CCDR: Volume 45-6 June 6, 2019: Influenza: An update


Table of contents

Advisory Committee Statement
Summary of the NACI Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Statement for 2019–2020
L Zhao, K Young, I Gemmill on behalf of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)

Should individuals use influenza vaccine effectiveness studies to inform their decision to get vaccinated?
L Zhao, R Stirling, K Young

Canadian pandemic influenza preparedness: Public health measures strategy
B Henry on behalf of the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Task Group

Increase in ST-11 serogroup W Neisseria meningitidis invasive meningococcal disease in Canada, 2016–2018
RS Tsang, L Hoang, GJ Tyrrell, J Minion, P Van Caeseele, JV Kus, B Lefebvre, D Haldane, R Garceau, G German, G Zahariadis, B Hanley

ID News
2018/19 influenza vaccine had low late-season effectiveness against the A(H3N2) influenza virus

Children under 10 years of age were more affected by the influenza A(H1N1) virus in 2018/19 than in previous years

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