Manage your cannabis licence: Cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes

On this page

Disclaimer: You need to read these pages along with the Cannabis Act and its Regulations. If there are differences between these pages and the Cannabis Act and its Regulations, the Act and its Regulations are correct. If there are differences between the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) and the regulations or these pages, the Cannabis Regulations and these pages are correct.

You need to follow the instructions on these pages to submit your applications, notifications, or reports. You need to include all the information required. Use the content in these pages to help manage the following cannabis licences:

  • cultivation (standard, micro- and nursery)
  • processing (standard and micro-)
  • sale for medical purposes

Not all types of cannabis licences are included in these pages. If you have an industrial hemp licence you can email to request information on how to manage your licence. If you have a research, analytical testing or cannabis drug licence you can email to request information on how to manage your licence.

Content to help you manage your licence

These pages include how to:

The responsible person needs to prepare and submit licence change requests in the CTLS. If the responsible person is not available for any reason (for example, they left the company abruptly), you need to email The subject line of the email should be "Responsible Person Change for LIC #".

Health Canada publishes other information on its website that licence holders may use with these pages to help in maintaining their compliance with the Cannabis Regulations.

Requests for more information

Health Canada may ask you to send more information for an application. We send this as a "Request for More Information". We will send official communications and requests to the responsible person at the email address entered in the CTLS.

Refusal to consider an application

Health Canada may refuse to consider an application if you do not send all the necessary information. We may also refuse for the reasons set out in subsection 62(7) of the Cannabis Act and sections 29, 206 and 215 of the Cannabis Regulations.

In these cases, Health Canada may send a notice of intent to refuse. The notice will give you a timeframe to respond, after which Health Canada will make a decision.

If Health Canada has made a final decision to refuse the application, we send a notice of refusal and close the application. It will give the specific reasons or deficiencies that led to the decision.

If Health Canada refuses your application, it will not influence your future applications. If you wish to submit a new application, we will process it without prejudice. Health Canada does not return information and data submitted.

Record retention

You need to maintain all records as required by the regulations. The retention period varies depending on the record type.

Contact us

For questions related to a specific application, email The subject line of the email should be "Questions about CHG#" and the email needs to include your licence number. We accept requests for a meeting or teleconference on a case-by-case basis.

For general questions, outside of a specific application, email or contact Health Canada by phone at 1-866-337-7705.

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