Reference method for measuring releases of fine particulate matter from stationary sources: foreword

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The test methods presented in this report (G for PM2.5 and H for Condensable Particulate Matter) may be used separately or jointly to determine fine filterable and condensable particulate matter. These methods are used with Method E of Reference Method EPS 1/RM/8 for the measurement of releases of particulate from stationary sources. The filterable particulate matter (+PM2.5 and PM2.5) and condensable particulate matter measured in this method are considered primary or direct particulate matter.

“Must” and “Shall” are used to indicate that the instructions in this method are mandatory. “Should” is used to indicate that a provision in this method is not an absolute requirement but is highly recommended as good practice. “May” is used to mean an allowance or option or to indicate a certain measure of likelihood or possibility.

The complexity of these methods warrants that personnel performing them be trained and experienced. The application of this method will entail health and safety hazards. Sampling organizations and their staff are responsible for obtaining the required training to meet standards for occupational health and safety, complying with the transportation of dangerous goods and developing site-specific health and safety plans.


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