CCDR Corrections : 44-10


Volume 44-11, November 1, 2018: Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance


Authors’ correction: Can Commun Dis Rep 2018;44(10)

CCDR Editorial team1


1 CCDR Editorial Office, Infection Prevention and Control Branch, Public Health Agency of Canada, ON


Suggested citation

Canada Communicable Disease Report Editorial Team. Authors’ correction: Can Commun Dis Rep 2018;44(10):273. Can Commn Dis Rep 2018;44(11):308

In the article “The continued rise of Lyme disease in Ontario, Canada: 2017” Footnote 1 the following correction was made on October 11, 2018 upon the request of the authors.

In the section titled “Affiliations”, the following affiliation was added and identified as number eight (8), National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, MB and associated with the author K. Cronin.

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