Air Quality Health Index classroom kit, grades 5 and 6, health: chapter 11

Grade 5 Curriculum Outcomes

Grade 5 Curriculum Outcomes
Province Health/Physical Education Science

Wellness Choices:

  • W-5.8 Promote safety practices in the school and community
  • W-5.9 Determine appropriate safety behaviours for community recreational situations; e.g., using snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles

Weather Watch:

  • GLO 5-9 Investigate relationships between weather phenomena and human activity.
  • 12. Recognize that human actions can affect climate, and identify human actions that have been linked to the greenhouse effect.
  • 13. Appreciate how important it is to be able to forecast weather and to have suitable clothing or shelter to endure various types of weather.
  • 14. Test fabrics and clothing designs to choose those with characteristics that most effectively meet the challenges of particular weather conditions; e.g., water resistance, wind resistance, protection from cold.
British Columbia

Health; Healthy Living; Goals and Decisions

  • A1 Describe how various factors (e.g., access to accurate and relevant information, media and social influences) affect decision making

Health; Healthy Living;

  • C1 Identify factors that influence attitudes and decisions regarding healthy lifestyles (e.g., family, peer, media)

Safety and Injury Prevention;

  • C8 Describe how to remove or reduce hazards and risks for injury in a variety of settings, including on the road
  • N/A

Safety; K.3.5.B.2

  • Describe ways to respond appropriately to potentially dangerous situations related to environmental conditions (e.g., floods, fires, extreme weather conditions, icy conditions, lightning) relevant to self and others.


  • Identify available community supports that promote safety and community health (e.g., helplines, dentists, doctors, nurses, police officers, social workers, security guards, lifeguards, natural healing modalities, physiotherapists, Block Parents)


  • 5-4-02 Describe how weather conditions may affect the activities of humans and other animals. GLO: D5
  • 5-4-12 Describe examples of technological advances that have enabled humans to deepen their scientific understanding of weather and improve the accuracy of weather predictions. GLO: A2, A5, B1, D5
New Brunswick
  • N/A

Earth and Space Science; Weather

  • 105-1 Identify examples of scientific questions and technological problems that are currently being studied
  • 106-4 Describe instances where scientific ideas and discoveries have led to new inventions and applications
  • 107-2 Describe and compare tools, techniques, and materials used by different people in their community and region to meet their needs
  • 107-5 Provide examples of how science and technology have been used to solve problems in their community and region

Social and Environmental Contexts of Science and Technology

  • 205-8 Identify and use a variety of sources and technologies to gather pertinent information
  • 206-5 Draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question
  • 301.14 Describe and predict patterns of change in local weather conditions
Newfoundland and Labrador

Injury Prevention and Safety

  • 6. Demonstrate safety practices related to outdoor activities such as camping and hiking
  • 8. Describe appropriate clothing for various activities and weather conditions

Earth and Space Science; Weather

  • 105-1 Identify examples of scientific questions and technological problems that are currently being studied
  • 106-4 Describe instances where scientific ideas and discoveries have led to new inventions and applications
  • 107-2 Describe and compare tools, techniques, and materials used by different people in their community and region to meet their needs
  • 107-5 Provide examples of how science and technology have been used to solve problems in their community and region
  • 205-8 Social and Environmental

Contexts of Science and Technology

  • 205-8 Identify and use a variety of sources and technologies to gather pertinent information
  • 206-5 Draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question
  • 301-14 Describe and predict patterns of change in local weather conditions
Northwest Territories
  • N/A
  • N/A
Nova Scotia

Values and Practices for Healthy Living

  • B3.2 Identify and practice outdoor safety precautions
  • C4.1 Demonstrate proactive strategies for enhancing the social and environmental health of the community

Earth and Space Science; Weather

  • 105-1 Identify examples of scientific questions and technological problems that are currently being studied
  • 106-4 Describe instances where scientific ideas and discoveries have led to new inventions and applications
  • 107-2 Describe and compare tools, techniques, and materials used by different people in their community and region to meet their needs
  • 107-5 Provide examples of how science and technology have been used to solve problems in their community and region
  • 205.8 Social and Environmental

Contexts of Science and Technology

  • 205-8 Identify and use a variety of sources and technologies to gather pertinent information
  • 206-5 Draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question
  • 301.14 Describe and predict patterns of change in local weather conditions
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

Relating science and technology to society and the environment;

  • 1.1 Assess the effects of social and environmental factors on human health, and propose ways in which individuals can reduce the harmful effects of these factors and take advantage of those that are beneficial
Prince Edward Island
  • N/A

Earth and Space Science; Weather

  • 105-1 Identify examples of scientific questions and technological problems that are currently being studied
  • 106-4 Describe instances where scientific ideas and discoveries have led to new inventions and applications
  • 107-2 Describe and compare tools, techniques, and materials used by different people in their community and region to meet their needs
  • 107.5 Provide examples of how science and technology have been used to solve problems in their community and region

Social and Environmental Contexts of Science and Technology

  • 205-8 Identify and use a variety of sources and technologies to gather pertinent information
  • 206-5 Draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question
  • 301.14 Describe and predict patterns of change in local weather conditions

Competency 3

  • To adopt a healthy, active lifestyle; safe participation in physical activity; appropriate clothing

Earth and Space; Systems and Interactions

  • Meteorological systems (clouds, precipitation, storms) and climates

Technologies related to the earth, the atmosphere and outer space

  • (Seismographs, prospection, weather forecasting, satellites, space stations)


  • Strategies for recording, using and interpreting information; use a variety of observational techniques and tools
  • N/A

Physical Science: Weather (WE)

  • WE5.3 (Indicator C) Analyze the impact of weather on society and the environment, including technologies that help humans address weather conditions.

Health; Healthy Living; Goals and Decisions;

  • A1 describe how various factors (e.g., access to accurate and relevant information, media and social influences) affect decision making

Health; Healthy Living;

  • C1 identify factors that influence attitudes and decisions regarding healthy lifestyles (e.g., family, peer, media)

Safety and Injury Prevention;

  • C8 describe how to remove or reduce hazards and risks for injury in a variety of settings, including on the road
  • N/A


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