Vaccination and pregnancy: During pregnancy

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Vaccines you need during pregnancy

Some vaccines are particularly important during pregnancy because they may help protect:

If you're pregnant, you should be vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis) and flu (influenza). Talk to your health care provider or local public health authority to make sure you are up to date with other recommended vaccines for adults, such as the COVID-19 vaccine.

You should get the following vaccinations during pregnancy. They have a good safety profile and help protect you and your baby.

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Flu vaccine

During flu season, anyone who's pregnant or planning to become pregnant should get the flu shot. The flu is more likely to cause severe illness during pregnancy because your body goes through many changes. These changes can affect the immune system, heart and lungs. This makes it harder for your body to fight off infections, increasing the risk of complications.

You can get the flu vaccine at any stage of your pregnancy, no matter which trimester you're in. You can get the flu vaccine at the same time as, or anytime before or after, another vaccine, including:

  • COVID-19 vaccines
  • Tdap (pertussis) vaccines

Receiving the flu vaccine during pregnancy helps to protect you as well as your baby who is also at increased risk for serious flu complications. This is important because babies younger than 6 months can't get vaccinated against the flu. Your flu shot helps protect your baby from the flu for several months after they’re born.

Learn more about the flu vaccine.

Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine

During each pregnancy, you should get the Tdap vaccine, even if you've received it before. You should get it when you're between 27 and 32 weeks pregnant.

Whooping cough (pertussis) is particularly dangerous for infants under 2 months of age because they're too young to be vaccinated. When you get the Tdap vaccine in pregnancy, you produce antibodies that protect your newborn during the first months of life.

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Hepatitis B vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine may be recommended during pregnancy for certain high-risk groups.

Learn more about hepatitis B.

Other vaccines

Your health care provider may recommend other vaccines in certain high-risk situations. For example:

  • if you're travelling to an area where a disease is common
  • if you've been exposed to a disease
  • during an outbreak
  • when indicated due to a health condition or other risk factors

If you're travelling abroad while pregnant

If you're planning to travel abroad while pregnant:

Ask about vaccines you may need. Many vaccine-preventable diseases are common in other parts of the world.

Depending on where you plan to travel and what you plan to do there, you may need additional vaccinations.

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