General Intelligence Test – (GIT-310)

Replacement of this test 

As of January 2, 2023, the General Competency Test: Level 2 (GCT2- 314) will replace this test as an alternative to a university education requirement.

If you’ve taken the GIT-310 as an alternative to a university education requirement and passed, you don’t need to take the GCT2-314 for this purpose. 

Learn more about the General Competency Test: Level 2 (GCT2-314)


The purpose of the General Intelligence Test (310) is to assess an individual's general cognitive ability - the ability to use reasoning to solve problems at the level typically associated with the completion of university. It can serve as an alternative to a university education requirement. Qualification standards outline the minimum requirements necessary to perform the work in a given occupational group, including alternatives to education. More information is available in the questions and answers on qualification standards.


The General Intelligence Test 310 has five sub-tests, with a total of 121 multiple-choice questions. The sub-tests are as follows:

  • General Information – 20 questions
  • Similarities – 16 questions
  • Arithmetic – 15 questions
  • Memory – 30 questions
  • Block Design – 40 questions

The test takes about one hour and 20 minutes to write, including time for administrative purposes.

The pass mark is 68/121.

Retest period

There is a 180-day waiting period before you can rewrite the test. You may not retake it until the retest period has elapsed. If you rewrite the test before the retest period has elapsed, your result will not be valid and a new retest period will be imposed from the most recent test date.

The test is scored within 48 hours by the Personnel Psychology Centre; the human resources advisor responsible for the process will send you the results.

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