Dual employment
This page provides information about dual employment.
On this page
Dual employment defined
Dual employment occurs when an indeterminate (permanent) employee on an extended period of leave without pay (LWOP) accepts another position for a specified period in the same or different department.
The decision to accept another specified period position depends on the type of LWOP you are granted. For example, if you are granted maternity, parental, care of family, or educational LWOP, you would not accept alternate employment since you are expected to cease employment in your regular position. However if, for example, you are granted relocation of spouse LWOP, you could accept a specified period position in the area you are relocating to.
You will be required to resign or transfer in order to accept an indeterminate (permanent) appointment in another position.
At the end of your authorized LWOP, you are expected to:
- return to your regular position
- request approval for an extension of the LWOP
- resign from your regular position
Pay rates
The specified period position pay rate is calculated based on the rate for your new position, not the pay rate you were receiving in your regular position. The specified period position pay rate is not considered when you return to your regular position or if you are appointed to another indeterminate (permanent) position.
Terms and conditions
Dual employment is subject to the relevant authorities such as collective agreements or the various terms and conditions of employment of the specified period position.
Vacation and sick leave
Vacation and sick leave credits from your regular position cannot be accessed or used during your specified period position. Any leave that you have earned in your regular position will remain banked until you either return to your regular position or cease employment from your regular position.
You earn vacation leave credits based on your total period and tenure of employment. These credits are earned at the rate applicable to your combined years of service. For example, your service prior to the LWOP in your regular position and for the specified period position.
You can earn sick leave in your specified period position; however, you can only use your sick leave credits after 3 months of continuous service.
All unused vacation leave credits earned during your specified period position are cashed out at the end of your term; however, unused sick leave credits are transferred to your regular indeterminate position at the end of your specified period position.
The Pay Centre
As part of the staffing process, the Human Resources section of the department offering you the specified period position will forward information about your employment to the Pay Centre. Once you have signed the Letter of Offer, you should also contact the Client Contact Centre to ensure they are aware of the dual employment situation. The Pay Centre will provide you with a letter outlining your available options and other details about your dual employment specified period position.
As a newly appointed employee, your first pay cheque should be issued within 25 days of receipt of the following forms at the Pay Centre:
- letter of offer
- provincial tax forms
- employee questionnaire or equivalent
- direct deposit enrolment form with a pay action request form
For more information, see the Pay Centre service standards.
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