Simulations for the Selection of Executives - Questions and Answers
What is SELEX?
SELEX refers to the Simulations for the Selection of Executives. It is an assessment instrument used for entry to the EX group.
Is SELEX mandatory?
No, SELEX is not mandatory for entry to the EX group.
SELEX is a standardized Public Service Commission (PSC) test that provides departments and agencies with a rigorous, independent, third-party assessment of candidates at the EX minus 1 and 2 levels aspiring to entry-level executive positions.
Who was consulted in the development of SELEX?
To identify a recommended approach, the Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC) of the PSC undertook a comprehensive environmental scan, including extensive stakeholder consultation, benchmarking with other organizations and review of research information. The consultations revealed that stakeholders still wanted a rigorous, independent, third-party assessment of leadership competencies. They also favoured interactive simulations, primarily because simulations focus on this “people” aspect of leadership and producing results.
What does SELEX assess?
SELEX assesses aspects of the new Key Leadership Competencies (2015). The competencies include: Uphold Integrity and Respect, Create Vision and Strategy, Collaborate with Partners and Stakeholders, Achieve Results and Mobilize People. These competencies have been noted as ones that are well assessed by interactive simulations.
What will my results look like?
Participants in SELEX will receive five ratings. Each rating will range from 1 to 5. The five ratings reflect performance in SELEX on Uphold Integrity and Respect, Create Vision and Strategy, Collaborate with Partners and Stakeholders, Achieve Results and Mobilize People.
Are my SELEX results obtained from 2004 to 2015 still considered valid?
Yes, the results are still valid. In aligning SELEX with the new profile, all the behaviours that are assessed in SELEX are retained to evaluate and report on aspects of the new Key Leadership Competencies (2015). Accordingly, should your SELEX results be required for selection processes involving the new profile, your ratings on the behaviours will be expressed in terms of five ratings; one rating each for: Uphold Integrity and Respect, Create Vision and Strategy, Collaborate with Partners and Stakeholders, Achieve Results and Mobilize People. To receive your results converted to report on the new Key Leadership Competencies (2015), contact the Assessment Centre SELEX Coordinator or call 819-420-8777.
What happens at SELEX?
SELEX consists of a series of interrelated simulations in which the candidate assumes the duties and responsibilities of a director in a simulated organization. The simulations provide the candidate with an opportunity to demonstrate the Key Leadership Competencies (2015) as they deal with the varied issues and challenges that are typical of entry-level executive positions. The candidate's behaviour on each of the competencies is observed, recorded and evaluated by trained assessors using standardized rating procedures.
As a candidate, how can I prepare for SELEX?
Seven days before participating in SELEX, you will receive instructions and background information for preparation, including various information on the simulated organization, the director's position, the simulations, and the Key Leadership Competencies (2015) and behaviours to be assessed.
It is very important that you take sufficient time to read the background information and allow the materials to “sink in”.
It is also very important to familiarize yourself with the Key Leadership Competencies (2015), in particular the behaviours that will be assessed at the director level.
In each of the meetings, you will be observed by trained assessors. Moreover, your assessment results will depend on the behaviors you demonstrate as you face the challenges in the meetings. Think of effective strategies you have used in the past to problem-solve and interact positively. You should therefore be prepared to make your thoughts, plans, decisions and rationales explicit, rather than assuming the assessors will know what you would do as the director in the simulation.
Since the day at SELEX will be stimulating, you are advised to have a good rest the night before. You are also advised to give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the assessment site so that you will not start the day feeling rushed.
How will SELEX results be used?
In entry-level selection processes, selection board members will combine information from SELEX with information on other merit criteria and information from other instruments prior to a candidate being appointed.
If you have any questions, contact the PPC at:
Telephone: 819-420-8671
Fax: 819-420-8594
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