Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund

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About the fund

The Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund is formerly known as the Innovation Strategy. It provides national funding to support the delivery of innovative, community-based programs in mental health promotion for:

Funding supports priority groups susceptible to mental health inequities, such as:

Funding helps to generate new knowledge about what programs and policies work, for whom and in what contexts. The aim is to:

This approach seeks to contribute to health equity through scale up and systems change to promote positive mental health in Canada.

Phased funding model

The program's phased approach to funding begins with an initial design phase through to eventual scale up of mental health promotion interventions, pending assessment. The timeline for funded projects follows 3 phases:

An innovative approach

This innovative approach to mental health promotion focuses on 6 key characteristics:

  1. support for social innovation
  2. investment in large-scale projects
  3. support, capacity-building and flexibility for projects
  4. special focus on knowledge development and exchange; and evaluation
  5. emphasis on multi-sectoral partnerships from within and outside the health sector
  6. spirit of continuous learning and critical reflection
Figure 1. Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund: Equality vs. Equity
Figure 1: Text description

Action and Knowledge on the Determinants of Health Among People and Communities in Canada.

Equality means that everyone is given the same support, without considering what each person needs to succeed.
Equity means everyone is given the support they need to succeed.
Removing barriers
By addressing the cause of the inequity and removing systemic barriers, each person can now succeed without the need for support.

The Public Health Agency of Canada's Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund is a national grants and contributions program. It provides multi-year funding and support to population health interventions across Canada using a population health research approach. The Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund and its funded projects aim to discover what programs and policies work, for whom and in what context. To learn more, contact us at:

Funded projects

Examples of funded projects include:

The Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund projects are supported by a Knowledge Development and Exchange Hub. Visit the KDE Hub website to learn more about the Hub and the funded projects.

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