Just for You - Women

Throughout their lives - as children, in middle adulthood and as seniors - women face life conditions and health issues specific to their biology and social circumstances. A full and healthy life for women involves emotional, social, cultural, spiritual and physical well-being.

For a list of resources about your health and the surrounding environment, food safety and consumer product safety, consult the Consumer Information page.

Breast Health


Breast cancer is a close second to lung cancer as the leading cancer killer of women in Canada. One in nine women will develop breast cancer over their lifetime.


The objective of mammography is to find cancers of the breast in the earliest possible stages of development.


A number or known and unknown health risks are associated with the use of breast implants.

Family Violence and Sexual Abuse

Women are more likely to be assaulted by someone they know.

Healthy Eating

Smoking affects women differently than it does men. Smoking among women is linked to lower fertility, cancer of the cervix, osteoporosis and menstrual and menopausal problems.

View our factsheets to learn more

Supports to help you quit smoking


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