Vaccination and pregnancy: After pregnancy
On this page
- Vaccines you need after pregnancy
- Breastfeeding and vaccines
- Family and visitors
- Your baby's first vaccinations
Vaccines you need after pregnancy
If you missed certain vaccines before or during pregnancy, you should get them after your baby is born. This will lower the chance that you'll get a vaccine-preventable disease and spread it to your baby. This is especially important while your baby is too young to receive certain vaccines.
Breastfeeding and vaccines
Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your child from serious diseases. Keep your child up to date with the recommended vaccines. Breast milk is not a substitute for vaccination.
While breastfeeding, it's safe for your baby and for you to receive most vaccines. Some less common vaccines should generally be avoided during breastfeeding, such as the:
- yellow fever vaccine
- tuberculosis vaccine (BCG or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine)
Talk to your health care provider about vaccines that can protect you and your baby during breastfeeding.
Learn more about:
Travelling abroad
If you're planning to travel abroad with your child:
- talk to your health care provider or
- visit a travel health clinic to find out which vaccines are recommended
Learn more about travel vaccination.
Flu season
If you're breastfeeding during flu season, you should get a flu vaccine, which will reduce the chances of you getting the flu and passing it on to your baby. This is especially important for babies under 6 months who can't get the flu shot and can get very sick from the flu.
Even if:
- you didn't get a flu shot while pregnant, get one as soon as possible
- this will help prevent getting the flu and passing it on to your baby
- you're no longer breastfeeding, you should still get the flu shot
Learn more about the flu vaccine.
Family and visitors
Protect your baby by making sure all members of your household and anyone who visits or cares for your baby:
- is up to date on vaccinations
- doesn't have an infection, such as the flu or COVID-19
- doesn't have any symptoms of an infection, such as a fever or cough
- washes their hands often with soap and water
Learn more about:
- Adult vaccination
- Flu prevention practices
- COVID-19: Individual public health measures
- Vaccination and pregnancy: COVID-19
- Reduce the spread of COVID-19: Wash your hands (printable poster)
Your baby's first vaccinations
Babies get their first vaccinations within the first 2 months of age. Talk to your health care provider or local public health authority about the timing of vaccines.
You can use a scheduling tool to get your baby's vaccination schedule. You can also use a mobile application to keep track of your child's vaccinations.
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