Report a problem with your pay

This page provides steps to follow if you need to report a pay issue.

On this page

This page applies to departments and agencies served by the Pay Centre. Employees of departments and agencies not served by the Pay Centre should contact their departmental compensation unit. All employees, regardless of department or agency, can submit My Pay Enquiry forms.

All employees should request additional guidance from their manager, departmental human resources (HR) unit and finance unit, as pay-related information and processes are subject to change.

If you are experiencing problems with your pay, follow the steps below to help ensure your pay issue is resolved quickly and accurately.

Step 1: Inform your manager

The first step is to inform your section 34 manager, who can guide you through your department’s internal HR processes and help you identify the best options available for your particular issue. This first step is critical in identifying whether your issue is related to:

Step 2: Report your pay issue

Your manager will help you choose one of the following 3 options:

  1. call the Client Contact Centre to speak to an agent:
    • in Canada or the United States: 1‑855‑686‑4729, Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm eastern time
    • outside Canada and the United States: 506‑424‑4330, Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm eastern time
  2. submit a My Pay Enquiry form, which can be used to flag a:
    • technical issue
    • missing pay or concern about your pay
    • $0 pay, in which case, you should also immediately inform your manager
  3. submit a pay action request form

Important Note

A pay action request (PAR) form is only required when a specified action (not an enquiry) is being requested by the Pay Centre. A client can complete and submit a form on their own for certain personal actions (such as changes to benefits, direct deposit or taxation changes, or when forwarding a cheque to pay back amounts owed). Note, however, that the majority of specified actions affecting pay requires a trusted source. This means that the form must be approved by a section 34 manager and then sent to your department’s trusted source. The trusted source authenticates the delegated authority and signature of the requesting manager and submits the PAR form to the Pay Centre.

Step 3: Track your pay issue in MyGCPay

You can track any enquiries that have been created as a result of either contacting the Client Contact Centre, submitting a My Pay Enquiry form, or a PAR, by logging in to the MyGCPay application. The application can be accessed internally through a Government of Canada network, or externally if you:

If you do not have access to the Compensation Web Applications or the MyGCPay web application, contact the Client Contact Centre at 1-855-686-4729 (in Canada or the United States) or 1-506-424-4330 (outside Canada and the United States).

Tips on submitting a pay action request

Related links

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