Re-evaluation Decision RVD2023-14, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite and Their Associated End-use Products
- Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- 29 August 2023
- ISSN: 1925-1025 (PDF version)
- Catalogue number: H113-28/2023-14E-PDF (PDF version)
To obtain a full copy of Re-evaluation Decision RVD2023-14, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite and Their Associated End-use Products please contact our publications office.
Should you require further information please contact the Pest Management Information Service.
Table of Contents
- Re-evaluation decision for sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite and associated end-use products
- Re-evaluation decision for sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite
- Risk mitigation measures
- Next steps
- Other information
- Appendix I - Registered products containing calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite in Canada
Re-evaluation decision for sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite and associated end-use products
Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, all registered pesticides must be re-evaluated by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to ensure that they meet current health and environmental standards and have value. The re-evaluation considers data and information from pesticide manufacturers, published scientific reports and other regulatory agencies, as well as comments received during public consultations. Health Canada applies internationally accepted risk assessment methods as well as current risk management approaches and policies.
This document (RVD2013-14, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite and Their Associated End-use Products) presents the final re-evaluation decisionFootnote 1 for the re-evaluation of the hypochlorite cluster (that is, available chlorine, present as calcium hypochlorite; available chlorine, present as sodium hypochlorite; and sodium hypochlorite), including the response to comments received and the required label updates. All products containing sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite regulated under the Pest Control Products Act in Canada are subject to this re-evaluation decision.
Sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite are non-selective and broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. They are effective in controlling and preventing the growth of bacteria, algae, fungi, and viruses when used in aqueous solution. Related products are registered as antimicrobials in industrial settings, commercial ornamental water systems, municipal water treatment of sewage and industrial effluent, certain indoor hard surfaces, laundry additive, and swimming pools and spas. They are registered as commercial- and domestic-class products. In addition, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite are listed in Schedule 2 of the Pest Control Products Regulations and are exempt from registration. These scheduled products are also included in the re-evaluation. Calcium hypochlorite products are formulated as solids and sodium hypochlorite products are formulated as liquids.
Some registered sodium hypochlorite products contain uses not regulated under the Pest Control Products Act. These include uses on beef carcass, poultry carcass, agriculture and dairy, food process plants, poultry reprocessing, poultry water immersion, fish process plant water, disinfectant uses in health care facilities and schools, and the claim "removes stains, disinfects and deodorizes." These uses and claims were not assessed in the current re-evaluation. Health Canada is proposing a new set of regulations under the Food and Drugs Act that will include surface sanitizers (currently regulated under the Pest Control Products Act) and surface disinfectants (currently regulated under the Food and Drug Regulations), collectively referred to as biocides. For more information about what is being proposed, please refer to Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 156, Number 19: Biocides Regulations.
Currently registered technical grade active ingredients, manufacturing concentrates, and end-use products containing sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite can be found in the Pesticide Product Information Database and in Appendix I. The Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2022-21, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite and Their Associated End-use ProductsFootnote 2 containing the evaluation of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite and proposed decision, underwent a 90-day consultation period ending on 14 March 2023. PRVD2022-21 proposed continued registration of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite products in Canada, with the proposed updates to label directions and precautions to reflect the current labelling standards and improve clarity.
Health Canada received one comment during the public consultation. The comment did not result in revisions or changes to the proposed re-evaluation decision as described in PRVD2022-21. A reference list of information used as the basis for the proposed re-evaluation decision is included in PRVD2022-21.
Re-evaluation decision for sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite
Health Canada has completed the re-evaluation of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada has determined that continued registration of products containing sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite is acceptable. An evaluation of available scientific information found that the use of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite products meet current standards for protection of human health and the environment and have acceptable value when used according to revised conditions of registration which includes label amendments.
Risk mitigation measures
Registered pesticide product labels include specific directions for use. Directions include risk mitigation measures to protect human health and the environment and must be followed by law. The required updated label statements as a result of the re-evaluation of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite, are summarized below. These label amendments will be applied to Schedule 2 of the Pest Control Products Regulations as part of future regulatory amendments, as the label amendments for domestic-class products equally apply to products listed in Schedule 2. Refer to Appendix IV of RVD2023-14 for details.
Human health
Label amendments:
- update signal words, precautionary statements, first aid statements, and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for user handling domestic-class swimming pool products;
- addition of PPE (protective eyewear) to all commercial-class calcium hypochlorite product labels;
- addition of the statement "Do not apply in the windy conditions" to the granular domestic-class calcium hypochlorite product labels.
Label amendments:
- Update environmental precautionary statements; and
- Updated storage and disposal statements.
Next steps
To comply with this decision, the required label updates must be implemented on all product labels no later than 24 months after the publication date of this decision document. Accordingly, both registrants and retailers will have up to 24 months from the date of this decision document to transition to selling the product with the newly amended labels. Similarly, users will also have the same 24-month period from the date of this decision document to transition to using the newly amended labels, which will be available on the Public Registry.
Refer to Appendix I for details on specific products impacted by this decision.
Other information
Any person may file a notice of objectionFootnote 3 regarding this decision on sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite and their associated end-use products within 60 days from the date of publication of this Re-evaluation Decision. For more information regarding the basis for objecting (which must be based on scientific grounds), please refer to the Pesticides section of the website (Request a Reconsideration of Decision) or contact PMRA's Pest Management Information Service.
The relevant confidential test data on which the decision is based (as referenced in PRVD2022-21) are available for public inspection, upon application, in PMRA's Reading Room. For more information, please contact Health Canada's Pest Management Information Service.
Appendix I Registered products containing calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite in Canada
Registration number | ClassTable 1 Footnote 2 | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%) |
18123 | T | Axiall, LLC. | Repak Calcium Hypochlorite | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 68.63% |
21958 | T | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Calcium Hypochlorite Granular 65 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 65.0% |
21959 | T | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Calcium Hypochlorite Granular 70 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.0% |
22828 | T | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets 65% | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
22829 | T | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets 70% | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.0% |
23256 | T | Axiall, LLC. | Pittabs Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 68.63% |
23258 | T | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Calcium Hypochlorite Granular 75% | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 75% |
25243 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Chlore Sani-Marc Chlorinating Granules | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
27919 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Break Up CLG 70% | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 72.3% |
28227 | T | RBF International Ltee | R-B 70 Chlore Tablet | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 70% |
28228 | T | RBF International Ltee | R-B 70 Chlore Granular | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 70% |
28397 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | GF-Chlore 70G | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
28398 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | GF-Chlore 70 T | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
28405 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Sani-Marc Chlore | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
29583 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Sani-Marc Chlore-1 | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
31009 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | GF-Chlore 65G | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 69.64% |
31287 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | Intra-Chlor 65G | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 69.64% |
31288 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | Intra-Chlor 70G | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
31289 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | Intra-Chlor 70T | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
31736 | T | RBF International Ltee | RBF Cal Hypo Gran 70 | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
31737 | T | RBF International Ltee | RBF Cal Hypo Gran 65 | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 69.64% |
31739 | T | Intrachem Industries Inc. | Intra-Chlor 65T | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 69.64% |
31744 | T | RBF International Ltee | RBF Cal Hypo Tab 70 | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 70.5% |
32281 | T | Axiall, LLC. | Repak Q | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 68.63% |
32558 | T | RBF International Ltee | RBF Cal Hypo Granular 65-2 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 67% |
32559 | T | RBF International Ltee | RBF Cal Hypo Granular 70-2 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 72% |
32651 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Sani Marc Chlore-2 | Solid | Calcium Hypochlorite 69% |
32956 | T | Haixing Eno Chemical Co., Ltd | Eno Chlor Cal Hypo Granules 70 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 70% |
33102 | T | Sani Marc Inc. | Sani Marc Chlore-3 | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 70% |
31573 | M | Sani Marc Inc. | Industrial Cal Hypo 65 | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
33214 | M | Sani Marc Inc. | Industrial Cal Hypo 70 | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 70% |
22468 | C | Innovative Water Care, LLC | Pulsar Plus Dry Chlorinator Briquettes | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
23425 | C | Norweco Inc. | Bio-Sanitizer Tablets | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 66.57% |
24052 | C | Axiall, LLC. | Accu-Tab SI Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 64.415% |
30669 | C | Axiall, LLC. | Versachlor System Chlorinating Tablets | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 68.46% |
31529 | C | Innovative Water Care, LLC | CCH Chlorinating Tabs | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 65% |
23324 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | HTH® Extra Super Shock for Swimming Pools | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 75% |
28401 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Bioguard Burnout Extreme | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 47% |
28502 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Omni Breakout Extra | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 47% |
28503 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Pro Guard Chlorinating Granules | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 47% |
28601 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | HTH Regular Chlorinating Granules | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 47% |
29098 | D | Sani Marc Inc. | Calcium Hypochlorite 48% | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 48% |
29394 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | GLB® Super Shock | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 75% |
30161 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | HTH Super Chlorinating Granules | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 52.1% |
30258 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Bioguard Burn-Out3 | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 57.9% |
30658 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | HTH Green to Blue I | Soluble Granules | Calcium Hypochlorite 52.1% |
30935 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Omni Breakout Total | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 57.9% |
30936 | D | KIK Holdco Company Inc. | Omni Breakout Extra II | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 57.9% |
32235 | D | Innovative Water Care, LLC | HTH Chlorinating Granules | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 47% |
32357 | D | Easy 123 Pool Care LLC | Clorox Pool&Spa Quick-Shock Treatment | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 57.9% |
32358 | D | Easy 123 Pool Care LLC | Clorox Pool&Spa Quick-Shock Chlorinating Granules | Granular | Calcium Hypochlorite 57.9% |
33836 | D | Sani Marc Inc. | Sani Marc PMF – Piscine | Tablet | Calcium Hypochlorite 50.9% Zinc Oxide 0.4% |
Registration number | ClassTable 2 Footnote 2 | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%) |
22709 | T | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Javex Ta | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
23344 | T | Brenntag Canada Inc. | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.8% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.9% |
25136 | T | UBA Inc. | 19% W/V Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 14.5% |
25619 | T | Olin Corporation | Sodium Hypochlorite Solution | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 15.8% |
26206 | T | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Javex Sodium Hypochlorite Solution | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 14.3% |
26615 | T | Hawkins, Inc. | Vertex CSS-16 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 15.6% |
26684 | T | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | Lavo 12% Trade | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
27344 | T | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | Lavo 19% Trade | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 15.8% |
27346 | T | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | Lavo 15.5% Technical | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 16.6% |
27459 | T | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | PL 12% Trade | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
27873 | T | Olin Canada ULC D.B.A. Olin Chlor Alkali Products | High Strength Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 15.7% |
27962 | T | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Javex – 16 Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 16.58% |
28118 | T | KIK Corporation | KIK Sodium Hypochlorite 12% Technical | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.7% |
30656 | T | Cleartech Industries Inc. | Hypochlor-16 | Liquid | Sodium Hypochlorite 13.35% |
30850 | T | Occidental Chemical Corporation | Hypo-Alkaline Bleach Solution Technical | Liquid | Sodium Hypochlorite 12.9% |
21271 | M | UBA Inc. | 12% Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29788 | M | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | L-12% Trade | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29797 | M | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | PPL 12% Trade | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
12419 | C | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | Lavo 12 Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
13731 | C | Brenntag Canada Inc. | Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
15692 | C | Charlotte Products Ltd. | Swish-Brite 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
17076 | C | Solenis Canada ULC | CSW 20 Microbiocide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
17363 | C | Univar Solutions Canada Ltd. | Guardsman-12 Sodium Hypochlorite | Liquid | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
17469 | C | Suez Water Technologies & Solutions Canada | Spectrus OX1205C | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
18417 | C | Nalco Canada ULC | Formula MMD-3404 Industrial Liquid Microbicide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
20643 | C | Les Produits Sanitaires Lepine Inc. | Sanbec 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
21674 | C | Les Produits Industriels Jean-Paul Cote Inc. | JPC 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
22749 | C | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | Old Dutch 12 Concentrated Bleach | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
24387 | C | Glen Chemicals Limited | Clor-12 Chlorinating Liquid | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
24655 | C | Groulx & Robertson | Javel – 12 Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
24922 | C | Cleartech Industries Inc. | Advance 12A | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
24954 | C | Buckman Laboratories of Canada Ltd. | Busan 1125 Antimicrobial Agent | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
25152 | C | UBA Inc. | Javel-12 Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
25327 | C | Chemco Products Inc. | Eclipse 633 Microbicide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
25478 | C | Nalco Canada ULC | Stabrex ST70 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 6.36% Sodium Bromide 9.23% |
25506 | C | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Javex – 12 Sodium Hypochlorite by Clorox | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
25506.02 | C | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Atlantic-12 Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
26675 | C | DPC Industries Inc | Dixichlor Max Sodium Hypochlorite Solution | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 11.9% |
27035 | C | NCH Canada Inc. | Actichlor Chlorinating Liquid | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
27296 | C | Klenzoid Canada Inc. | Algaecide – C | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
28171 | C | Olin Canada ULC D.B.A. Olin Chlor Alkali Products | Sodium Hypochlorite 11% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 11% |
28172 | C | Olin Canada ULC D.B.A. Olin Chlor Alkali Products | Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 12.9% |
28279 | C | UBA Inc. | UBA Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
28717 | C | Produits Chimiques Magnus Ltee | Magnatrol 40A | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
28933 | C | Controlchem Canada Ltd. | Controlchem 2621 Liquid Microbicide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
28934 | C | Controlchem Canada Ltd. | Controlchem 2620 Liquid Microbicide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29008 | C | Quatic Industries Limited | Q-Chlor | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29141 | C | Nalco Canada ULC | Stabrex ST70Can For Kits | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 6.36% Sodium Bromide 9.23% |
29183 | C | The Clorox Company of Canada, Ltd. | Clorox Commercial Solutions Javex®12 Bleach by Clorox | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29203 | C | KIK Holdco Company INC., DBA Lavo | Sodium Hypochlorite 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 11% |
29243 | C | Jutzi Water Technologies Inc. | Formula MB 3050 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29852 | C | KIK Holdco Company Inc., DBA Lavo | OD-12% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
29876 | C | Flochem Ltd. | Flochem-12B Sodium Hypochlorite Solution | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30045 | C | Javel Bois-Francs Inc. | Javel BF-12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 9.8% |
30174 | C | Aquarian Chemicals Inc. | Aquarian C611 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30242 | C | Rochester Midland Canada Corporation | Unica 910 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30243 | C | Chemisphere Inc. | Clo-12 Liquid Microbiocide | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30317 | C | Kemira Chemicals, Inc. | Fennosan H-12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30514 | C | Megalab Inc. | HYPO 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
30754 | C | Cleartech Industries Inc. | Hypochlor-12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
31164 | C | Occidental Chemical Corporation | Hypo-Alkaline Bleach Solution EUP | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
31206 | C | Acégriculture des Bois-Francs Inc. | ACG-12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 9.8% |
31414 | C | 1221122 Ontario Ltd. DBA Keytech Water Management | Biotech V | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
31600 | C | Irving Blending & Packaging | Irving 12-Sodium Hypochlorite | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
32555 | C | Solesco Inc | Solubact-Ox | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
32744 | C | PPG Canada Inc. | PPG Chemclor | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
32870 | C | RBF International Ltee | Chem Experts Krystal 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
33031 | C | Solesco Inc | Solubact-Br | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 6.36% Sodium Bromide 9.23% |
33058 | C | PMC Water Systems Services Inc | C-3612 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
33059 | C | Nalco Canada ULC | Stabrex ST70Can | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 6.36% Sodium Bromide 9.23% |
33080 | C | Kencro Chemicals Limited | Kenchlor-12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
33585 | C | Chemtreat, Inc. | SodiumhypoC | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
33812 | C | Traitement d'eau expert Inc. | TEE-200A | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
33844 | C | Sodrox Chemicals Ltd. | Sodrox Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 12.9% |
33855 | C | Sodrox Chemicals Ltd. | Sodrox Sodium Hypochlorite 11% | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 11% |
34131 | C | RBF International Ltee | Chem Experts Krystal 12-Liquid Shock | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
34203 | C | Kurita Canada Inc. | Biotrol C12.5 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
34265 | C | Omnichem Inc. | Oxychlor12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
34796 | C | Pinnacle Aquatic Group Inc. | Pur Chlor 12 | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.3% |
28971 | D | KIK Corporation | Shock Chlorinating Liquid for Pools | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.7% |
30454 | D | KIK Corporation | Kem-Tek Chlorinating Liquid for Pools | Solution | Sodium Hypochlorite 10.7% |
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