Erratum, CCDR 2020;46(1)


Volume 46–2/3, February 6, 2020: Public Health Network


Can Commun Dis Rep 2020:46(1) Erratum

Canada Communicable Disease Report Editorial Team

Vol. 46, No. 1

In the report “National Influenza Mid-Season Report, 2019–2020” on page 25, it should read: “This is a summary of Canada’s influenza season based on surveillance data available from August 25 to December 14, 2019 (epidemiological weeks 35 to 50) and strain characterization and antiviral testing data available from September 1 to December 19, 2019 (1)… instead of “This is a summary of Canada’s influenza season… in the weekly FluWatch reports prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada.”

On page 26, it should read “The National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) has characterized 159 influenza viruses (78 A(H3N2), 45 A(H1N1)…” instead of 45 A(H2N3).

On page 26, it should read “A total of 36 influenza B viruses… in the production of the 2019–2020…” instead of 2018–2019.

On page 27 reference 8, it should read “Allen UD” instead of “Upton DA”.


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