Guidance on regulating medical devices manufactured from or incorporating viable or non-viable animal tissue or their derivative(s): Reduced licence amendment requirements

This page concerns reduced requirements for licence amendments in which animal materials or their derivatives are not being introduced into the device for the first time.

Medical device amendment applications may include more condensed and focused documentation to support an application for a medical device licence amendment. Include this information if you are requesting:

Licence amendment for a change in source of animal tissues or their derivatives - adding a new abattoir in a new geographical region

To add a new abattoir in a new geographical region, you must provide the following:

Licence amendment for the addition of a new abattoir in the same geographical region as other currently approved abattoirs

To add a new abattoir in the same geographical region as other currently approved abattoirs, you must provide the following:

* If signed certifications of the animal country of origin, abattoir and veterinary inspection are not available when you submit your licence amendment application, you may provide items that reference these, such as:

Licence amendment for changes to animal tissue or derivative specifications or design considerations

To make changes to animal tissue or derivative specifications or design considerations, you must provide:

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