Types of violence and abuse

Information on different types of violence and abuse.

Services and information

What is family violence?

Understand how to recognize violence between family members or people in intimate partner relationships.

What is child abuse?

Learn about types of child abuse, the signs and symptoms, prevention, and how to help a child and report abuse.

Financial abuse of seniors

Get facts on financial abuse of elderly persons. Know the signs and how to protect yourself.

Abuse of seniors

Find facts on elder abuse, the signs and symptoms and how to protect yourself.

Abuse in intimate partner relationships

Find out how to tell if someone in an intimate relationship is being abused by their partner.

Dating violence

Be informed about dating violence and its warning signs. Know what to do to make it stop and how to be a friend to someone who is being abused.

Sexual abuse

Explore the forms of sexual abuse and the special laws that protect children.

Physical abuse

Find out about physical abuse and the types of acts that are crimes in Canada.

Emotional abuse

Learn about emotional or psychological abuse and which forms are crimes in Canada.


Know about stalking and what you can do if you are being stalked.


Find information on how to recognize and prevent bullying. Also learn about bullying prevention programs.


Learn about cyberbullying and what you can do about it as a parent or teenager.

Workplace violence

Understand workplace violence, its different forms, warning signs and how to prevent it.

What we are doing

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