Stage 3: TRV application

This public policy ends on April 22, 2025, or once 5,000 temporary resident visa (TRV) applications are accepted into processing, whichever comes first.

If you already got a unique reference code, submit your TRV application as soon as possible. The code does not guarantee you a spot. If all available spots are filled before you submit your complete application, your application will not be processed under this temporary public policy.

This last stage is when you complete your TRV application using the IRCC Portal. The process depends on whether you have an existing TRV application in progress.

Before starting this stage, you must have your unique reference code(s) ready.

On this page

Apply for a new TRV using the IRCC Portal

This stage can be completed by you or your representative (someone applying on your behalf, such as your anchor, another family member, a friend or a paid representative).

If you’re a representative

If you’re an authorized paid representative, make sure to use the IRCC portal for representatives to apply for a TRV for your client.


Get the required documents ready

The documents below are all required and must be included in the TRV application, even if a document is listed under the “Optional documents” section. If you don’t submit these documents with your application, it will be rejected. Documents written in a language other than French or English must be translated.

Translation of documents

You must include the following along with any document that is not in English or French:

Translations may be done by

  • a person who is fluent in both languages (English or French, and the unofficial language) or
  • a certified Canadian translator (a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada)

If the translation isn’t done by a certified Canadian translator, the person who completed the translation must provide an affidavit swearing to their language proficiency and the accuracy of the translation.

The affidavit must be sworn in the presence of:

In Canada:

Authority to certify varies by province and territory. Consult your local provincial or territorial authorities.

Outside of Canada:

  • a notary public

Authority to administer oaths varies by country. Consult your local authorities.

small exclamation warning signImportant information: Translations must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by members of the applicant’s family. This includes a parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin.

 Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country where the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified in Canada don’t need to supply an affidavit.

Document Notes Where to upload the document in the application
Statutory declaration form

All applicants must include the completed statutory declaration form to their TRV application.

Use the same statutory declaration that was submitted with the crisis web form.

Funds (proof)
Consent to disclose personal information

For situations A and C, upload one signed form for each applicant who is 18 years of age or older.

For situation B, upload a screenshot or image of the text message or email for each applicant who is 18 years of age or older.

Consent personal information
Additional background information (form IMM 0706) (PDF, 1.77 MB)

One form is required for each applicant between the ages of 14 and 79.

Because biometrics can’t be collected in Gaza at this time, applicants are required to submit this form to support their application.

Employer letter
A copy of the applicant’s passport If you’re not able to get a copy of the applicant’s passport, provide a letter explanation why you can’t get it. Passport/travel document
Proof of the applicant's relationship to the anchor or to the family member described in group 1

Examples of accepted documents include a birth certificate, marriage certificate or declaration of common-law relationship.

If you’re not able to get a copy of a proof of relationship document, provide a letter of explanation telling us why you can’t get it.

Additional documents

A copy of your passport or travel document issued by the Palestinian Authority, showing residence in Gaza This document is required if you are the person described in group 1. It is used to prove that you’re living in Gaza. Additional documents

Use of a representative form (IMM 5476) (PDF, 264 KB)

This form is required if someone else is completing and submitting the application on behalf of you and your family.

If you’re not able to sign this form and your representative is submitting on your behalf, your representative should complete sections A and B of the form. The representative should leave section D blank.

Use of a representative IMM5476

Know the fees you need to pay

Before you submit your application, you need to pay the below fees. However, fee exemptions are in place and you may be eligible for a refund.

The fees include

You don’t have to pay the fees yourself. You can have somebody else pay the fees as long as an acceptable method of payment is used. We accept credit cards and prepaid cards from Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, JCB® and UnionPay®.

Log in to the IRCC Portal

You must use the IRCC Portal to apply for a temporary resident visa. If you don’t have an IRCC Portal account, you need to create an account first. You can use the same account for each applicant.

If you’re a representative (someone applying on behalf of the applicant such as their anchor, another family member, a friend or a paid representative) be sure to identify yourself as a representative when you’re asked during the TRV application.

After creating your account, log in and follow these steps:

  1. Under “Start an application:” select “Apply to visit, study or work in Canada as a temporary resident.
  2. Check the acknowledgment checkbox and click the “Start application” button
  3. If you’re applying for more than 1 person, answer “Yes” to the question “Do you want to apply for more than 1 person at the same time?
    • On the “Manage group page,” click the “Add member” button for each person in the family unit that is applying.
    • Click the “Continue” button for each applicant to start filling out their application. One TRV application must be completed for each person in the family unit.
    • The names of each group member will update automatically once their information has been entered into the application.
  4. Under “I want to apply for a:” select “Visitor visa or super visa.
  5. Under “Why do you need a visa?” select 1 of the options below (depending on the person in group 1’s relationship to the anchor):
    • To visit my spouse, common-law partner, dependent child, parent, step-parents, guardian or tutor who is a Canadian citizen, person registered under Canada’s Indian act or permanent resident of Canada
    • To visit my grandparent, grandchild, sibling, half-sibling, step-sibling or non-dependent child who is a Canadian citizen, person registered under Canada’s Indian Act or permanent resident of Canada
  6. In the “Tell us about what you’ll do in Canada. Include dates” text box, enter the applicant’s unique reference code.
    • You can find the code in the letter we sent you after you submitted the crisis web form.
    • Enter 1 code per applicant.
    • If more than one person is applying for a TRV, each applicant must use the unique reference code that was assigned to them.
  7. On the “Documents to support your application“ page, upload the required documents in the fields listed above.
  8. Complete the consent and declaration.
  9. Complete the application for each member of your group.
  10. Pay any applicable fees with a credit card.
  11. Submit your application.
    • A family unit can submit their TRV applications together as a group.
  12. If you’re applying for more than 1 family unit, you need to start another application. Start again at step 1 and complete the TRV applications for the next family unit.

Apply online using the IRCC Portal(opens in a new tab) 

If you have an existing TRV application in progress updated January 13, 2024

To ask us to process your existing TRV application under these measures, you need to update your application and send us the required documents.

This stage can be completed by you or your representative (someone applying on your behalf such as your anchor, another family member, a friend or a paid representative).

Before starting this stage, you must have your unique reference code. You must use the code for this stage of the process.


Get the required documents ready

You must include all the documents below with your request. If you don’t submit these documents with your request, we won’t be able to process your application under these measures. Documents written in a language other than French or English must be translated.

Translation of documents

You must include the following with any document that is not in English or French:

Translations may be done by

  • a person who is fluent in both languages (English or French, and the unofficial language) or
  • a certified Canadian translator (a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada)

If the translation isn’t done by a certified Canadian translator, the person who completed the translation must provide an affidavit swearing to their language proficiency and the accuracy of the translation.

The affidavit must be sworn in the presence of:

In Canada:

Authority to certify varies by province and territory. Consult your local provincial or territorial authorities.

Outside of Canada:

  • a notary public

Authority to administer oaths varies by country. Consult your local authorities.

Important information: Translations must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by members of the applicant’s family. This includes a parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin.

Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country where the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified in Canada don’t need to supply an affidavit.

Document Notes
Statutory declaration form

Use the same statutory declaration that was submitted with the crisis web form.

Consent to disclose personal information

This form must be completed if you’re 18 years of age or older.

For situations A and C, complete the section for your situation and upload the form.

For situation B, upload a screenshot or image of the text message or email.

Additional background information (form IMM 0706) (PDF, 1.77 MB)

This form is required if you’re between the ages of 14 and 79.

Because biometrics can’t be collected in Gaza at this time, applicants are required to submit this form to support their application.

Proof of the applicant's relationship to the anchor or to the family member described in group 1

Examples of accepted documents include a birth certificate, marriage certificate and declaration of common-law relationship.

If you’re not able to get a copy of a proof of relationship document, provide a letter of explanation telling us why you can’t get it.

A copy of the applicant’s passport or travel document issued by the Palestinian Authority, showing residence in Gaza This document is required if you’re the person described in group 1. It’s used to prove that you’re living in Gaza.
Use of a representative form (IMM 5476) (PDF, 264 KB)

This form is required if someone else is completing and submitting the application on your behalf. If you already uploaded this form with your existing TRV application, you don’t need to include it again.

If you’re not able to sign this form and your representative is submitting on your behalf, your representative should complete sections A and B of the form. The representative should leave section D blank.

Upload your documents and submit your request

You must use the IRCC web form to

This is a different web form than the one that was used in stage 2.

When completing the web form, you must include the below information:

Go to the IRCC web form

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