Decision #109

Commissioner's Reasons for Decision

(FCAC ACT, subs. 23(2))


In March 2011, I issued and caused to be served on the bank a Notice of Request for a Branch Closure Meeting pursuant to subsection 459.2(2) of the Bank Act. The notice stated: is my view that the bank did not consult the community affected by the closure well enough to ascertain the views of all interested persons with regard to the closure. Therefore, I require the bank to convene and hold a meeting for the proposed branch closure...

Applicable legislation

Subsection 459.2(2) of the Bank Act states:

After notice is given but before the branch is closed or ceases to carry on the activities, the Commissioner shall, in prescribed situations, require the bank to convene and hold a meeting between representatives of the bank, representatives of the Agency and interested parties in the vicinity of the branch in order to exchange views about the closing or cessation of activities, including, but not limited to, alternative service delivery by the bank and measures to help the branch's customers adjust to the closing or cessation of activities.

Section 9 of the Notice of Branch Closure (Banks) Regulations states:

For the purpose of subsection 459.2(2) of the Act, the following circumstances are prescribed as circumstances in which the Commissioner shall require a member bank to convene and hold a meeting referred to in that subsection:

  1. the member bank has not consulted the community in the area affected by the closure of the branch or the cessation of the activity well enough to ascertain the views of interested persons in the community with regard to the closure of the branch, the cessation of the activity, alternate service delivery by the bank or measures to help the branch's customers adjust to closing or cessation;
  2. an individual or a community representative from the area affected by the closure of the branch or the cessation of the activity submits to the Commissioner a written request for the meeting; and
  3. the request is not frivolous or vexatious.


The bank has decided to close its branch located in a small town effective June 2011. The branch will be merging its operations with another branch located approximately 50km from the closing location.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) received two meeting requests, one from a retail branch customer and one from a community official. The main concerns raised by the complainants are:

Furthermore, the town sent a survey to evaluate the impact of the pending bank closure. Ninety-three percent of respondents were existing customers of the branch. Many quoted “convenience and tradition”, as their main reasons to bank locally. A smaller number of respondents indicated that they banked locally out of necessity, because they did not have reliable transportation. Almost all of the respondents, ninety percent, use the teller services. Over two-thirds, or sixty-eight percent, did not or could not use home banking such as the internet or telephone banking.

Position of the Bank

The bank believes that it complied with sections 4 and 5 of the Regulations as adequate notice was given to the FCAC Commissioner, to consumers, the Mayor and to the general public of the pending branch closure.

More specifically, the bank believes that it complied with subsection 5(4) of the Regulations as the letter to customers included all the required elements. The bank sent the branch closure notice to clients in December 2010.

The bank informed FCAC that it has taken the following communication initiatives with the community in order to discuss the branch closure:

Furthermore, the bank has informed FCAC that it has taken the following measures in order to help consumers adjust to the branch closure:

As of February 2011, the bank had received 39 customer complaints at the closing branch, three of which were escalated to its headquarters. An additional 17 concerns were raised directly to its headquarters. According to the bank, all concerns focus on customer discontent with the decision to relocate its operations to the receiving branch.


According to section 9 of the Regulations, three conditions must be met in order for me to require a meeting:

  1. The bank has not consulted the community in the area affected by the closure (…) well enough to ascertain the views of interested persons in the community with regard to the closure of the branch (…)
  2. An individual or community representative from the area affected by the closure (…) submits to the Commissioner a written request for the meeting; and
  3. The request is not frivolous or vexatious.

FCAC has received two meeting requests from community representatives and no evidence exists that such requests are frivolous or vexatious.

Therefore, in order to make a recommendation on the need to hold a meeting, I must assess whether the bank has consulted the community in the area affected by the closure well enough to ascertain the views of interested persons in the community.

The closing branch accounts include Personal, Non-Profit Clubs and Associations Accounts. Small Business and Commercial Clients are managed out of the receiving branch. Furthermore, the closest other financial institution present in the community is located approximately 24km from the closing branch.

One of the meeting requests, from a community official, made clear the concern that the decision to close the branch was not preceded by consultation meetings in an effort to ascertain the views of interested persons about all aspects of the proposed branch closure. This reaction suggests that additional consultation is necessary to address concerns of individuals in the community.

Moreover, while the bank did speak with local politicians of all three levels of government, it did not consult with its customers or members of the community. It merely informed them of the prospective closing. It is important that consumers have the opportunity to discuss the branch closure with their bank, so that they are able to explore ways of easing any negative impact the closure may have on their lives and on the community as a whole.

Based on the foregoing, it is my view that the bank did not consult the community affected by the closure well enough to ascertain the views of all interested persons with regard to the closure. Therefore, I required the bank to convene and hold a meeting in the community for the proposed branch closure.


The request to call a public meeting was granted. I issued and caused to be served on the bank a Notice of Request for a Branch Closure Meeting pursuant to subsection 459.2(2) of the Bank Act.

Ottawa, May 10, 2011

Ursula Menke


Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

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