CCDR: Volume 41-7, July 2, 2015: Measles elimination


Inside this issue: Measles elimination

Canada has maintained its measles elimination status, despite a rising number of measles cases in 2014, because of prompt clinical and public health responses that have limited the length of outbreaks to less than 12 months. Learn how to effectively stop a measles outbreak in a community that is known to be under-vaccinated due to religious beliefs and read about developments that are currently being evaluated to strengthen our capacity to maintain measles elimination in Canada. In our ID News section, read an update on the receding Ebola outbreak, the differential diagnosis for travellers with fever from Ebola affected countries and consider some early reflections on the implications of the outbreak for global health security.

Table of contents

Measles surveillance in Canada: Trends for 2014
Sherrard L, Hiebert J, Squires S

Outbreak report
Outbreak of measles in an unvaccinated population, British Columbia, 2014
Naus M, Puddicombe D, Murti M, Fung C, Stam R, Loadman S et al.

Maintaining measles elimination in Canada: Moving forward
Lam P, Williams L, Gadient S, Squires S, St-Laurent M

ID News
Ebola update

Useful links
Public Health Agency of Canada. Measles and Rubella Weekly Monitoring Report 2015

World Health Organization. Ebola Situation Reports 2015

Upcoming conference
August 24-26, 2015: 9th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

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