Application for Permanent Residence - Caring for People with High Medical Needs Class (IMM 5798)
The Caring for People with High Medical Needs Program ended on June 18, 2019. If you submitted a complete application before June 18, we’ll continue to process it.
We’re committed to making sure caregivers continue to have a pathway to permanent residence. If you’re a caregiver who has been working in Canada as a home support worker, you may be eligible for the Home Support Worker Pilot.
Get help to open an application form or to fill one out in the Help Centre.
This application package includes:
- Document Checklist [IMM 5800] (PDF, 384.83 KB)
- Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 652 KB)
- Additional Dependants/Declaration [IMM 0008DEP] (PDF, 424.19 KB)
- Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669] (opens in a new tab)
- Schedule 16 – High Medical Needs Caregiver Class [IMM 0008 Schedule 16] (PDF, 1.39 MB)
- Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] (opens in a new tab)
- Supplementary Information – Your Travels [IMM 5562] (opens in a new tab)
- Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (opens in a new tab)
- Instruction Guide [IMM 5798]
A maximum of 2,750 applications will be processed each year under the Caring for People with High Medical Needs Class. Applications must be complete and meet the eligibility criteria in effect on the date it is received by the Case Processing Centre in Edmonton (CPC-E), Alberta.
Please check our website before submitting your application to ensure that the limit of applications has not already been reached.
How to use this application package
Read the instruction guide to complete your application forms
- Use the new Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008] (PDF, 553.83KB). It can be completed and saved on a computer. You will need Adobe Reader 10 or higher.
- Filling the form electronically is easier and reduces the risk of errors that can slow down the application process.
- Trouble downloading? Right-click on the link and select ‘Save Target As…’
Complete, validate, print, sign and date your application forms
To ensure you submit all the pages:
IMM 0008:
- Click on the “Validate” button at the top or bottom of the form.
Note: Validating the form before printing ensures you have answered all the questions and will avoid delays in processing your application.
- A last page with barcodes and a signature line will automatically be created.
- Print, sign and date the form.
- Print on white, bond-quality and non-glossy paper
- Use of a laser printer is recommended
- Place the barcode page on the top of each individual package.
Other forms:
Use the Document Checklist (IMM 5722) (opens in a new tab) to make sure you include all the other forms and documents you need.
Pay the fees.
Visit the Pay your fees page to learn about accepted methods of payment.
Mail your completed application to the Case Processing Centre in Edmonton (CPC-E), Alberta.
Page details
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