ARCHIVED – Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada – Client profile and performance indicators

Section 1: LINC Populations’ Assessed Clients, Clients in Training, Clients with Completed Training

For this demographic profile, clients were broken down into three populations that correspond to a logical flow through the LINC program – client assessment, client training, and course completion by the client. A demographic profile of each of these populations provides beneficial information regarding who is taking advantage of the LINC program and groups that are underrepresented or are not benefiting from the program.

Prior to LINC training, all clients must undergo an assessment to determine what level of LINC training they should be enrolled in. For most cases, these assessments are valid for up to six months. [ Note 4 ] If a client wishes to enroll in LINC training and has not been assessed within the last six months, the client will require a re-assessment prior to training. Each assessment is recorded and counted in its respective year. Therefore, it is possible for a single client to be counted more than once under “Assessed Clients”.

Following the assessment, clients may enroll in LINC training at the level identified by the assessment. [ Note 5 ] These clients are counted as “Clients in training” in the year that they enroll. Additionally, there are clients continuing their training. These clients are also counted as “Clients in training”. Each client is counted only once per year at time of first training for that year.

Finally, clients who complete at least one LINC course are counted as “Clients with completed training”. Each client with completed training is counted only once per year at time of first completion for that year.

As illustrated by Table 1 the largest of the three abovementioned populations is the “Clients in training” as it includes both newly enrolled clients and clients continuing training.

Table 1:  Size of three LINC Populations, 2003-2008Note 6 ]

LINC Populations 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Assessed Clients 38,394 37,897 37,346 35,820 34,509 36,814
Clients in training 51,182 52,534 51,914 50,936 53,348 55,286
Clients with completed training 21,102 20,992 19,941 18,740 19,489 19,162

Source: iCAMS and HARTs, CIC

  • From 2003 through 2008, an average of 36,800 clients per year were assessed for LINC training. Over the same period, 52,500 clients per year had received training and roughly 19,900 clients completed at least one training course per year. 
  • On an annual basis, roughly 110,000 new permanent residents are eligible to take LINC training. [ Note 7 ]

Table 2: Total LINC Completions per Unique Client by Province, 2005-2008Note 8 ]

LINC Completions NL PE NS NB ON SK AB Canada
Unique clients with completed training 355 935 160 371 64,365 926 10,220 77,332
Total completed LINC courses 529 1,048 231 386 161,266 1,068 12,031 176,562
Completions per unique client 1.5 1.1 1.4 1.0 2.5 1.2 1.2 2.3

Source: iCAMS and HARTs, CIC

  • From 2005 through 2008, 77,332 unique clients completed training in Canada and these clients completed a total of 176,562 LINC courses at various levels. For the Canadian average, this corresponds to 2.3 completed LINC courses per unique client.
  • There are significant differences by province, from a low of slightly more than 1 completion per client in New Brunswick to 2.5 completions per client in Ontario. Note that due to the significant numbers recorded in Ontario (both for clients and completions), it has a dominant influence on the average that is seen at the national level.

4. Clients enrolled in LINC training who are evaluated at the end of each course and do not require a new formal assessment unless there is a break in training. For Ontario, if the break in training is longer than six months, the client will require a re-assessment. Other provinces/territories may adhere to different timeframes before re-assessments are required.

5. In some cases a client may be enrolled in a LINC level different from that identified during the assessment. This may occur during informal interaction with LINC clients during enrollment and the SPO determines that the level identified during the assessment is inaccurate. In Ontario, an instructor may determine that a client should be placed at a different LINC level after several days of LINC training; a new LINC level placement is done in conjunction with the assessor.

6. Counts do not include clients from the Territories.

7. The calculated figure is an approximation of the annual number of new permanent residents eligible for LINC training based on an age restriction (legal school-leaving age) and intended province of residence.

8. Note that counts of completions per unique clients are limited to 2005-2008 due to incomplete completions information during 2003 and 2004. In addition, data from the Territories has been excluded due to small number of clients and completions.

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