on the best scientific information available and to promote transparency, accountability and immediate and ambitious action in relation to achieving those targets, in support of achieving net-zero emissions in Canada by 2050 and Canada’s international commitments in respect of mitigating climate change.
This Act requires that targets be set by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change for 2030, 2035, 2040 and 2045. The target for 2030 is Canada’s nationally determined contribution for that year communicated under the Paris Agreement. In order to promote transparency and accountability in relation to meeting those targets, the CNZEAA:
- Requires that an emissions reduction plan, a progress report and an assessment report with respect to each target be tabled in each House of Parliament;
- Provides for public participation;
- Establishes an advisory body to provide the Minister of Environment and Climate Change with advice with respect to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and matters that are referred to it by the Minister;
- Requires the Minister of Finance to prepare an annual report respecting key measures that the federal public administration has taken to manage its financial risks and opportunities related to climate change;
- Requires the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to, at least once every five years, examine and report on the Government of Canada’s implementation of measures aimed at mitigating climate change; and
- Provides for a comprehensive review of the Act five years after its coming into force.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) [ECCC, Health Canada]
CEPA provides the authority for many of ECCC’s environmental protection activities, including:
- Environmental and biomonitoring;
- Pollution prevention planning;
- Toxic substances;
- Animate products of biotechnology;
- Nutrients, ocean disposal, fuels, vehicle and engine emissions, international air and water pollution, and the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes;
- Environmental emergencies; and
- Government operations, and federal and Indigenous lands.
Because of its dual focus on protecting the environment and human health, many provisions apply to both the Ministers of Environment and Climate Change and of Health.
There are many regulations under the Act, which apply to substances that are on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. Under CEPA, the test to add a substance to Schedule 1 is that the substance has or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity; constitute or may constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends; or constitute or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health. Recent amendments to strengthen the Act have recognized that every individual in Canada has a right to a healthy environment.
Some CEPA regulations establish limits on the release or emissions of substances. Others, such as those for ocean disposal and the import and export of hazardous waste, specify the requirements for obtaining a permit to carry out the activity.
The Act also allows the Minister to develop a wide range of non-regulatory tools to manage environmental and health risks, including codes of practice, guidelines, and requirements to prepare pollution prevention plans and environmental emergency plans. CEPA’s enforcement regime similarly allows for the use of various tools to promote compliance and enforce the Act and its regulations. The Minister is also responsible for maintaining an online public database of activities undertaken under CEPA and for preparing an annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Act.
Species at Risk Act, 2002 (SARA) [ECCC, Parks Canada Agency, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]
This Act came into force in 2002, and plays an important role in Canada’s conservation of biological diversity. Designed to work in a complementary fashion with provincial and territorial legislation on species at risk, its purposes are to prevent wildlife species from being extirpated or becoming extinct, to provide for the recovery of wildlife species that are extirpated, endangered or threatened as a result of human activity and to manage species of special concern to prevent them from becoming endangered or threatened. It provides various measures for the protection of species listed as at risk, their residences and critical habitat.
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change has the lead responsibility for administration of the Act, but does so in cooperation with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. The Minister also holds implementation responsibilities for the Parks Canada Agency (PCA) under SARA. As a major federal landholder, PCA has a major role to play under SARA with respect to the protection of species listed at risk in national parks, national marine conservation areas, national historic sites and other protected heritage areas under its jurisdiction.
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change makes recommendations to the Governor in Council on whether to list a species on Schedule I, based on the assessment of the status of a candidate species by the arms-length, science based Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. The Minister is also responsible for the development of recovery strategies and action plans for listed species for which the Minister is the competent authority and the enforcement of prohibitions, orders and permits. These include:
- Species at risk in national parks, national historic sites or other protected heritage areas;
- All migratory birds; and
- All other species at risk on federal lands, with the exception of aquatic species, which are under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
The Minister of ECC also leads the negotiation of administrative agreements with provincial and territorial authorities and is responsible for an annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Act.
Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2018 (GGPPA) [ECCC, Finance Canada]
This Act establishes the legal framework for the federal carbon pricing system – the “backstop.” The purpose of this Act is to implement stringent pricing mechanisms designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating incentives for behavioural change. It establishes the legal framework for a federal carbon pricing system that applies only in provinces or territories that do not have a sufficiently stringent pricing mechanism. The carbon pricing system created by this Act has two complementary components:
- A charge on fossil fuels that is generally paid by fuel producers or distributors – also known as the fuel charge (Part 1 of the Act, which is under the responsibility of the Minister of Finance); and
- A performance-based pricing system for industrial facilities that are trade-exposed – also known as the output-based pricing system (Part 2 of the Act, which is under the responsibility of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change).
The output-based pricing system complements the fuel charge. Fuels used at the facilities covered by the output-based pricing system under Part 2 are not subject to the fuel charge under Part 1. Instead, pricing applies to a portion of a covered facility’s emissions that exceed an emissions limit.
The application of Part 1 and Part 2 of the GGPPA is triggered by adding the names of provinces and territories on Schedule 1 of the Act when they do not have a pricing system that sufficiently meets the federal standard. Direct revenues generated under GGPPA are returned to the jurisdiction of origin.
In addition to the high-activity Acts detailed above, there are a number of additional Acts relevant to ECCC’s mandate and for which the Minister of ECCC has secondary responsibility.
Fisheries Act Pollution Prevention Provisions, 1985 [ECCC, Fisheries and Oceans Canada]
Most of the Fisheries Act is administered by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. By Order in Council, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change has been designated as responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act’s pollution prevention provisions, other than for aquaculture, pest management and aquatic invasive species. The pollution prevention provisions prohibit the deposit of deleterious substances into water frequented by fish unless authorized by Governor in Council regulations. There are such regulations currently in place, including regulations addressing effluent from metal and diamond mining, wastewater systems, and pulp and paper mills.
In 2012, the Act was amended to allow the Minister to make regulations authorizing deposits under certain conditions; that is, where deposits are of lower risk and already well-controlled by a federal or provincial instrument. To date, one ministerial regulation has been made establishing conditions for research activities in the Experimental Lakes Area in Northern Ontario.
The implementation of these provisions, and of the regulations made under them, are important elements of the Minister’s overall responsibilities for environmental protection.
Key reports and reference documents
In addition to the materials found in this book, the links below provide you access to a number of additional key documents and reports related to the Department’s mandate, priorities, and operations.
- The 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan is the first iteration of the Emissions Reduction Plan, as mandated under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. It outlines a sector-by-sector path for Canada to reach its emissions reduction target of 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
- In June 2023, Canada released its first National Adaptation Strategy which provides a path toward a climate-resilient Canada, including both medium and long-term goals, as well as short-term adaptation action plans.
Canada’s Changing Climate Report (2019) and Canada’s Changing Climate Report in Light of the Latest Global Science Assessment (2022)
- The 2019 Canada’s Changing Climate Report documents and explores changes in temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, permafrost, freshwater availability and conditions in Canada’s three oceans. A supplement to the report, published in 2022, provides additional perspectives on the implications of recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change findings.
Montreal-Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework
- The Montreal-Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted at the Montreal COP15 in December 2022. The framework supports the achievement of sustainable development goals and builds on previous strategic plans to set out an ambitious pathway to nature restoration by 2050. There are four broad goals for 2050 and 23 targets for 2030 which will inform domestic biodiversity, nature conservation and species at risk targets in the coming years.
Canada-Wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste
- The Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste was adopted by the federal, provincial and territorial governments in 2018. It outlines a vision to keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment through solutions to better prevent, reduce, reuse, and clean up plastic waste.
2022-2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
- The 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy is the first to be developed under the recently strengthened Federal Sustainable Development Act. Taking a whole-of-government approach, it brings sustainable development goals, targets, milestones and implementation strategies across 101 federal organizations together in one place.
Departmental Results Framework (April 1, 2023) (ECCC Intranet)
- The Departmental Results Framework outlines ECCC’s Core Responsibilities as well as anticipated results and indicators.
- The Departmental Plan outlines the strategic actions ECCC is undertaking around clean growth, climate change, pollution prevention, nature conservation and meteorological and environmental prediction.
Diversity, Inclusion and Employment Equity (DIEE) Strategy 2021-2022 Report (ECCC Intranet)
- ECCC’s 2021-2024 Diversity, Inclusion and Employment Equity Strategy was launched in 2021 and has the stated goals of increasing representation, fostering culture change and rejecting harassment, racism and discrimination at ECCC. The first annual report was released in June 2021.
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