Infographic: Helping Canadians deal with drug shortages

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Organization: Health Canada

Type: Infographic

Published: 2023-06-08

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Infographic text

Helping Canadians deal with drug shortages

What is a drug shortage?

A drug shortage is when there isn't enough supply of a drug to meet demand.

Why do drug shortages happen?

Drug shortages are a global issue and can happen for many reasons:

Health Canada takes a leadership role in convening all players to try to prevent shortages.
When this is not possible, Health Canada works with these players to detect, assess, analyse, mitigate and monitor them.

How are drug shortages prevented or managed?

Preventing and managing a drug shortage takes effort from many players:

What can you do to help?

Only purchase the drugs you need. This will help to ensure that others have access to needed supply.

Speak with a doctor or pharmacist for advice on alternatives or how to conserve supply.

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