Trusted sources and pay action requests
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Making a pay-related request
The pay action request (PAR) form is a standard, machine-readable form.
A pay action request form must accompany all pay-related requests submitted to the Public Service Pay Centre. All PAR form requests must involve initial pay actions that need to be taken by the Pay Centre. Any questions, follow-ups or status updates are handled directly by the Client Contact Centre.
The system will reject pay-related requests submitted without a fully completed pay action request form.
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Trusted sources and request authentication
The Public Service Pay Centre uses designated trusted sources to ensure that professionals with signing authority under section 34 of the Financial Administration Act have approved certain pay-related requests. These trusted sources authenticate approvals related to any request that affects financial results or a manager’s budget. Once the designated trusted source confirms that a request has been approved by an entity with signing authority under section 34, the request is submitted to the Public Service Pay Centre for processing via an approved Trusted Source email.
Important departmental responsibilities
Departments are responsible for ensuring the proper administration and application of the Financial Administration Act to all pay requests submitted to the Pay Centre and for maintaining a list of their Trusted Sources who are permitted to access the official Trusted Source email address, and submit PAR (pay action request) forms from the Trusted Source email account.
Departments are also responsible for ensuring that the Public Service Pay Centre has a current Trusted Source email listing for their organization.
To ensure compliance with Pay Centre's Control Framework and Segregation of Duties, and in line with the Financial Administration Act (FAA), Trusted Sources cannot validate or submit pay actions that are for themselves directly.
Departmental controls: When do you need a trusted source?
Each pay action requested by a department must be duly authorized. Departments exercise control by providing PeopleSoft access to certain officials in their department who can directly initiate specific pay actions within Phoenix (for example, new hires starting at minimum salary, promotions, transfers, etc.) and also by appointing and tracking individuals named as Trusted Sources who will validate other managerial pay-related requests, submitted via PAR forms.
A Trusted Source validation is required on those pay action requests which can’t be initiated directly via a PeopleSoft data entry, and which affect departmental budgets. The Trusted Source is a person designated within a client department, who validates that the manager with the requisite signing authority (Sec 34 of the FAA) has authorized that pay action, and who then submits it to the Pay Centre via an authorized email address using a PAR form.
If the pay request does not require the manager’s approval, (for example, employee is changing their bank account or updating their personal benefits) a Trusted Source validation is similarly not required.
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