12.3 Action plan

In this module, you've learned a lot about fraud. Now you can put your learning into practice. Use this Action plan to track your progress as you take the next steps to protect yourself, now and in the future.

Fraud protection checklist

Use this checklist to make sure that you are taking steps to protect yourself and your family from financial fraud.
Step I’m OK Needs work Where to find more information
I check my banking account and credit card statements for errors or unusual transactions every month.
I change my passwords frequently and choose “strong” passwords. PINs and password
I check my credit report at least once a year.
I have reviewed the list of fraud protection tips with my family. Steps to protect yourself
I have spoken with family and friends to see if any have been victims of fraud in the past and to share tips on fraud protection. Steps to protect yourself
I know what to do and whom to contact if I think I have become a victim of fraud. What to do if you become a victim of fraud

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