Consultation on guidance on personal production of cannabis for medical purposes
From Health Canada
Current status: Closed
This consultation ran from March 8, 2021 to May 7, 2021.
Health Canada invited Canadians to share their perspectives on the factors that may be considered for refusal or revocation of a registration on public health and public safety grounds. These factors were set out in the draft guidance on personal production of cannabis for medical purposes.
Who was the focus of this consultation
Health Canada engaged with various groups across Canada including:
- All interested Canadians, including Indigenous Peoples
- Patients and patient associations
- Provincial, territorial, and local governments
- Cannabis industry licence holders and associations
- Law enforcement and first responders and associations
- Health care practitioners and health care practitioner regulatory bodies and associations
Comments from any group or Canadian who was interested in participating were welcome.
Key questions for discussion
The draft document provided guidance on the personal and designated production of cannabis for medical purposes. It also proposed factors that may be considered in refusing or revoking a registration. The following questions were asked:
- Are the listed factors clear?
- Are there any additional factors that should also be considered?
- Do you have any comments on other elements of this document unrelated to the factors for consideration?
The consultation has concluded and the feedback received has been summarized in a What we heard report. The guidance document has been finalized.
Contact us
Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch
Health Canada
Address locator 0302B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
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