Manage your cannabis cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence: Renew your licence
Renewing your licence in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).
On this page
- Security clearances
- Annual regulatory fee
- Canada Revenue Agency licence
- Required information
- Notices to local authorities
Type of change request: Licence renewal
3 to 4 months before your licence is set to expire
Important: If your licence expires, you're no longer authorized to conduct the activities set out in the licence. You need to stop all activities on the expiry date. If you don't, Health Canada may take action or inform law enforcement.
If you don't want to renew your licence, follow the instructions on how to revoke your licence.
You must renew your licence before the expiry date in order to continue activities.
The option to renew will appear in the CTLS 4 months before your licence expires. We encourage you to apply for a renewal as soon as the option appears. Health Canada needs to receive your licence renewal application at least 3 months before your licence expiry date. Sending it later may cause your licence to expire since we didn't have enough time to process the renewal.
We may inspect your site to verify compliance with the regulations. We may ask you for information to help plan the inspection.
Note: A non-compliant inspection rating may affect the renewal of your licence.
Health Canada can request financial information such as your most recent key investor report. We'll contact you after you've submitted your licence renewal change request if we require financial information.
Security clearances
The security clearances required for your licence must be valid at the time of renewal. People whose security clearances are close to expiring should apply to renew as soon as possible. The option to renew a security clearance is available in the CTLS 180 days before the expiry date.
The licence renewal may be affected if key personnel, as well as partners, directors and officers of the licence holder and parent company are missing security clearances.
Annual regulatory fee
Before you renew your licence, you must pay your annual regulatory fee and any outstanding fees. Otherwise, Health Canada won't process your renewal.
Canada Revenue Agency licence
Before you renew your licence, ensure your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) licence is active.
Obtaining and renewing a cannabis licence
Required information
Organizational security plan section
- Your updated organizational security plan
Organizational chart section
- Your updated organizational chart
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan
- Site perimeter or physical barrier
- Clearly identify it (for example, highlight the fence or building envelope)
- Label what it is (for example, a fence or a building envelope)
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Buildings
- Footprint of any buildings, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- If the building envelope is the site perimeter, indicate the doors and windows along the site perimeter
- Indicate if a building is a multi-unit building or a stand-alone site (only the licence holder uses this building)
- If it's a multi-unit building, label all units with their current use (such as the occupant's company name)
- Storage areas (also capture them on the floor plan)
- Location clearly identified
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Outdoor grow areas, if applicable
- Footprint of any outdoor grow areas, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Site perimeter or physical barrier
Floor plans section
- Currently approved floor plans for each building where cannabis activities take place
- Location of operations and grow areas
- Storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
- Location clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Flow of cannabis between the areas (for example, arrows drawn between areas [dirty to clean])
- Label all areas and rooms, even if there are no activities with cannabis occurring inside, for example, lavatories and transitory areas such as hallways
- For micro-cultivation and nursery licences: Grow areas
- Include dimensions in square meters (m2)
- Indicate if the area has multiple surfaces (levels)
- Include a sample calculation of the total grow surface area of your entire site to show that it doesn't exceed the limit
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Operations areas, grow areas and the areas the storage areas are in
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
Key investor reports section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving your renewed licence.
Page details
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