Assess candidates at your convenience using pre-recorded video interviews (20-09)

The Public Service Commission is pleased to launch the first module of its Video Recruitment Toolkit: Video Assessment.

This module provides practical guidance for human resources professionals and hiring managers on using pre-recorded video interviews to assess candidates in a selection process. More specifically, this module:

The Public Service Commission developed this toolkit in response to enquiries from departments and agencies, but also to explore how technology and innovative practices can assist in reducing time to staff, improving accessibility and increasing efficiency. We decided to launch the first module now as it could prove particularly useful in our current circumstances. The other 2 modules, on video-enhanced job advertisements and applications by video, are being finalized and will be made available in the early summer months.

We would like to thank the departments and agencies that participated in the consultations. Their invaluable input allowed us to identify best practices in the public service as well as key considerations when using video interviews.

We hope that you find this module useful, and we encourage you to share it as you see fit. If you require further clarification or have additional questions, please contact your organization’s staffing support advisor. We also invite your staff to visit our human resources specialists’ information web page on a regular basis; it will be updated as new material becomes available.

Thank you.

Patricia Jaton
Policy and Communications

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