CCDR: Vol. 46 No. 2/3-Feb/Mar 2020: Public Health Network

Published by: The Public Health Agency of Canada
Date published: February 6, 2020
ISSN: 1481-8531
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Table of contents
Networking—A quintessential public health activity
M Deilgat, P Huston
Canada’s National Collaborating Centres: Facilitating evidence-informed decision-making in public health
A Dubois, M Lévesque
Advisory Committee Statement
Summary of the NACI Statement on the Use of Bivalent Factor H Binding Protein Meningococcal Serogroup B (MenB-fHBP) Vaccine for the Prevention of Meningococcal B Disease
R Harrison, R Stirling, O Baclic, W Vaudry, on behalf of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)
Outbreak report
Infection prevention and control lapse involving medical equipment reprocessing at a family medicine clinic in Ottawa, Ontario, 2018
G Cadieux, DS Friedman, L Tilley, T Mazzulli, C McDermaid
Optimizing communication material to address vaccine hesitancy
E Dubé, D Gagnon, M Vivion
ID News
Effective partnerships to address public health priorities
The impact of medical legal partnerships to improve health outcome
2019 novel coronavirus: Outbreak update
Can Commun Dis Rep 2020:46(1) Erratum
Canada Communicable Disease Report Editorial Team
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