Progress report definitions

DND/CAF have indicated that they accept the recommendations.
Not Accepted
DND/CAF have not indicated that they accept the recommendations, or have indicated that they do not accept the recommendations.
Met / Implemented
Work completed to date fully or largely meets the intent of the recommendation, including circumstances where the recommendation has been implemented to the extent demonstrably possible within existing DND/CAF authorities.
Partially Implemented
Work is underway to address the substance of the recommendation, and it is reasonably probable that additional progress will be made;
Work began to address the substance of the recommendation, but one or more aspects of the recommendation have since become objectively un-implementable or overtaken by events.
Not Met / Not Implemented
Work to address the substance of the recommendation has not begun;
Work completed to date does not largely meet the intent of the recommendation, work started on implementation of the recommendation.
Unable to Assess
Insufficient information is available to make an assessment, including in circumstances where DND/CAF has not yet provided adequate responses.

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