Disclosure of Personal Information

In the context of its investigations, the Public Service Commission (PSC) may disclose personal information obtained in the course of an investigation about one or more persons. Specifically, some information collected or created in the course of an investigation may be shared with other individuals involved in the investigation and federal organizations involved in the investigation, Canadian law enforcement partners, other oversight bodies, or private or public-sector organizations. In doing so, the PSC considers the public interest as well as the private interests of the affected person and determines the method of disclosure.

Legislative authority to disclose personal information

Section 19 of the Public Service Employment Regulations authorizes the Public Service Commission (PSC) to disclose personal information obtained in the course of an investigation into an appointment process.

Section 14 of the Political Activities Regulations allows the PSC to disclose personal information obtained in the course of an investigation into improper political activities.

Section 8 of the Privacy Act includes other circumstances in which personal information may be disclosed.

Process for disclosing personal information

  • The Public Service Commission (PSC) decides whether to initiate disclosure procedures
  • If the disclosure process is initiated, the person(s) affected may be informed of the potential disclosure; the PSC may share a draft of the material to be disclosed for their comments
  • The Commission weighs the privacy interests of the individual against the public interest in disclosure and renders a decision specifying the material to be disclosed
  • When the Commission decides to disclose, it also determines which information will be disclosed and how it will be disseminated; for example, it can publish a summary of the case on the PSC's website for a prescribed period of time, and inform oversight organizations such as the RCMP or other public or private-sector organizations
  • Persons to whom the information refers are usually made aware of the disclosure decision, unless it is not in the public interest to do so

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