Information on the Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations

If you import, manufacture, sell or use asbestos or products containing asbestos, federal regulations may apply to you.

On December 30, 2018, the Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations (the regulations) came into force. These regulations will help protect the health of Canadians from the risks of exposure to asbestos.


These regulations prohibit:

These regulations also prohibit the sale of asbestos mining residues that are located at an asbestos mining site or accumulation area for use in construction or landscaping unless authorized by the province in which the construction or landscaping is to occur. They also prohibit the use of asbestos mining residues for the manufacture of a product containing asbestos.

Processed asbestos fibres and products containing asbestos already in Canada

These regulations do not apply to asbestos integrated into a structure or infrastructure before December 30, 2018. This includes:

However, it is prohibited to sell and use processed asbestos fibres or products containing asbestos that remain in inventory and are not installed before December 30, 2018 unless:


These regulations include a limited number of exclusions as outlined in table below. In most cases, exclusions apply only when there is no technically or economically asbestos-free alternative available, and include requirements to report and to implement an asbestos management plan. Refer to sections 7 to 14 of the regulations for more information.

Exclusions End date Reporting required Asbestos management plan required
Disposal No end date No No
Roads No end date No No
Importing military equipment No end date Yes No
Servicing military equipment December 31, 2022 Yes Yes
Servicing equipment of nuclear facilities December 31, 2022 Yes Yes
Museum display No end date Yes* Yes*
Laboratory use No end date Yes Yes*
Chlor-Alkali facilities December 31, 2029 Yes Yes

*Only for processed asbestos fibres


Permits are available for limited and specific circumstances when there is no technically or economically feasible asbestos-free alternative available. Activities for which a permit may be issued are:

Refer to sections 15 to 23 of the regulations for more information.

Reporting requirements

Reports for excluded activities must be submitted before March 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the activities occurred. For permit holders, the reports must be submitted within 90 days after the day on which their permit expires.

Reports and permit applications should be sent to the address listed under contact us.

Record keeping

Any person who is required to submit a report under these regulations must keep the following for a period of at least five years:

Evidence of no asbestos-free alternative

For the purpose of reporting or applying for a permit (sections 9, 10, 11 and 16 to 21 of the regulations), evidence that there is no technically or economically feasible asbestos-free alternative available could include information demonstrating one or more of the following:


The Export of Substances on the Export Control List Regulations (ESECLR) prohibit the export of all forms of asbestos listed on the Export Control List whether or not it is contained in a product, subject to certain exceptions. For more information about the ESECLR, consult the Guidance document for the Export of Substances on the Export Control List Regulations.

Related information

Contact us

Chemicals Management Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 10th floor
351 St-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC  K1A 0H3


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the national or your regional Environment and Climate Change Canada office by email:

CEPA and its regulations are enforced in accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

This information has been prepared for convenience of reference only and does not have an official character. For the purpose of interpreting and applying the Regulations, users must consult the Regulations on Justice Canada’s website.

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